I can't take this much longer. I'm going to talk to the minister tomorrow, but I just thought I'd update beforehand. Things are getting too strange, and now I'm being physically hurt. Whatever is in my house has also been bothering my sister. But my mother remains clueless, or she hasn't said anything to me.
After the time I was tripped and the night something was biting my toes, nothing happened for a few days. Then I went to my friend's house for a day, and when I got back my room was completely torn apart. Books ripped off the shelves, my pillows all over, my favorite blanket split in half. I had to hurry to clean it up before my mom and sister saw. The door was locked, and so were the windows, so I really don't think it was a burglar or anything. Plus nothing was missing.
This was weird enough, but then the next day I was getting out of the shower and heard a strange growling. I thought maybe it was one of my cats being weird, but the door was shut and I was alone in the bathroom. I tried to shrug it off and started blow-drying my hair. When I turned off the drier the growling started again, right next to my ear. I'm not really a screamer, I usually freeze when I'm scared. So I just stood there, and after probably a minute of listening to this animal kind of growling it felt like somebody took a rake and dragged it down my back.
I checked in the mirror and I had four long scratches down my back, and gosh they hurt. They still do if anybody touches my back. That's not the first time I've been hurt either. Something keeps pinching me, and once hit me. I was slapped in the face when I was walking up the stairs alone or it felt a lot like it. It wasn't too hard, but it stung.
Whatever is here has been talking to my little sister. She told me about a bad dream where a growly voice kept telling her it was going to get me, but I don't know if it was a dream. Then just last night she came into my room and said that something is talking in her room. Not words she could understand, and there would be knocking in the walls and growling with it. She was really afraid, and I let her sleep with me. It was actually pretty comforting for me too.
And I'm still seeing things in the mirrors. Now I can more clearly make out a dark shape, but I'm not sure what to call it. Not really a man. Sometimes it looks like it has horns or big ears. I'm not sure. Now the thing in the mirror doesn't move when I stare at it. I kind of feel like it's staring back.
I'm not sure if I can live with this anymore, and I feel just crazy to get rid of this thing. I am going to talk the minister, and hopefully he can tell me what to do.
Thanks, guys.
WHEW! Anyway, honey I am praying for you & if you need any guidance or help I am ordained & I would love to be here for you if you wish, & anyone else for that matter 😊 ❤ my e-mail is lotus08kiss [at] gmail.com
Bless you & I hope you find the help you need.