I live in Northern Ireland and my great great grandmother was a healer. I have also been blessed with the gift.
I would like some advice please.
My life has always been complicated. At a young age and growing up I was always ill and plants around me would die. But people always felt better. I always saw people who others could not. I spent a lot of my childhood trying to hide this from my family and friends.
But I am rambling!
I need to understand why my sight has changed. My grandmother died almost 3 years ago and I see her everyday. I find it difficult to not tell people when I see ghosts as I have always seen them. I recently told my mother and she really freaked out. She won't sit in the room with me for long.
The first time I met a ghost was when I was six. She was beautiful, shining and bright. She was sharp, in focus but as I got older my sight started to blur, it is not so sharp, or bright. I see my grandmother as a darker figure. Can anyone relate? Does anyone know why?
My nanny always seems surprised to see me and she is my confidante.
My fiancΓ© never believed in ghosts until I told him about his grandfather.
I love to heal and help. If anyone needs advice please ask.
Anyone who knows why the shining has faded please tell me.