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Comments for Peculiar Night Visits: Page 1

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sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Like every body, I also acknowledge that your experience is not only strange but also creepy. And you had the ability or sensitivity to see paranormal. Strangely, I am stunned about the fact that why on the same day when you decided to distance yourself from them, why they came to you and asked you to come with them. That is a mystery. And who they are and why they have been there only until the time you had interest in them are puzzles. Nice narration. Thanks for sharing.

If you have any other experiences, please share with us.



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Night_Vampire (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Lacota I like your story very much... You narrated very well =)
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Lakota73: Brilliant account here, and yes as is already mentioned bit strange and creepy. At first it seemed as though this was residual in nature, the fact a stove was seen the whole time added to this as well. But having them acknowledge your presence and say those things to you has left me a little stumped as to what there true motives were, I noticed you have done some history on the house and land, pehaps someting was brought in to the home and placed in your room an artifact or some sort of material object that they were attached to? Thanks for sharing this account with us here. 😊

Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-23)

I know it must seem strange, but at the time I didn't think anything odd about these people, only the way they dressed.

They were full-bodied apparitions, if you like. I honestly believed they were as living as you and I.

Lakota73 😊
clever210 (3 stories) (189 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-23)
That was so creepy but also very intriguing. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I've not read one quite like this before.
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-23)
Hi to all who have recently posted.

I've not really mentioned this story in full to my family, but just a few days ago my sister did ask me if I could remember my "imaginary friends". I brushed the mention of them off as other family members were at my nan's house and I didn't want to seem crazy!

I recall having a dream around the same time as the mystery couple appeared to me. In this dream, I was in a semi-detached Edwardian house with a number of siblings and we were playing jumping down the stairs and seeing how many steps we could miss out. There was a huge draft sweeping up the stairs and a light flickered, and when I jumped from near enough the top of the stairs, I woke up.

Years later this house is a dentist and I registered there in 1995 but attended only one time. My daughter needed to use the bathroom so I took her upstairs, but when I went to descend the stairs I realised the layout etc. Resembled my dream. I changed dentists soon after.

Just before you reach the street where the Edwardian house sits, there is a very steep bank leading from my house to the town. As a very young girl I vividly recall early memories of my mother wheeling me in a pushchair down the bank. I remember seeing a train crossing the now demolished bridge and endless terrace houses either side of the bank.

Fast forward a few years later again to 1995, I read an article in a local newspaper that they were demolishing the bridge. Although an eye sore, I was sad to hear the disused railway line would make way for a supermarket.

My sad feelings didn't seem odd until my dad mentioned the rail line had closed down many years before I was born and it is impossible for me to have witnessed any train crossing that line. And the terrace houses were also demolished to make way for flats.

I researched the closing of the rail line and it did indeed close down before I was born, but my memory of seeing the train is very real.

I've also tried to research the Edwardian house, but didn't get very far. I am curious to whether I lived in this house during the Edwardian era. If that is so, then that means I lived a previous life in the same town. No wonder I want to move area!

Hope my story doesn't make me sound crazy. Not told many people, but was encouraged to post here by my partner who is fascinated these people came to visit me!

I will ask my family if they ever witnessed these people and get back to you all soon.


Lakota73 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-23)
Lakota: Now that, is, creepy!...Did your sister or parents ever mention having any experiences in the home with this couple?...Wonder what the heck was up with the stove?

Great story! Thank you for posting it, going to my faves 😊
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-23)
Yes, I agree this is pretty creepy. I am looking forward to reading more.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-23)
Lakota - this is by far one of the creepiest stories I've read on this site in a long time. I'm so glad that, even as a child, you were able to sense that something was wrong with those "people" and were able to get away from them.

I'm going to read your story again. I truly did enjoy it. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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