Now I usually never have had any paranormal activity very much in my life but this moment in my life was really really creepy. Now at the time of this even I was 15, it was the summer of 2009 in Leesburg Georgia, 108 Foxchase Court 31763. Now I posted that in this article because I do not live there anymore. I thankfully moved back to where I am from Pennsylvania. Now what I am about to tell you is 100% true and is not being made up.
Now during the summer of 2009 I seemed to have been being watched by this really dark shadow by my bed. He didn't really move much and just stood there staring. No facial features, but he did wear a fedora hat. The presence of the room was so eerie and indescribable. It felt so evil and scary. I just wanted it to go away. Now it knew that I saw it because I had a horrified look on my face. So either it started doing things in my room or it was my mind playing tricks on me. The walls leading to me started to become wrapped up in either shadowed tree roots or vines. I then blinked and the vines disappeared. I then looked up at the ceiling to see a pair of two big red eyes. I then blinked and the eyes vanished. This shadow was still there. I then turned on my TV which emitted enough light for me to see to that part of the room and it vanished. It seems as if light makes it disappear. After turning on my TV I turned on my light in my room so that it was extra light. I still felt as if it was there. Maybe not visible now, but it was definitely still watching me. I then went to sleep.
I was woken by the feeling of a cat sized animal leap on my bed. I was thinking to myself, oh I didn't know my cat was in here. Then I remembered he wasn't and then sprang out of my bed breathing heavily. The cat only jumped on my bed twice to memory but the Shadow would haunt me for the summer, and pretty much seemed like it would bother me the most when I was out of school. I also felt the most depressed at these times, because in Georgia I rarely left my house to hang out with people since I didn't know them very well. In a somewhat unrelated note. I would hear this female cry in our central air vents. My mother has also heard the crying, and came to ask me if I was crying, I replied no, but she didn't believe me. She thought I was trying to hide the fact of crying. On another occasion I asked her if she was crying and she also replied no.
Now does anyone have any idea why this thing decided to bother me there, but not here?
I'm doing research on paranormal encounters for a new TV show. Would you be interested in sharing more information about your experience? Please drop me a line at spookysearch [at] Thanks!