There are a few of us that work at a Day Care center in Minneapolis Minnesota that believe that one of the classrooms in our building is haunted. It usually happens around closing time when all the kids have gone home for the night (usually around 11-12 at night) when one of us will walk by one particular classroom and get a strange and uncomfortable feeling as soon as we pass the classroom.
I once saw what looked like a little girl in the classroom but one entering it, no one was there. I am interested in researching the history of the building to see if I could find out any information into the phenomena.
More recently, a day ago, we had some kids watching a movie while waiting to be picked up when the light in the pre-school playroom (where things usually occur) was switched off. The other staff member and I were confused dues to the fact that the only other staff member in the building was at the time at the other end of the building and all the kids were sitting by the TV watching the movie.
We still have yet to figure out who was responsible for the light being switched off.
My opinion is that the building is haunted by a young female child probably between 3 and 5 years of age, but I have not had the opportunity as of yet to do research or investigate the situation further. I am curious to see if my opinion is correct and if so the particular facts as to why, but although I am "sensitive," I am too afraid to lead the investigation myself (my "gift" scares me more than it helps).