A couple months back, I had my first experience with the paranormal. My roommate Jordan and I were bored one night, and decided to have a séance in my room. I thought it would be cool since I had never taken part in such things, but had always been interested. We arranged lit candles in a circle around us, killed the lights, and joined hands. We decided to call upon the German philosopher, Martin Heidegger. Now I'm not sure if that's the one who showed up, but someone did.
We both felt a presence in the room and when we asked the spirit to make itself known, we heard a faint rapping. We asked the spirit a few yes or no questions and he or she responded by rapping once for yes and twice for no.
It got more interesting after we finished the séance. First, I heard the sound of glass shattering. Jordan swears she didn't hear it even though she was in the same room only a few feet away from me. Nothing had been broken either. I also heard a disembodied voice call my name, my roommate didn't hear this either. Later on, as I was trying to fall asleep, I felt someone physically breathing into my left ear, despite the fact that there was no one there. The unexplained activity stopped after that night and there has been no sign of the spirit since then.
However, later on that week, I got in a car wreck. I was making a left turn and got t-boned. Over the couple weeks or so, I got to thinking that the spirit was trying to warn me about the wreck. There are a couple of things that have led me to believe this. The first reason is that the sound of glass breaking that I heard sounded exactly like the sound of the collision. The other reason is the breathing in my left ear that I felt. After the accident, I had ringing in my left ear for a few minutes.
Could the spirit we contacted have been trying to give me the heads-up that I was going to get in an accident in a few days? I'd like to hear what you folks would have to say.
All comments are welcome.
Did you feel the presents of familiarity during the séance? The signs were meant for you since your friend did not hear these things.
With this said a family member that has passed most likely contacted you and since the activity stopped they felt that they had warned you to the best of their ability.
Also when a family member is able to get through there are certain smells like a perfume or cologne that they wore in life, or a feeling that the spirit is familiar in some way.
You guys were lucky that this blocked anything evil from getting through the Ouija board or séance. You most likely had a very protective family member come through.
This is why you must be careful with séances and Ouija boards because demons are terribly attracted to these things and it is an open door to them. All they want to do is live and they will go to whatever means possible to possess their intended victim.