My parents, brother and I were looking to buy a house. My mum and dad looked at an old Victorian house and put an offer in for the house.
The following month we received a phone call and a letter saying "you've got the house you put an offer on a month ago". My parents, brother and I got a big shock. We all moved in about two month's later. The day we moved in we had not realised we had moved in with ghosts!
When I got into bed and as I was falling asleep, I heard a piano playing in the dining room. I thought to myself "we've never had a piano".
The following morning we received post. One of the packages was all about Victorian history and the history about our house. I got really scared and wanted to move out straight AWAY!
My mum told me that when she was walking up the stairs she felt a really cold draft but the unusual thing was none of the windows were open! My mum also saw a maid bringing down washing.
That night people came round to our house to investigate the ghost problem. They stayed all night in our house (they're brave). I was still scared in case ghosts came to curse me. In the morning the ghost hunters told my parents, my brother and me that there are spirits in our house.
The next night I went to my bedroom and said: I'm glad I have history living in my house!
See you at school!