Basically, I'm a normal teenage boy. I stay in my room listening to music or watching TV most of the time. I don't smoke drugs are drink lots, but sometimes I get really freaked out by what I see.
I have seen this 'thing' around seven times around my nana's house, It is usually when I am doing something, like watching TV or working, but most of the time it is when I have been going off to sleep. I have seen other things in my nana's house (I moved here after my parents divorced), but I will share them another time. I will give you one or two examples of when I have seen 'it'.
One night in I think it was something November, I had been asleep. I woke up just after midnight, and felt sick. As I was half asleep, I didn't take everything in, just that there was someone next to my bed (I thought it was my aunt who resides here also), when I feel sick and I'm in bed, I like to read as it distracts my mind. I asked who I thought to be my aunty for a book because I felt like I was going to be sick. The person (I thought it was my aunt), passed me a book over, and that's all I remember because I must have fallen back to sleep as soon as I got it. The next morning I said thank you to my aunty for giving me the book, but she said she hadn't come in at all. Thinking maybe it was my Granddad I asked him if it was him, he said no. My dad was away, my sister lives with my mum and my nana has a bad hip so couldn't sit down like the person was. That was when I got creeped out.
Another time was when I woke up in the middle of the night and a tall figure and the only way you could describe it was 'shadowy', again because I was half asleep I didn't take it all in and I remember it as not having a face, as in, it was just shadows.
Got to go to bed now because school is tomorrow but will write more soon!