I'm 16, and I'm also a christian. I have had a lot of trauma throughout being a teenager with my family and major health problems. 3 years ago I moved from Texas to Connecticut to live in a house with my grandparents. The experiences all started when I began to wake up in the middle of the night. I was never paralyzed, just scared to death (almost like I was having anxiety (I just felt some kind of scary presence), and it made me really frightened, when I checked the time it was always around 3:00am.
I have also have had experiences thinking I may have been experiencing something paranormal when I had 'intrusive thoughts' I don't know if anyone else had it... Eventually I just let it go thinking it was just a part of life, maybe subconscious? But the night terrors do happen still.
I live in a new apartment now reunited with my parents, and now I'm a big believer in 'Abraham, or The Secret', so I believe you can manifest certain things in your life by the amazing power of thoughts, so for awhile I thought I may have only been setting myself up to have a more real paranormal experience by the power of thoughts.
Sometimes I just kind of feel watched... And I have also had experience feeling like someone is having sex with me, (some kind of dull movement and also orgasm I suppose) although I was never paralyzed, before I read this I thought I was just having 'female problems', I never saw anything, but it was like my subconscious automatically triggered me to believe it was some form of sex, it really scared me. I haven't had that experience in awhile, but last night I woke up with a night terror again (it was around early 5amish when I checked... eventually). I always feel the need to turn the light on and stay up, because I'm so frightened after it.
I have finally come to the conclusion that I think it's very much possible I could be having a paranormal or spirit experience. I really am desperate for feedback or information, I don't really know much more about it than what I have said, but it is really scary, I have that strong anxiety feeling also when I wake up... I know anxiety itself is a possible cause, but I have felt its been a lot more than that, like there is something in my life trying to drain me a bit. I just really would like some answers please. I know how all of this kind of sounds sounds, kind of like I just have anxiety. And I believed it too for a bit, but I'm coming the realization its been something more.
Feedback on these kind of 'spirits' or paranormal experiences would be appreciated, please and thank you!
BJJ has a great point, with or without permission allowing a spirit enter your body is called possession and while kellyfest states she has done this 3 times I still am not sure about the 'twin spirits' she refers to... Let me explain.
(This is based on research and some limited experience)
Ioa is a reference from VooDoo and covers many things...FIrst, the Ioa are based on African Tribal Gods which in VooDoo typically Identify with Roman Catholic Saints and vary from Cult to Cult. Second, it can be used in Reference to the VooDoo High God (Bon Dieu) but can also be a reference to their ancestors, the dead and spirits in general which are all worshiped by VooDoo practioners.
I know the vary basics of VooDoo, and while worshiping twins is mentioned I have not seen it refer to a twin spirit...
Having covered that I can not help but wonder what mentioning the Title of the Book had to do with...well...anyhing that was said... A simple when I was x years old or 10 years ago... Would have achieved the point that the individual had experienced something.
Anyway...rant over.
(climbs off soap box)