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Comments for A Father's Sign: Page 1

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Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-28)
Princesskatie, some times people have to actually see something before they believe it. Some even witnessing it for themselves still won't believe it. I've had a few of those. One even wanted to know how it was done, "making noises come from the far end of a building with no one there". I told him to go and check it out, which he did and still thought it was a trick. Oh well, don't get discouraged just remember you have a whole new family of believers here.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
PrincessKatie (7 stories) (420 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-27)
aw that's a nice story yeah it sounds like it was him. Our family will never believe us going through these kind of things we need to prove to them that we do and we did go through things like this if only they understud. They won't have nay of it though.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-27)
Dear Shane,

Bravo, thanks, and well said my friend. An agreed "Ditto" to everything you did say in your beautiful response post not just about myself, but to Martin, and to the rest of the wonderful ygs family. :) ❤

If we are not ruffling a few feathers then we are not doing a very good job of being ourselves and living our own life by saying what we mean and meaning what we say.

Well, here's to a thousand more Shanely Posts to come, ending in "Peace, Love, and Luck be with you always". ❤

Who loves you, Baby? YGS family, and me, Abby, that's who! --Blessings, Abby 😁
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-26)
My dearest friend Abby, Once again your kind words have found their mark. I thank you my friend for the wisdom and patients that you have taught me through your post. They are always very insightful, intelligent, and respectful. Now what others i.e. The author or other poster takes away from it is up to them.

We have both had our share of contumelious people here. I guess we some times bring out the best in some and the worst in others. 😁 You my dear friend, mother hen, site queen, and insightful sage, are a big part of me making it as far as I have. There were times when those who shall remain nameless challenged me to the point of wanting to leave, but you stood by me and sometimes up for me. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart and know you are loved greatly as well.

I also have to thank our dear webmaster, partner in crime, associate, and good friend Martin, for providing us a place where everyone is welcome to share their experience or knowledge of the paranormal without fear of ridicule. Who also stood by me in a difficult situation.
I would not even have stuck around if not for the wonderful site he has created and manages.

Plus let's not forget the most important people out there who make it all possible are the authors, posters, and readers of this great site, without them none of us would even be here. So to them a great big THANK YOU!

Also a BIG WELCOME to all of our newest members, a BIG CONGRATS to our newest senior posters as well. So I leave you all with my famous signature.

Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-26)
Shenny, I am looking forward to reading your story/s. I am happy that I was able to inspire you to come forward with your own experiences. You will find that most of us here are very understanding and do not ridicule someone for something they have experienced. We are a pretty good bunch of people I think.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-26)
Dear Shane,

A belated "Congratulations to You" for reaching 800 and also 900 posts. Good grief, soon you will be coming up on 1,000 ygs posts! I hope I won't miss that one!

Keep it coming, Love! Keep those wonderful, right-on posts coming! Thank you for gracing myself and others here with your perfectly positive, posting presence!

With Admiration & Lotsa Love To You, My Dear Friend, Shane ❤, Congratulations!

900 Post Marker, Love & Blessings, Abby ❤
Shenny (guest)
18 years ago (2007-09-26)
Hi Shane, I'm 13 years old At The Moment, And I Lost My First Mum 2 Days Before I Was Supposed To Turn 12 Years Old. (Co-incidence or what?)
So I guess I can say I know how you feel. And that I'm very sorry for your loss.
And I just want to say that you have given me confidence to post a story about me seeing my mom after her death, on my birthday and maybe some more stories of her here, I hope you find the time to read it.

