My name is Haley and I'm a mother of two kids. Annabelle and Alex. Annabelle is 7 and Alex is 11. We had two dogs Hannah and Liz. Hannah was a Yorkie. Liz was a Corgi. We got them both on the same day. We had them for 2 years. They both died because of rat poison. We were so sad after they died. They were very great dogs.
I was brushing my teeth. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Hannah. She was whining. I screamed and my husband came up and asked "What happened?" I said "I saw Hannah! She was whining!" My husband then looked around and he saw nothing... "Oh my Gosh! I see Liz in the window!"
After I saw both Liz and Hannah. We moved. To get my mind off of them. It was peaceful at our new house. I was still unpacking the boxes of stuff. And I grabbed a whole bag full of dog treats! I thought I threw them all away. I turned around, headed for the trash can when I saw Hannah looking through the window with Liz. I was shocked! I told my family what happened. They told me they haven't seen Hannah and Liz. They thought I was just seeing them because I missed them.
We then got a new dog. Her name was Lucy. She was a Golden Retriever. While I had her I didn't see Hannah and Liz. I wondered why. Maybe if I had a dog they wouldn't show up. After that I knew to always have a dog. I still don't know if I was just really missing them. Or not!