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Comments for Touched by a Ghost: Page 1

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Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-21)
Bell, said and done. I submitted the story I was telling you about. Should be out in a day or so depending on Martins work load and those stories ahead of mine. Thank you once again for jogging my memory.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-21)

It is funny you should mention that. I was just thinking the other day about an incident that happened shortly after his passing that I could tell here. Thanks for jogging my memory.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-21)
Shane, you never disappoint, I always find your tales interesting. I think she was surely letting you know about your Dad. I'm sorry to hear of his passing but maybe you'll have some tales to tell about that!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-20)
My Dear friend Abby, ❤

I am honored you choose my story to post your 500th post on. It is a mile stone of the help and compassion and sometimes verbal repremands to those who were in need of those things. Myself being one of them at times. I took no offense in you missing some of my personal stories. There were, are, and always will be people out there who require more of your knowledge and wisdom than I. I just enjoy your company and your jovial presense here and I along with Martin, am glad you signed up to be with us. I am coming up on that magic number you mentioned in one of your earlier post, I will have to return the honor in some manner. Here is to your 500th post and may you have millions more. With the greatest of admiration and love my dear friend.

❤Peace of mind, Love of the world, and Lots of Luck, be with you always. ❤
Martin (602 posts) mod
17 years ago (2007-08-20)
Congrats on the 500th post Abby, I understand if you don't post for a while because it's pretty neat to have a round number like that next to your name 😉 Hehe. Thank you also for your show of appreciation, it's always nice... I do think we have a nice thing going on here, it's pretty active, with good people and I barely delete any messages at all as everyone is respectful and in their best behavior (the required registration certainly helped in that matter, I know, I know, you signed up kicking and screaming 😉 but isn't it worth it?). Thanks a bunch for all your contribution Abby, you're a very valuable member of this site and make up part of what it is now, and don't forget how many lives you have actually touched this way... Now don't pay attention to the men in black knocking at your door 😊 Ah! Sorry, couldn't help it.
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-20)
Dear Shane,

I apologize, and am ashamed that I have not commented on this story sooner and any other personal stories I have overlooked upon your page. Sometimes, these personal stories hit very close to home.

I am sorry and sympathize with you for the loss of your father, as well as the loss of your beloved friend as mentioned in another personal story of yours, and any and all losses you have experienced in your present life. I empathize, and I understand. From firsthand experience, I have learned that it is true that time heals all wounds, but with every passing anniversary year, event and triggered memory, in the depths of our soul we never do forget our loved ones, the love we share and our eternal connection even after their death.

Your stories and comments always prove to me, time and time again that there is "something more" after death, that love and our connection with our loved ones is eternal and transcends even physical death.

I am grateful for your knowledgeable, kindly shared and connected, personal stories, comments and most of all, for your friendship here.

I hope you will forgive me, as I have selfishly and deliberately chosen your page to make my celebratory, comment marker, 500th post. I could not think of a better story page in which to have written my 500th post than yours. With that said, I apologize and do not wish to offend other authors, readers and posters, as I have said that I do not like to play favorites. I am hoping you will all understand why I have chosen Shane's page and will also forgive me if my choice offends you in any way.

I wish to dedicate this, my 500th celebratory, commented post to all of you, not just to Shane and to our web wizard, Martin, but to all of you,--- all of the authors, the readers and the posters here on This goes out to all of you who who frequent this site daily, to those who have only authored, read or posted once, and to everyone in between this spectrum of human and soul connection. This is to everybody, even if we agree and disagree and in spite and despite our sameness, similarities or differences in opinions and our belief systems. I still believe that no matter what our good, bad and ugly may be, along with our mistakes, contradictions and hypocrisies, we are still all connected by one common thread that comes from the depths of each and every soul,--- and that is the common thread of "unconditional love".

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this site and a part of the human and soul experience and connection. No matter the person or the experience, we can always learn something new about ourselves, the world, and the reality in which we live. Never stop finding out who you are and expressing who you are. I appreciate all of you for being a part of this experience here on this site and helping me to make this my 500th comment. Once again, thank you Shane and please forgive me for using your page. I just could not think of a page or a more than loving, kind, and honest person more befitting. I just hope others will agree.

With My Greatest Appreciation, Love & Many Blessings To All Here, As Always, (my personal signature follows:)

Blessings, Abby (08-20-2007 #500 Comment)
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-03-20)
Thank you Ann, I enjoy relaying things that have happened to me to others. If something that I have experienced can help someone else to cope with what they are going through, then it really makes it all worth it.
Annmuma (1 stories) (2 posts)
18 years ago (2007-03-19)
Enjoyed your story. I have had numerous contacts from those on the other side, both in dreams and in waking hours. I find them to be comforting and peaceful. I'll continue to follow your stories.
Guen (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-09)
Yes it was happen to me sometime, At my old house I was in bed I was slept in someone touching my face with someone's left hand I don't know it was a dreaming or not And thourght it was my parent.

From Guen
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-01-07)
Glad you all enjoy reading the stories as much as I enjoy telling them. Will post more upon my return from vacation.
courtney (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-06)
that was a good and weird story. shit like that happen most night for me but after living in this house for years I have got use of the idea of having a ghost in the homes.
Janice (7 stories) (248 posts)
18 years ago (2007-01-06)
Ok, sorry I got to your comment so late, but I'm trying to post on all your stories. thanks for answering my questions. So your saying that the house next door to you was haunted? I think that maybe a ghost from next door came to your house or something. Wait a second, if your saying it was of your grandmother, than she probably just went there for that moment, and there. Well, thanks for replying,(which most people don't do). Well, I will read the next story that you post right now and comment, bye!!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-01-05)
I consider it as another notch because it was just one of many experiences I have had with the paranormal. I no longer fear what I can't explain, I just except it and try and figure out why it happened and is there anything I can do to explain why it happened.
Autumn (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-04)
Oh? Indeed, post away. How do you consider it to be another "notch"? There is such a thing as sleep paralysis, though sometimes what is an encounter is mistaken for paralysis.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-01-04)
I will have to post the story of another time I was touched by the spirit realm, some will call it sleep paralysis or night terror, I just call it another notch in my paranormal belt.
Autumn (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-04)
Wow- what an advanced contact- it seems very... I can't think of the word... intense? Having an experience like that, so clearly... rare.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-01-03)
No problem with the questions, I have been studying paranormal activity since I was 12 and I find it very interesting at times. First question, No I never did see her again, and yes I did pray for them. The house I grew up in wasn't haunted only the house next door was of which you have already read that story. I will try and post more soon.
Janice (7 stories) (248 posts)
18 years ago (2007-01-03)
I think that maybe that ghost(or spirit)you saw was indeed of your grandmother. She probably did have something to do with the death of your father(which I'm very sorry for)and she probably wanted to warn you of your dad's death and to tell you that your dad was gonna go to heaven and suffer no longer. I really do think that you were in the presence of a ghost, just some questions before I shut my mouth, Did you ever see this spirit again? Have you ever prayed for her and your father to go to heaven? and lastly, did you ever here of the house in which you saw her that it was haunted? forgive me for all the questions but I'm doing my own ghost investigations and well I'm just wanderin'. well again... bye!! (hoping that you write more stories)

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