I'll start by saying hi.
My house isn't exactly old; I think its early 1900s. We've lived there for 10 years, and there has not been much in the way of ghosties or anything of the sort, just the odd thing. Most of what happens is in the bedroom on the left upstairs, my 'temporary' bedroom. It used to be my youngest sister's room, and before that my 3rd youngest sister's room. My youngest sister, 3 at the time, now 5, would wake up screaming and crying, but for no reason we could see. She would just want to have mum with her, and wouldn't let her go.
Since I moved into that room, there has been really weird things happening, the worst (scariest in my opinion) being a few months ago, at about 4:49 am (kind of sad how I recorded the time) when the duvet covers flew off me, just like that, nothing to explain. As you can probably guess, I freaked out, and couldn't move because of that, until morning eventually came. I told my mum, who asked if I hadn't just kicked it off while I was asleep. I took this into consideration, but I am also, according to my friend, very still in my sleep.
Another time, this could have only been a few weeks back, this time at about 2:03, I woke up, having heard the sliding cupboard door open (these are really noisy) panicking, I sat up really quickly, facing the doors. For a fraction of a second, I saw a man, I'm not sure how old he was, but he was grinning in this really mad way, and looked like he had a straight jacket on, or something similar. Being logical, I figured that the two can't be linked, because you'd need hands to pull the covers off a bed.
There have also been other things, such as things going missing, and turning up in my bed in the morning, things like phones, a screwdriver, the house key, a watch and cello tape (random), so am I being haunted, or am I just a bit crazy?