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Evil Presence


I'm am 16 years old and I live in algona, washington. I recently moved into an apartment with my dad, my sister and my brother. My sister and I share a bedroom. One night, my sister told me that she knows how to contact the dead. I was a little freaked out, but I wanted to try it. I said that we should contact our great grandma who died in 2001. So we did, we began asking her questions, like "are you at peace, are you disappointed in us, are you in heaven, are you happy". The only positive answer was she's not disappointed. She was not at peace, not in heaven, and not happy, she's stuck on earth. We felt like she was there to protect out our family.

Since I moved in, I have felt a presence, not a good one, I am always on edge and I always feel like I'm being watched. My sister said she felt like our grandma wanted us to break the chain (we were holding hands), she looked very scared, so we did. We felt like there was something evil in out room. We sat with the lights on for about and hour before deciding to go to bed. We turned out the lights and soon felt the presence again, only, it felt more evil. We sat with our eyes closed, we did not want to see it. But I did anyway, I had a vision in my head of a tall dark menacing figure standing near my bed, staring at us. I asked her to turn on the light and she said no, she felt like it was a demon. Spirits can't do anything to you but demons can. We began to say the lord's prayer and pray in tongues. The presence went away and we turned on the lights.

I still feel it, not as prominently as that night, but its still there.

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Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-08)
Sonya_N_Sibert - I've been reading your comments and I seriously believe you need to find a site geared more toward your immaturity level. This is not the site for you. You are way too young to be on this site 😐. My 10-year-old son wouldn't make the comments you have made. 😢
SONYA_N_SIBERT (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-08)
I think that your great grand mother fells like she needs to protect you so what I suggest is that you try to communicate with her and see if she is trying to protect or harm you. 😐
Melanie (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-11)
I agree with demonbinder, sorry for the previous post I miswrote your user name.
Melanie (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-11)
I agree with demonmind... Be careful... Seek Christ cause He is stronger.
Amaranth (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-22)
Slexis, my cousin and I did the same thing a few years ago-we didn't want to contact anyone specific, just wanted to "try it out" BAD IDEA. Whether we let something in or just disturbed something that had already been there, I don't know, anyway, things started happening (red eyed things peering in the windows, plates and stuff being thrown on the floor, waking up and seeing something at the end of the bed)
We eventually got a psychic in and she got rid of it, which is what I suggest you do.
Demonbinder (66 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
Be careful, the only time you will pray in toungues is when the Holy Spirit provokes you too. Demonic spirits CAN also get you to speak in tongues someway or another, getting you to recite chants and eventually binding you closer to them. Destroy that ouija board, devote your lives to Christ and be real about it. The only way to counter these evil spirits is with the help of our Lord Jesus, whom they despise. Ask God to seal that household with the blood of Jesus and to forgive you for mingling with evil, albeit that that was NOT your grandmother. The dead cannot be contacted for communication. Just familiar spirits who know everything about them, with which they use to portray themselves as your loved ones. Tricking you. Command that spirit to leave by the power of the blood of Jesus.
Brittany (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-27)
Tompson, thank you very much for you kind words. You wonder if the advice you give actually helps anyone. I truly appreciate it.
Brittany (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-25)
I personally feel that everyone has intuition about many different things, ghost being one of them. I also feel that what is around you may not be as evil as you think. Fear feeds ghosts. Don't be afraid. Its not going to hurt you.

As for the comment made by corona68. I understand being frustrated by a comment made by someone else, but there are children who frequent this board, so try to keep the negative comments to a minimum. Thank you.

