My grandma recently shared one of her ghost experiences with me, and I feel the need to share it with others.
My grandma was driving home from a friend's house late one winter night, when she says she saw a car wrecked in a snow drift in the ditch. She stopped to see if anyone was still there and needed help. She says she saw an old man start climbing up onto the road. He walked around the front of the truck and leaned with his hand against the hood of the truck, near the driver side rear-view mirror. The man looked up, and looked my grandma dead in the eyes, then just faded away.
She was able to recall exactly what he was wearing. She says that he was wearing one of those hats that has the earflaps; a thick, red-plaid flannel coat; black gloves with a small, white triangle logo; heavy blue-jeans; and big boots.
My grandma says she hit the accelerator so hard that she sprayed dirt and gravel from the road high into the sky. She raced home to tell my grandpa what she had seen. The next day, my grandparents drove down that road, on the way into town, and did not see a single sign of the wreck that my grandma swears she saw.
I know that anyone reading this has no way of knowing how trustworthy my grandma is, but please take my word for it, my grandma would not make this up
Tori ❤