Sherry Johnson wrote that approximately 30 years ago she saw a ghostly airplane in Nashville. That is so strange to me because around the same time, my aunt saw the exact same thing (I believe). Ms. Johnson described this in eerie detail right down to the lettering on or around the wings. My aunt described the plane as being very white with blue writing and was also talking about a man sitting in the window of this plane. She said the plane was so low that she could actually see the expression on his face. I was a young child but I was eating every word up. My mother however, thought her sister had lost her mind.
This incident took place in a very small town approximately 90 miles away from Nashville. This is one of the many reasons my mother did not believe her because someone else surely would have seen the same thing. I was almost talked out of believing my aunt but her son came home, running in the house, and screaming to the top of his lungs, "Did you see that HUGE white airplane with the people in the window?" Well, say what you will but I was convinced that these people really saw an airplane with people sitting in the windows. My aunt went to the local police dept. To ask if there had been a report of a plane that had gone down. Of course, they told her NO and wanted to know why she asked. They thought she was crazy also. I have thought about that day (broad daylight), as I have gotten older and wondered if that story was really true but I didn't want to bring it back up to my aunt because of her sensitivity to this situation. I now know after reading another account of this event that she wasn't crazy and she knew what she was talking about.