This is actually my second time writing this story. I was almost at the end when my page went blank and it was all deleted so maybe it was meant for me to write it over.
I have been thinking a lot about my past lately since I have had some strange things occurring now. I will be honest this story does give me chills and I have tried for years to block it out of my head.
I had lived in a house until the age of nine with my mom, brother and sister. My step-dad lived with us to occasionally. I remember at night dreading bedtime. There would always be this lady standing in my bedroom doorway with her hands out. She was a young lady very beautiful. She had long red hair and she always had a white gown on. She also had a round crown on top of her head and it looked like little brown sticks were in it. I was very scared of her and I slept with my mom every night but she would never wake up. I would cry and yell at mom to wake up but she never would. Sometimes she would stand at the end of my bed. I remember sometimes running to my brother's room for comfort. He to would see the lady at times as would my sister.
One afternoon my three cousins were over. We were all in the living room when we heard my sister screaming. We all ran to her room and I swear we saw that lady walking towards my sister with her hands out. We all started screaming, my brother was telling her to leave, everything happened so fast then she was gone. My sister was crying a lot and shaking. My cousins left and they never stayed at our house again. My sister's boyfriend who was also there left as well. My sister had to meet him in other places after that happened. I remember my cousin's came over to visit some time after that but they never went in our home they would visit us on our front porch.
Years later my brother and I discussed what occurred. He said that he also used to see little boys faces, which I never did. I only saw the lady in the white gown. We also would hear a lot of noise at night coming from the kitchen and in the morning there would be dishes all over the floor stacked up. I remember it happened so often that we got used to it.
In our bathroom we had two doors with eye hooks on the inside, at times the doors would be locked and we would get scared so my brother would call the police. They came out several times and each time the window would be locked from inside plus the window was at least eight to nine feet high. The police was always puzzled because they didn't know how the door's were locking they were hooks. One time a policeman and policewoman came, they said that the house was strange and they felt it was haunted. We sure hated calling them all the time.
My mom started changing and things turned ugly for her so I was placed in foster care at the age nine. My brother and sister were quite older then me so they moved on their own. I remember always being scared in my foster homes. I was frightened all the time at night. I thought for sure I would see that lady again which I'm glad to say I never have since I moved out of that house. I was told by someone when I was little to never go back to that house and I never have. The house is located in Los Banos, Ca and it's near the main down town area. I remember my mom had a lot of old pictures out in our back porch. My brother always would say they were kind of creepy to him and we never knew who the people were in them. I don't know why that lady bothered us all the time and I don't understand why she had that crown on her head. My mom did get better years later and about eleven or twelve my brother moved her in with him. I was able to finally see and take care of her everyday. Those of you may know from my other stories that they both have passed on now. I do continue to think a lot about that old house lately I'm not sure why since I tried so hard to forget about it. I am curious to know why she would be wearing a crown.
If someone knows please share it with me thanks.