My son, some of his friends and I recently went to a place called the American Flats just outside of Virginia City, Nevada. I had heard stories of this place and wanted to go see what all the hub bub was about. Upon arrival along with the history and the decrepit look of the place, you definitely got an eerie feeling. I definitely wanted some pictures but I never dreamed of this.
We went into the underground tunnels there and I just decided to take some shots with my Nikon D-40 camera. The only reason that I actually really looked at this picture closer was because it looked as though it had a double exposure which never happens on a digital camera. Give me some feedback to what you see between my son and his friend in the tunnel one is original size and the other is enlarged but not retouched or changed.
The next one is inside a place in Verdi, Nevada. This building caught my eye the first time I saw it and I wanted to try and get some pictures especially after the last picture at the Flats. So we went inside and I just took some shots down an empty corridor. And this is what I brought home. I thought it was amazing because the walls are very clear as is the generator on the right but there was nothing in this room to cause reflection nor dust so I was very surprised when I got it home and looked at it on my computer.
Amber ❤