I've heard people say that poltergeists are demons but I'm not sure if that is exactly true. I would appreciate if you commented and told me your opinion on these situations.
Our house was a newly built house that we built. And no one died in it. I've been having very odd paranormal things happen to me and one big one is things moving on their own. One specific one is a plate that is in a cabinet and it always seems to move. I moved it straight and marked its spot and observed it constantly.
I took a nap for about 10 minutes and no one was in the house all day. When I woke the plate was turned about 3 inches from where I marked it. Nothing could've possibly moved it since it is in a cabinet and no one was home at all except me.
More things started happening after that such I would place something purposely somewhere and when I took my eye off of it for a little while it was lost. Things keep falling even when they are in impossible conditions.
Now I really need people's opinion on this. I've been seeing flashes of lights, knocking on the walls, and something walking around in the room next to mine. But every time a check it out their is no culprit what so ever. So if you could help me out with those questions that would be awesome.