A few years ago, in London Ontario, Canada, I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law's apartment to spend some time with my family. Nothing unusual had ever really happened to me before in the house. So, as my sister-in-law was filling up the dishwasher in the kitchen at around 5:00pm, and I was there talking to her, she bent over to place in one of her sharp kitchen knives with the blade down. She had straightened herself up afterwards - still facing the dishwasher - when something happened that shocked everyone in the room. The knife suddenly flew upwards and flashed past my sister-in-law's face, missing it by inches. The scary part, however, is that the blade was facing her, when she had so carefully placed it in the dishwasher with the blade facing downwards.
It landed on the ground at my feet, leaving everyone in shocked silence. The lights suddenly turned off. I had no idea what was going on. My nephew, her son, was two years old at the time. He was crying his eyes out when this happened. Suddenly the lights turned back on again. When I saw my sister-in-law's face, she was extremely pale, and began to stagger slightly. She looked like she was going to be sick. My nephew was screaming, "Mama! MAMA!" and she didn't answer. Seeing that she looked like she was about to faint, my brother grabbed hold of her and took her into the living room.
After a couple of hours and a lot of ice on her forehead, she was "back to normal", but had a strong throbbing headache. My sister-in-law has always believed in the paranormal, and had claimed to have felt presences in the house before. From then on, every little sound or creak we heard got us all paranoid. I have never really believed in ghosts, but I was relieved the day they moved out of that apartment.