I have always believed in spirits and the undead but I never thought anything would ever happen to me... Until two nights ago when it finally did. I am 17 years old and I have never been so scared. I was really nervous to turn off my lights the other night but I didn't know why because I am never nervous about a good night's sleep. I fell asleep around 8:30pm and didn't wake up until midnight... All the clocks in my room read 12:00 and the air in my room was so cold that I could see my breath and it is NEVER that cold anywhere in my house. I laid in bed breathing heavily and I kept hearing a creaking noise under my bed and then I heard a scuffing noise going across my carpet by my closet. The scuffing noise then turned around and headed toward my bed and all of a sudden a huge black figure stood up over my bed for a split second and made a low screaming noise and then left. As it was screaming, a huge wind hit me in the face... And the next thing I knew it was time for me to wake up for school.
Did I dream this? Because when I woke up, I had goose bumps and all my clocks still read 12:00 and... I have a bunch of boxes under my bed and they were spread out all across my floor. What's going on? It really freaks me out!