This is half my story, half my own. My mom told me multiple times that she's heard things and even seen things in our house that my dad built himself, it used to be just a corn field. This is the few stories my mom shared with me...
Many mornings as she is getting ready for work, she'll hear a knock on her bedroom door. Thinking that it's me or my little brother, she'll open the door expecting one of us, but come to find no one. She usually just ignores it and goes back to what she was doing.
One time, she goes into the hallway and looks down the stairs (she thought she heard our dog). When she looks down, though, she sees an rob of light in the hallway bellow. At the time my dad has left for work and my brother and I are sleeping. She says that she thinks it's my great grandfather who died quite recently, and that he's probably going to wait for my great grandmother who has alzheimer. That doesn't really make sense to me though because my great grand mother is staying with my grandmother (my mom's mom). I haven't directly seen anything yet that was most definitely a ghost. I tend to just feel/sense them. Though I think I may see their auras, it's hard to be 100% sure, I can usually see faint auras around living people too, I can also kind of tell what someone is feeling (like emotionally and sometimes physically).
If any one has anything to say or suggest about any of this please share it... I really want to know what's going on!
Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.