I recently had moved out of my apartment and decided to room in with my brother until I found one of my own. My lease had ended in March of this year and I was more than halfway through with my classes for spring. I had quit working at a local auto shop due to their unstable shifts and workers. I acquired a job at the hospital where my mom worked; I was hired on as a pot washer for the meantime while I looked for a better job. As soon as I started summer school I ended up going out more than usual. I would drink all night and come home tired as heck and fall asleep.
Well, one night I went out with a friend but decided to take it easy on the beers. I could honestly say I had about four within an hour and a half or so. My friend and I finished our last round of pool and decided to head home for the night. He dropped me off at my brother's apartment at around twelve in the morning. I was not so tired so I decided to surf the net for an hour until my eyes started growing heavy. I turned off my laptop and decided to turn in. I fell asleep pretty quickly from what I could remember.
I don't really remember the dream I was having at this point but it was scary enough to wake me in the middle of the night. As I opened my eyes I saw a dark figure hovering over me. I saw no face on the shadow; however, it was possible for me to make out its body as that of a normal human being. It was trying to drag me. I honestly don't think I was imagining it because I saw my own arms going up and my body was moving involuntary. As the entity proceeded to attempt to drag me, I asked God for help. Suddenly the shadow disappeared and I stopped moving.
I eventually passed out again and didn't wake up until morning. Before I opened my eyes I remembered what had happened earlier and thanked God it was a dream. However when I opened my eyes I noticed I was facing a different direction on my bed. Actually, my upper body was on my bed and the lower part was on the floor. It was kind of weird because I remember falling asleep with my legs in the opposite direction. So there is no way I could have completely turned around without having to wake up. I have never had a sleepwalking problem, not even as a child.
My only question to you all is: Has this ever happened to any of you?