This story is actually my grandmother's, but I thought it was so amazing. My grandfather passed away on 7/11/03 due to heart failure. My grandmother was solely dependent on him and had never so much as had a job or gotten her license. She was completely helpless. When he passed on my mother decided to move her away from South Carolina and bring her to live with us in Georgia.
At the time of his passing they had been married for 43 years. At midnight on the start of their wedding anniversary she woke suddenly woke up and looked at the cable box which reflected a green 44. Comcast cable only has their numbers in orange so we knew it wasn't the channel she was watching. She's had several occurrences where she could hear him calling her name and also there was a call to my aunts cell phone one day from the cell number they used to have.
When he first passed I could feel his presence following me around the only house he was familiar with in GA. When I finally went to see my grandmother at my moms he went with me and I never felt him again.
I hope you enjoyed my short story and maybe give me some insight as well as I am not sensitive to these types of things. Thanks again for reading!
I guess we will never know and that is why we have this wonderfull website.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderfull story obviously you grand daddy was too inlove with grandma to leave her.
Good luck