It is currently 12:37 AM here, and at this exact time for the last 3 days it has happened. On the first day, I heard what sounded like frantic clawing on the wooden floor of my room, I switched on the lamp by my nightstand, and nothing was there.
On the second day, the scratching started at the same time. I switched on my light, and two small streaks of water led from the center of my room to the foot of my bed.
Last night, on the third day I was waiting for it to happen again, so I had my blinds open to let in the moon light and catch it without the use of my lamp. The scratching started, and as it did a very, VERY thin humanoid shadow fell across my wall opposite the window. I whispered "Hello" and the thing bolted off, startled.
Tonight I missed it because of work. I haven't been messing around with anything spiritual, no Ouija boards or black candles or anything of that nature. So it kind of baffles me as to why this little guy would suddenly start to bug me.
Has anyone had any similar experiences or explanations?
I have lived here in Salem for the better part of 10 years, and this is the first time anything like this has happened to me. Though given the history of this place I guess I should have figured some activity was inevitable. Though in no way do I believe there was anything more to the old stories than innocent people being accused of "witchcraft" and put to death by some jealous neighbors.
I will make more comments, once I read your second story. Good Day!