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The Headless Ghost Man


I'm 20 years old as I write this story. What I am about to tell you happened to me and my brother when I was about 12 or 13 and he was 16 or 17. We had just moved into a house inside the city limits of our town and my brother and I would sit out on the front porch every night to talk.

One night, as we were both standing out there, we glanced towards the steps and looked right at each other with a scared look on our faces as we had both seen the same thing... What we saw was a man standing there, without a head, we knew it was a man because he was wearing a blue, long sleeved shirt and some blue jeans and his body was that of a man. When we looked at each other, he asked me if I had saw that and I said yea and he asked me what I saw and I told him a man with no head and I told him to describe what he was wearing, so I could believe that we had seen the same thing, and he described the man to me just as I had seen him. We ran inside and told our parents... who of course didn't believe us. But we were scared shiatless!

The following week I was in my room and had my windows open (during the day) and I saw a man pass by the window wearing the exact same clothes as the headless man and I ran outside, but since it was a quick glance, I didn't think of it being the headless man until I got outside and saw no one there. I thought it was my dad, but he was still at work.

Not very scary but at the moment it sure was!


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ramlokesh8278 (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-09-16)
Yes I know it because I was also seen him at near to our home in saithan Chowk,dadar, Mumbai,india...when I was 13
JW (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-23)
Thanks! Theo, old chap, it looks like you beat me to the punch. Now, I know why Vincent (Van Gogh) had a brother like your namesake. Unfortunately, due to my inability to confine myself to brevity, I was unable to respond with great haste.

I must add upon thinking about it, if you had been there for Vincent instead of his brother, Theo, perhaps,...just perhaps, Vincent may have not cut off his ear, may have sold a painting for money and last but not least, may not have taken his own life. Ah, but... Once again, I digress.
JW (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-23)
Yo! Dallinger!

You mean posts like this one(Do Fishes Have A Spirit) where you tell the impressionable reader this: "Might I suggest the owner dips his tongue in the water for a second. Should be able to detect an electrical fault that way..."

Well, Yours ever-so-miffed with her or his lah-de-dah Oxford education (yeah right), see "Read all comments for our ghost stories", as the posted threads go on in consecutive pages. Pages, you know, page one and then page two, three and four. Now, who is ignorant. If your posts have vanished then maybe we're better for it, if that is how easy you get your gray flannels in such a bunch.

Lay off the boy, Shane. He is contributing more than you and I are with our wasted educations and unpublished memoirs. For that matter, lay off the web doctor too. Same reason.

You can take your over the top, Monty Python manuscripts elsewhere if you dislike it. You might try oh, uh--maybe a sabbatical tour of duty in China, North Korea or Burma. I know this is not the conduct of a proper "gentle" man, but may I suggest you stick your tongue in the water for a second. You should be able to detect an electrical fault that way.
Theo (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-23)
Dallinger, perhaps you haven't found the link to older posts and thoughts they were deleted?
Mrs Dallinger (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-23)
I have a recent ghost story of my own.

I left several serious comments on this thread and, as if by magic, they have all disapperared. I noticed that it was "Shane" who seemed to adopt a holier-than-thou attitude over this for it was he who poured scorn on my replies. I don't remember bringing any of his posts into question.

It's a shame that the content of this site is so heavily manipulated by the web master because such blatant acts of censorship can only serve to hide the real truth.

If my comments were not deemed fit to publish one might hope that some explanation be given but to open the thread up and see my posts simply deleted with no explanation suggests an arrogant selectivity otherwise reserved for places where the people are unable to voice their views - usually such places as China, North Korea or Burma.

I fully understand that, had my posts contravined the posting etiquette or been offensive in any way, I would have fully expected to see them deleted. However, my comments were none of these and so I can only assume that the deleting of them was some sort of ill-informed act of sheer ignorance.

Yours ever-so-miffed

Mrs D Dallinger
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-20)
once again dear I apologize to you for using your story for a response board. I hope that what has transpired here hasn't caused you to not want to share other experiences you may have had with us.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
EarthboundAngel (2 stories) (38 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-19)
Wow... I was just on this site last night and nothing like this was happening! Shane said everyting that was needed to be said. And he did it gracefully and with a maturity not many have. =) Prophetess is just someone who is looking for attention and she can believe what she wants to believe. I just don't think trying to 'spread the word' on a paranormal website is a good idea... Haha.