JW, you just can't catch a break from some of these people can ya.
tompson (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-25)
britanny is a brillant human ok not many people have her insight we all should listen to her seirously can't spell
Brittany (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-24)
as I said in another post, chill out you two. Don't you relize you are insulting someone over the internet? The most wimpy way to do it to say the least. JW just has a twisted sense of humor. I have read some of his posts and find him to be quite funny, but I am pretty twisted myself. Everyone needs to chill out and love each other. Can't we all just get along? Lol
Ken (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-24)
That's great, JW! What level of Dungeons and Dragons are you? Now come on, you can tell us here... Are you a Dungeon Master level 60 or something? And what's up with this Corona person? Can you not get past a comment? Talk about not being able to handle criticism, and it wasen't even a horrible comment. Relax the Sphincter, Dude!
JW (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-23)
Ken, in all actuality I was not inferring that I was dead, but that my parents and others treat me as if I am dead. I am the ghost in my family. Anyone else ever feel like this? Oh! Yes, where was I. I speak to both the dead (necromancy) and alive, and as always, they do not speak back. Most assuredly, the cause is the ultimate result of my incessant, self-centered chatter, where I never let anyone dead or alive have a word in edgewise. At the very least or at the most, as you say, I was able to muster a laugh out of you. As for me being arrogant. Far be it from me to deny what is true. You had but to ask, and I would have told you I was arrogant. It takes much mental acuity, verbal and written skill to compose what you call, "simple-minded ramblings". I have to take your comment as a grain of salt, since after all being named after a doll named "Ken" says it all. I am sure not only did Corona68 approve of your post, but so did your doll, "Barbie".
Ken (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-23)
J.W. Is insinuating that he is dead in his previous posts. Sorry Guys, I have to agree with Corona. JW is laughable at most, with all his arrogance, and simple-minded ramblings.
JW (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-23)
Chunkygut1 and Kirby--thank you, what a magnificent pair you both are for eloquently interceding on my behalf. I assure you both this is not the first time I have been most misunderstood and maligned. It seems being misunderstood gives those rogues who misunderstand me a license to go about maliciously maligning my good name. I assure it is all an utter misunderstanding of wit, will and word. It is but a malapropism. I can assure you, it is indeed, not about dispersing fear or taking an illegal substance. I can hardly see why I should be held responsible for a rogue's poor education, low cognitive skills, and a sadly lacking constipated sense of humor. With that said, I will take my more than badly needed slumber.
Kirby (5 stories) (57 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-22)
Yeeeah Corona. I don't see where he said he feed off other's fears. Don't crack like that, and listen to our comments about the story. Good? Good.

I wouldn't EVER get the house blessed if your sure it's haunted. That will only anger the spirit and make it do worse things. I would do the lavander incense burning or the ritual.
corona68 (1 stories) (2 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-22)
chunky...has NOTHING to do with Necromancy. I just think it's ashamed that someone would feed on a persons fears. Just MY opinion, not the Worlds.
chunkygut1 (13 stories) (73 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-22)
hey corona I think that crack remark to JW was completely unfair. He can be into necromancey if he wants its his choice.
corona68 (1 stories) (2 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-21)
JW...While I read the comments that you have posted on this site, I find myself asking the question, are you on crack? You're out there, man.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-21)
Slexis, I have a couple of things you can try. First off I have to say when you deceided to play with the beings of the other planes you not only invited in the good, you also became a beacon for the bad. I would suggest you try having your home blessed. That or A Native American Smudging ritual. You can also try burning lavander incense in your room or home and see if this helps.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
JW (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-20)
Fran I am into necromancy speaking to the dead but I do all of the talking. I not only talk and talk, never mind if they don't talk back or give me their names, I just talk to the dead or alive. As I was saying and saying and saying---not only do I talk to the dead but I have a sense of humor obviously a dead one since you did not get the jest of my post.
Fran (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-20)
JW I am confused on your comment, Please clarify what you are saying here. You speak as if you are a spirit...? That's well you know. Crazy!
JW (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-20)
Wow wish I read your story when I was your age before I did that. So did you learn anything?
Wish I had. Now I can't stop talking to dead or alive people---I can't stop talking. They both tell me to shut up and get out. I just keep haunting them. The dead people and my parents still want me out of their house. Any suggestions? For them, not me. I like it here.

You and your sister are going to have to get up the courage to get past your fears and tell it to get lost and get out. Tell your parents. Get the place blessed by the vicar as one person said here. Like my parents, try anything and everything. Don't let your fears get in the way. Look what happened to my parents... They created me and they were scared and they still can't get me to leave.

I did overhear my mom tell my dead that the priest is coming tomorrow. And I don't have moving boxes.

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