So I went to the Buxton Inn which is in Granville, Ohio. I went with my Mimi (mamaw,grama, etc.) It was a 2-3 hour drive. So to the story:
We went to the Buxton Inn, unpacked and went to CVS down the street to get a camera because the room we had was haunted (room 9). I was highly aware of that, but I didn't expect to see anything!
When we got back there was an imprint on the chair, as if someone was sitting there. So I took a picture of it. (Keep in mind this was almost 3 years ago and I was young) To this day the film has not been printed out. So most likely the pictures have faded. I was lying in bed and I heard a cat purring by my ear... This sort of freaked me out and I started to cry.
My Mimi assured me nothing was wrong and to make matters worse there was a HUGE mirror in front of my bed and a terrible storm outside. I was asleep during the storm though. So I didn't know there was a storm until the next morning.
One thing that I hated about that hotel was the tavern. I was there eating (they didn't have much to choose from so I had a P.B. & J sandwich) I had jelly on my cheek I didn't notice when out of nowhere my napkin lifted off table and landed in my lap! So that really freaked me out!
While I was standing in the, what I would call the lobby I looked up the stairs and saw a woman in a cornflour (ery) blue dress. It was sort of an old time early 1800's dress. She had powdery ash blonde hair up in a bun like the servants wore.
I hope you enjoyed my experience thanks