I am a serious 17 years old, so don't get put off because I'm young. A couple years back I was going through some tough stuff, right after I found out my father was dying. This is a two part story, because it had two sides to it. I'll post the second side later. This is the good side.
There was a dark presence in the house. Everyone down to the dog could feel it. I have always been sensitive to ghosts, and it was making me sick. I couldn't sleep at night. I could barely function in the day light hours.
Three days into it, my room gained a sheltered feel to it. It was like a sanctuary, but I didn't know why. It felt like I could breathe again. The freedom was overwhelming. Even my mom felt something different. The dark thing left, but for months the good feeling in my room remained.
I was doing something in my room, probably reading or drawing, and got up. I saw a man standing by my closet. He was the source of good feeling, because I wasn't scared of anything. On the contrary I felt far calmer than I had for weeks. I only caught a glimpse of him, but I'll never forget what he looked like. He was probably a little over six feet tall, dark brown hair, dark eyes, and middle aged. He had a slightly scruffy look to him, and had a shadow of a beard coming in. I've never seen him before in my life, and I described him to my mom because she's really knowledgeable about ghosts. She didn't know.
I saw him a couple more times near my closet door, always watching everything, but I never once got that hunted 'I'm being watched' look. He was always a source of great comfort to everyone except my dad.
I saw him once by an olive tree in my backyard. He was facing the house in the morning when I went to get breakfast, about seven o'clock. Mom was in the kitchen too, and I told her to look out the window. I didn't say why in case he wasn't there, because then I would have felt a little foolish. She looked and saw him for sure, but all she said was. 'That's him.' I'm like 'no duh mom.' But I was pleased she saw him too.
My mother was the last person to ever see him again. My sleepless nights were mounting again, and it was around eleven at night and she was going to the bathroom. The next morning she asked me if I slept well. I was a little puzzled, but said yes. Then she described to me what she saw last night as she went past my open door. I guess he was sitting on my bed, keeping watch in a way. He had on some old army drab, and mom told me I looked really peaceful.
His presence was there off and on for the next three years or so. But now he's gone, and I miss him terribly. I had gotten accustomed to him. I could tell if he was in a room as soon as I walked into it. I talked to him, told him stories. He was always the silent listener, but I knew he was, in fact, listening.
Will he ever come back? I've always had problems sleeping, and have been terrified of things in the night. He was like a balm to those fears, kind of like a guardian or a friend. Even my mom and sisters miss him. The things in my house are driving me up the wall and now he's not here anymore. For about a year, he has been gone. I feel foolish and a little selfish, but mostly like a lost little kid. Will he come back? Sometimes I ask him to come back. Has he, well, moved on? Please tell me what to think. I miss my ghostie friend. Sounds silly, huh?
My mom is able to talk to the dead really well. She can easily communicate with her grandfather, and others, and three days ago the house was just filled with ghosts because she asked them to come. I can't see or hear them generally, but I asked her about him, and descrided him agian. Then a woman told me, through mom, a little about him.
I learned that he was indeed from the vietnam era, but he hated the war. That not how he died, and he never reinlisted. He was a passifist in a way. Mom could never really talk to him becuase he was more of an observer than a talker. He is tied to our house because his best childhood fried used to live here, and I guess he spent more time here than his own house. He followed me because he was interested in me, and knew we all needed a little help. It is very difficult for him to come back, but the lady who told my mother this (She didn't know his name) said he would try. My father banished him, along with all the other ghosts, so it used to be hard for anyone to make contact. I'm starting to believe that's why he left, because of dad. I never knew that until my mom told me. We had a long talk on him.
Thanks everyone. This has been an unique expirience for me. 😊