I was about eight when I moved into this old house. When I first stepped into it I sensed something it felt like a weight on my chest. This did not bother me though because believe it or not I have been physic since I was four.
I first figured out I was physic when my grand mother died and she would visit me in my dreams.
Back to the story it was my first night in the house and my mom was in the shower I was alone in the living room watching television and the channel suddenly changed. I was startled and scrambled to find the remote it was sitting on the end table no one had touched it. But the strangest thing happened three weeks later I was laying in bed asleep when I woke up and was sleep paralyzed if you do not know what that is it is when your are awake but your body is still asleep and you can only move your eyes.
I panicked I hate when this happens but then I saw her, a young woman standing at the foot of my bed she was very pretty and had very long beautiful black hair when I saw her I felt calm like she was some one I have always known. She sat next to me and watched me like she was guarding me.
I finally fell asleep again and when I woke up she was gone. I lived in that house for three years and say that woman frequently and ever since then she follows me I can feel her near me like a guardian angel.