This is Taurusgirl10 right here. And this is my very first story I've submitted here! "Congratulations " I told myself. Unfortunately, my first story is very, very scary. At least it was to me. I attended an elementary school a couple of years ago. I won't say the name, for privacy reasons.
The school is separated into parts. The basement and some of the first floor is for third graders. The new wing (built 15 years ago) is for the first and second graders. Forth and some of the fifth graders were on the first floor as well.
I was excited because the next day was my first day at school. The day before the first day of school, we have a night where the students could see where their classroom were, and they got to put their school supplies in their desk or where ever you were assigned to put them. My classroom was on the second floor. I was so excited that I got to go to the second floor. I had never seen it before.
When I walked through the hallway on the second floor for the first time, I felt something different. (I'm also a psychic) It felt like something was watching me. It wasn't something good, but I was too happy about forth grade, so I just ignored it. I put everything away where it should be, greeted the teacher and my new classmates, and left.
The next day, it was the first day of school! I wasn't the most popular girl in the world, but I didn't mind much. My teacher Mrs. Rodriguez (Not the real teacher's name. Privacy reasons) let us do an activity where we tell each other a little bit about ourselves. We were all standing up, when a huge gust of wind blew in our faces. It was freezing! We thought the windows were open. We went to check, none of them were open. We didn't really pay much attention to what had happened. We continued through the day as normal. My teacher announced that she was pregnant so she would have a substitute teach us in March and continue for April as well.
On our very first REAL day at school, we were having math class and the door and the overhead screen slammed shut at the same time. And it wasn't softly either. It was a real SLAM. We all just joked around saying " Oooooo, the haunted door." It all seemed like just logical coincidences... But at the end of the day that day, I was sitting by the door. It was open, so I looked out a little. I sort of screamed, but no one heard me. I screamed because I saw a strange looking black shadow. It wasn't necessarily a shadow. It looked a little foggy and transparent.
Weeks later, I started hearing voices of children in the girl's bathroom. But no one was in there. And it got so bad, that once, the lights all popped. The school custodian put new bulbs in while we were all in PE class.
The next experience that came from that elementary school is a little too big to mention on this experience. But I'll tell you that it was the scariest! If you want to find that story, look at my story entitled " The Haunted School part 2 ". I'll admit that this wasn't a very interesting story, but these were just minor things that happened. My other stories are much more interesting. I hope you read my other stories, until then,
God Bless
~ Brianna
In my area... There are a few haunted highschools that have been abandoned for 30-50 years.
Its veryy possible.