I have had paranormal experiences in the past, as you would know from reading my previous story. This one takes place the second week in December 2009. It was during finals week, and I had to miss all of my finals because I had the flu. After you have read the story I would love some feedback.
I awoke around 2:38 A.M. I got out of bed and traveled down my hallway, which people call the "green mile" because it is so long and dark. I went into my kitchen and picked up the thermometer to randomly check my temperature which read 104. 3 degrees. I took medicine and returned to my room to lay down and go back to sleep. I am terrified of being awake and fully aware of my surroundings at 3:18 A.M. Because of a previous experience where I woke up at 3:18 A.M. Every night for several nights.
As I was laying in the dark I heard footsteps walk from the beginning of my hallway to the outside of the bathroom door. (my bathroom is right across my room) The footsteps didn't continue or go back. However, the footsteps continuously went from the beginning of the hallway to the outside of the bathroom/my room. It scared me, but I told myself I wouldn't do anything unless it happened again. It stopped for about fifteen minutes, then the footsteps started up again. Suddenly, I heard whispering in my ear and felt like someone was in my room with me (even though my room door didn't open.) I started yelling/screaming and my sister came running into the room. I realized I was covered in a cold sweat and bawling. I slept with my parents that night and slept on the couch in our living room the rest of the week.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what is going on? Any specific type of activity perhaps? I am very interested on other people's interpretation of the situation.