I'm Piro and I wrote the Nikki story.
Back track to when I was 5 or 6, sitting on my bed with my best friend. We both went to a Catholic school and we were wondering if God ever came down to earth.
I kicked him out for a moment and tried to ask Him to give us a sign of his presence. I opened my eyes and nothing happened so I left to play with my friend for a few minutes. Maybe fifteen minutes passed when I went back to my room (which had been cleaned earlier).
A small toy that had been tucked away on a high shelf was sitting upright on my bed. By the way, the only other person in the house was my rather short mother, who couldn't reach the shelf and my cat was at the vet's.
Fast forward a few years to see a terrified seven year old that didn't like the Scary- Scary Room she was supposed to sleep in. I was trying to sleep when out of the corner of my eye I saw (and don't you dare laugh!) a tap dancing man floating a foot off from the ground! When I looked at him more closely he disappeared!
The owners before us moved out when her husband died of a heart-attack in the kitchen. We still know them, nice people really.