Jessica - I would have been scared out of my mind if I saw a headless man! You handled it better than I would have... I can barely handle seeing a face pressed up against the window on videotape. Darn Boy Scouts! =P
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-19)
Prophetess, this is in case you should ever return to the site. I here and now end my debate with you as you are what we call a doomsdayer. Your favorite quotes are all from Revelations, which is what a lot of fanatics are quoting as the in thing to do now. If anyone here is hell bound it is a choice we make freely. So child I would suggest you find a venue more to your liking, I am sure the doomsdayers have a website you would feel more welcome in.
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-19)

Angels were created before Mankind was, this I also know. I am very educated through Holy Spirit about the sciptures, in regards to demons, angels, true prophesy through witnessing about Christ-I also understand quite a bit about revelations-here is something you probably did not know-

You know how theologians seem to think this big bad man is going to emerge and place numbers on the head and arms-666- NOPE, if you read revelations 14, see how it says how the lords people have him on his forehead? Well guess what the markings on the head and forearm symbolize? YES -bingo! It means thinking satan type of thoughts, and "doing" satan's type of deeds! No big bad man emerging to place numbers on them physically, as a minister this was prophesied and you should know this that it will be those that are not of the wise and learned... Have you forgotten this was said by Jesus?

Now if you are ready to face the truth Shane I can show you a letter beezlebub sent me while inside someone's body-he speaks the old english language because he is so old... As you know as a minister-beezlebub will reveal himself to God's chosen and holy people-remember what the demons said to Jesus? Not that I would ever compare myself to Christ, I am saying they will talk to you like I am talking to you right now and make it clear to you that you are talking to a fallen angel of God-it's called spiritual discernment, as a minister you should know about spiritual discernment-remember? Test the spirits right?

As far as the language thing goes, well that is between you and the Lord, I just do not like reading it is all-it's probably been removed by Martin anyways-
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-19)
um Shane I know we do not become angels of the Lord, that I most certainly know, just like I know you are not telling the truth about the posting of the language, because I hit on your name and it lead me to your BIO. You are overseas somewhere right? I do not remember where it was posted now, but it was under the name Shane with no guest beside it, either it is still their somewhere or someone has removed it...

And for a minister you should know preaching the gospel is the first and foremost thing we are supposed to do, you called it brainwashing? I find that an odd comment for a minister. I just find it very odd that a minister of the Lord believed in ghosts! I find that strange to say the least,
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-19)
Jessica, I apologize to you dear for using your story as an off topic reply area. Take what some are saying here with a grain of salt or better yet sugar as it will make it easier to swallow. Thank you for sharing your story.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-19)
Prophetess, I have no clue as to what you are rambling on about Fulgar Mouths and I believe the term is Vulgar, but I digress. I do not use vulgar or demeaning language towards anyone. So if someone posted something as a guest using my name rest assured it was not I. As I always log in to post responses or give advice. Once again you attack me as a minister, by what right or whoes authority do you do this? I only have one that I need worry about answering to, one who is greater than all and it is not you. You can believe me when I say I forgive you for your verbal attacks against me as a minister for you know not who I am or what I am like or the lessons I may teach. You make your claims based on the biases you have been taught. Once again I commend you on your faith, but ask yourself this; is it faith or is it brainwashing? I do have another question for you though, after we as humans pass on, do we become angels in heaven? If you answered yes, you need to do some research. You will be amazed at the answer.
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-18)
Shane, the Lord is always watching and listening, for a minister you should know what and how the Lord feels about a dirty fulgar mouth. You really need to get into prayer, and the bible, like a non denominational minister is supposed to do.
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-18)
and something else that is becoming a huge problem in the churchs is false teaching, ministers are teaching about ghosts etc... If you read revelations 14, which is where we are, 144, 000 of us are teaching those "elders" what is going on, as Jesus says" it will not be the wise and learned" it will be regular people that did not go to school-with theology sometimes they do not look beyond that, and sometimes the love of money can twist things for the ministers and reverands because of how much they spent on their education, this is mentioned in scripture about false teachers and the money, please believe no ghosts exist, and if a minister is telling you they do, it is a lie,
Prophetess (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-18)
"Your Friend" mrs Dalliger, is a fallen angel, what is known as a demon! Wow no one wishes to believe me eh? Including you Shane, which I find Completely shocking for a non denominational minister.

One day you will all know the truth, it just hurts to see you all deceived.

