Recently one morning my best friend was home alone. She was tired so she laid down in the dark. She was half asleep when she felt someone pull her arm over gently. She opened her eyes and saw a dark form standing in front of her. It was so dark it stood out from the rest of her room. She blinked and then it was gone.
When I had asked her whether the figure was male or female she said it looked too blurry to tell. She had also told me that when the hand touched her there was no extreme temperature change, but it felt like a very solid human hand. That wasn't the only incident.
I had told her to look up the story of Condie Cunningham because we are interested in ghost stories. She had the TV on and she had found the story on her phone. She had only read a few words when her TV cut out but then worked right again. She ignored it and started over on the story. Again it cut out and it came back and again she started over on the story. When it happened a third time she finally put down her phone and watched the TV to see if it was going to do it again. It did nothing, so she saved the page on her phone and exited out of the Internet and this didn't happen again.
She has also been hearing lots of noises in her home. Could her home be haunted, she does seem the type that attracts ghosts.