This story just came to mind again out of the blue so I thought I would share it.
About a year ago now I'd say, a few buddies and I were drinking having a good time at one buddy's house. The buddy who's house we were at got telling me how sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and sees what he thinks is a pair of eyes peering at him from the corner of his bedroom in the basement.
Not until recently did I start putting it together; his parents were renovating the basement when this was going on, and I thought it might be the renovation stirring something up.
Anyway I'd say a month or so after hearing this, he and another friend had another story. They were in the computer room watching south park videos on the internet, when all of a sudden a shelf door, held closed by magnets swung open violently, and pictures began flying off of the shelf and then it slammed closed, smashing the glass on the door and knocking a picture off the wall. This freaked me out and I never felt quite the same again when I would be in that room.
A couple weeks later we decided to go into that room to watch some videos. About half way through the video the computer monitor turned off then back on and the computer turned off, and the lights in the room went out. Being mildly frightened we left the room to find all the rest of the rooms in the house weren't affected and that all was fine. Other people were in the house watching TV and what not, and the power didn't go out anywhere else.
I hadn't spoken with that friend for a while until about a month ago. We kind of just lost touch. Anyway he started asking if he had told me about the ghost in his house and I said yea, remember the whole computer room incident and the other stories you have told me. He said "oh yea. Well it's back man. I will fall asleep with my TV and lights and computer all left on sometimes, and every time when I wake up in the morning they will be shut off. When I ask everyone else in the house if they had been in my room the night before they all say no."
I had joked saying "haha it's an energy efficient ghost", but he didn't seem to find it very funny.
I'm interested to go over one night and see what we can stir up. But at the same time very hesitant, as it has done violent things in the past.