Mediums are spoken about in the bible, and what you are seeing are called familiar spirits, why don't you all pick up some books on spiritual warfare, maybe you will believe me then! Wowo just like the bible predicted-that new age would mix with christianity, how completely sad, that when someone is trying to reveal the truth to you, it just keeps going!
pineto (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-18)
ah shane boy wake up can't you see Mrs Dallinger is pulling your leg with her fake leg comedy quill and pen routine? Pip pip
pineto (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-18)
Mrs Dallinger you are a comic and your friend is monty python what a joker you are.

Yours ever-so-boringly-droll
Mrs Dallinger (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-18)
Dear Shane

I never confuse curiosity with rudeness my dear so feel free to ask any question you want. However, I did notice that your request to ask one question mysteriously manifested itself into at least three questions! No matter.

I'm afraid I can't asnwer your question regarding why my name "pops up the the most unusual of places" but, being an paranormal investigator yourself one wonders if you already have the answer.

Naturally it would be foolish of me to bring into question any of your investigative skills and certainly foolish to cast any form of aspertion upon them. Similarly I wouldn't expect the same of other people. So, to answer another of your questions I have a friend on the 'other side' who regularly guides me towards stories such as the ones that appear on these boards and, he regularly informs me of any underlying causes or explanations that the writers so desperately seek. His name is Monty and he has been guiding me for a considerable number of years. Possibly before you were even born.

I certainly don't claim to be a medium. I am who I am - Mrs Dallinger. Some have said that, since I maintain a dialogue with Monty, I must be but I don't think of myself as being so. Monty tells me things and sometimes I write them down. If Monty tells me that these children had been drinking is it my place to question him?

If we are given a gift it is up to us to share that with others. Unfortunately there will always be unbelievers but we shouldn't be discouraged by their ignorance nor should we have to justify why we have been blessed with certain abilities. We should simply do what we can to add purpose and understanding to some of life's mysteries.

Yours ever-so-informatively

Mrs D Dallinger
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-18)
Dear Mrs. Dallinger, could you answer a question for me? Why is it that when I do a search on your name it pops up in the most unusual of places? Is it a pen name or is someone else using it? Are you claiming to be a medium and able to see what these children actually were doing on the times they claim to have seen the ghost? Not trying to be rude or insulting, I am just a curious person by nature, and your name for some reason raised my curiousity. I guess that is one of the reasons I became an investigator of the paranormal.
Mrs Dallinger (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-17)
This is very reminiscent of an experience I had during the war. My husband was home on leave and tended to like frequenting the Red Lion public house close to the Tolworth Broadway.

On the particular night in question a gentleman neighbour ran to our house in a terrible state shouting what I thought to be "He's lost his head, he's lost his head". Of course I knew immediately that he was talking about my husband so I raced outside in a state of utter panic, my heart pounding in my head and my lungs unable to fill themselves. I distinctly remember looking across the road in sheer horror as I saw my husband in a sort of kneeling position away from me. I couldn't see his head from where I was standing (or running) and I remember a little bit of sick came up. The type that really burns your throat. It's funny what you remember.

Anyway, I raced up to my husband and as I was nearing his body I heard what were clearly sounds of someone vomiting and I just couldn't believe it when my husband sat up. I also couldn't believe the fact that he still had his head squarely placed upon his shoulders. The silly bugger had only gone and had one beer too many and was simply being sick!

It turned out that Mr Groober, the informant neighbour was actually saying "he's off his head, he's off his head" but I must have taken it to mean something else.

How we laughed.

As you can see Jessica, our situations bear striking similarities and I feel I must pass on to you some of the wisdom I have been fortunate enough to pick up myself over the years. Alcohol affects people in many different ways and even those who haven't been drinking can have their lives cruely and frighteningly affected by those who do.

I wonder if the situation would have been different for you my dear had you and your brother not secretly quaffed such a quantity of your father's whisky before the said event? Alcohol can and does make people see and hear things that they wouldn't ordinarily see or hear had they not had a drink. Children of your age simply shouldn't be drinking alcohol at all.

Yours ever-so-similar

Mrs D Dallinger
deejaymigs (3 stories) (11 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-17)
that's creepy! I've heard a story like this from my mom but this one is a headless priest and it didn't just stand motionless but it waives to every person that passes by his corner. Woe... Goose bumps!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-17)
This was the story I had read and I was wrong about the location, it is closer to San Antonio., but if you google Texas Headless Ghost you would be surprised at the number of stories. Maybe one matches what you are experiencing.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-17)
I seem to recall reading about a headless ghost some where in Texas. I think it was the Houston or surrounding area. I thought it was just an urban legend. Would have to do a little more research to be sure. If I find it again I will provide the link if there is one or the book title if I can remember which book it was in.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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