I'm feeling constantly haunted. I feel a presence everywhere I go, I can not see them or hear them but, it's just the change in temperature and the faint smell. On my way to college coming up to junctions I feel the people getting run over or getting assaulted by others. I am a relatively a lively person but this is making me depressed. The constant self conversation is driving me mad and the thought of "the end is coming". There's the question of "why am I here?" these are in my head all the time. I was haunted when I was little and now it seems to be getting worst. I thought it would be easing after I wrote "the haunted house in Rossington", but it's not.
Tonight (6th May 2009) at 00:47 (GMT) I saw the women at my window again, but it's at my present address taking place in the bathroom. Standing near the toilet and at the corner of my eye there she was, so I turned around and froze, I couldn't move. She walked passed the window twice up close and on the third she turned around and stared for approx' 23 sec... Then faded.
I don't feel possessed, I just feel poked all the time. It's even affecting my sleep. I feel animals below my feet that I'm constantly dodging.
I don't know if I'm dying but it does seem like I'm getting ready to cross over to the paranormal realm, if it exists.
I need to know if there is someone else who senses that the world around them is not right or is it just me?