As a child living in our old cotton mill house, raised by my grandmother, great aunt and her daughter (my cousin), I had many frightening, paranormal experiences. I will elaborate on some of them as time goes on, but this story is a recap of many of the things I experienced living in that house a young child.
I heard the classic footsteps, sounds of paper being crumpled, sounds of books falling when nothing was out of place. Everybody in the family, including myself, heard our names called, Once I woke up and heard an soft, echoey female voice whisper, "Deep Magic." (By way of some explanation, Deep Magic was a facial moisturizer). I once woke up to see a tiny pinpoint of light in my room which expanded until the entire room was a bright as day and then faded quickly back to darkness.
Once I crawled under my grandmother's bed while everybody was outside, something I was not allowed to do, and heard a deep, gruff voice beside my ear say one word..."gray." I had then and still have no idea what that could have meant, but I got the heck out from under that bed and never went back under there again. I had an encounter and long conversation in the house with a strange, unknown, elderly woman who called herself, "Granny Grunt." I saw a little black imp, the shadow of a skeleton and a handless arm which came up from between the bars in my iron bedspread, and saw blood drip from the ceiling.
When I was about four I saw a shadowy figure that at the time, I thought was the Easter Bunny, walk through the living room and disappear into the wall. I now suspect there might have been some sort of gateway in my cousin's room because much of the activity seems to come from or disappear in that direction.
One night when I was about 12, I had gone to bed early and had a dream that a being (who looked like what UFOlogists call an alien "gray") was trying to force a full sized apple down my throat. I awoke gasping for breath and choking with that feeling still lingering in my throat of something big being forced down it. I just this moment began to wonder if there was some connection with that occurrence and the word "gray" I heard whispered under my grandmother's bed years earlier.
My grandmother had an old rocking chair with a woven cane bottom which creaked loudly whenever you would sit down in it or get up. Well, when I was in my teens, my Great Aunt broke her hip and later died of cancer, for two nights in a row I heard something sit down in that chair, squirm around a little bit and then get up. I once heard the sound of the chair rocking in the night. Additionally, while my Great Aunt was in the hospital dying of cancer, I was awakened three nights in a row by something banging on the front door. Of course, nobody was there but my Great Aunt died three days later.
Later on, when I was in my 20's still living in that house, I awoke to see a short woman with her hair in a bun and a white apron over an old fashioned dress standing by my bed who quickly vanished. I had many experiences of being in that half awake and unable to move state, while hearing voices talking and people moving around in the house. Once while I was in that state and unable to move, I felt and heard something leap quickly into bed beside me and lie there growling menacingly. It vanished, of course when I was able to fully wake up and I never actually saw anything.
I finally got married when I was 28 and moved away. After my cousin passed away, I inherited the house and my husband and I moved back into it. Strangely enough, I never heard or saw anything in those days we lived there together. The house was totally quiet and peaceful.
Thank you