My daughter Briana is also a member of this website but is unable to share because of her age.
When my daughter was 2 she asked me if she could play with a little girl but I saw no one there but, she insisted someone was there. You see my daughter never had an imagination. She has claimed since she was 4 that something has been following her. She describes it as a dark shadowy figure.
When she was in 5th grade we moved into a house in Alexandria TN. Where she met a family of ghosts and their murderer. It was 10/24/08 5days before her 11th b-day. I remember her getting ready for school that morning and telling what happened. She said that she had awakened for a reason unknown to see a little boy crying on her floor saying don, t kill me. A replay of his death was in her bedroom. Then she went to the living room and saw Lisiona get shot out the door she also witnessed a 3 year old and her parents get murdered. I didn't believe her at first but I had to after what happened in the house the rest of the time we lived there for example a baby doll coming to life and trying to kill her and the other 2 oldest. My daughter has had many more things paranormal happen but, she will have to share them.