Take care & Godbless,
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-10)
G, Thank you so much for your kind words. If I get to make it back to Jersey you can count on me stopping by the coyote for a bite and to see the place in person. I love to travel and I am hoping that once I get back in the states I can find a job that allows me to do just that. Couple of leads, but no firm commitments yet.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
gbeach (3 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-09)
Hey Shane
I can really identify with this story. I lost my mom young (14). I WISH my mom had come to me in those critical years. I became the 'woman' of the house. If you ever are in the area, you should seriously drop by! We're going to stay at the Publik House around October. Chester is very cool and Coyote serves great food. Keep writing. I love your stories!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-04)
Hey granny, you know your opinions are always welcome on one of my stories. My father and I were really close. Dad did his best to provide for us before his illness and even after he wasn't able to work he still did everything he could for our family. I am so glad that hospitals have changed their rules about children being in the room with patients who are dying. I think if they had allowed us in the room at the time it would have been easier on me. When I got the news, I did the old men don't cry thing and held my pain in. That ended up costing me an ulcer and a lot longer healing process. Maybe that is why he came back to help me release the emotions, because it was just a few days later that I finally broke down and cried for I know the better part of an hour. I know he is proud of me and all I have accomplished in my life. Talk about bringing on tears 😭. Getting all misty eyed from all the memories flooding back in. Thanks again granny.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Peteys_granny (1 stories) (36 posts)
18 years ago (2007-09-03)
I think that when departed loved ones reveal themselves to the living, it's never a random event, and it's never inadvertent. They do it because they have a reason to do it. That you and your father were deprived of the opportunity to take your leave of each other would have vexed him greatly. His visit may have been an attempt to remedy the situation as best he could. Also, it seems to me that he was expressing frustration, maybe even some anger, over the injustice that was done to your brother. If you haven't heard from your dad in a while, it might just mean that he's content with the way you're living your life, and he sees no reason to intervene.

These are just my opinions, Shane, and you probably know what they say about opinions. What is clear to me, is that you and your father were the best of friends. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can understand and relate to it, having walked in similar shoes myself.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-31)
Shane, I can understand what you feel, I often think of my own parents and how much I miss them and their silly ways(those would be the silly ways that they have passed on to me via the genetic trail!) I like to think that they are together and that they still think of me. They made me proud to be their daughter and have inspired me in all ways. Your father sounds like a strong and great Dad. Therefore, your dedication was understandable and didn't go unnoticed by me. My respects to you for that.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-31)
He was and still is an inspiration to me. He knew that the chips were down and that he wouldn't be coming home. He didn't try and sugar coat it for me, he told me straight up or at least as straight up as he could for as ill as he was. Thank you so much Bell for your kind words, they do not go unnoticed and my they be return thrice upon you.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you always. ❤
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-31)
Shane, that was a really good story, we got to know a little bit about you. You had a really tough childhood, it sounds like you had to grow up pretty fast. It also sounds like you did a pretty good job of things too! Those were some weird happenings. Had your Mother never seen anything odd? Maybe she just didn't want to trouble you with it. That was very sweet for you to dedicate the story to your Dad. I'm sure he appreciates the sentiment!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-30)
Hello Tricia, I am honored to be invited to your wedding. I do doubt that I will be in Michigan at the time though. But I do wish you the best of luck and a long and happy marriage. To be able to post a photo to the site you can email the webmaster Martin, and submit the photos to him and I am sure he may be able to find a place for them.
Once again congratulations on your up coming wedding. 😁

Peace of mind, Love of your life, Lots of Luck be with you always.
QueenTas (4 stories) (43 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-30)
Sorry that this comment has nothing to do with your story, but I don't know any other way to get ahold of you.

I was wondering if you know how I can post photos on here?
(other then in my stories, I want to post a photo on the photo section of the site)

Thanks :)

QueenTas (4 stories) (43 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-30)
Thank you, if you might happen to be in Michigan in January...(I had to change the date to January, becasue I had sat the date for December 8th, and didn't realize it would be one year since my fiance's grandfathers passing) would be welcome to come :)

Thanks again, it is really nice to be welcomed back.

Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-26)
Annie, Athena, and Martin, thank you all for your kind words. I think a lot of who I am is because of my father. He told me to just be me and always be honest and helpful.

Tricia, first off congrats on the wedding. Second, Welcome back, it indeed has been a long time since we last saw you. I hope we will continue to see more of you.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-08-25)
I have to agree with Athena, usually, empathy is learned the hard way! You have to go through some difficult times to be able to related with others with their difficulties, and it made you the way you are, helping people on this site and all. Thanks for your story Shane 😁
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-24)
Shane that is my favorite story of yours. That was a rough time for your family, but I believe that episode is what helped form much of who you are now. Your courage to look into ghosts, your obvious empathy etc. Good Job!
QueenTas (4 stories) (43 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-24)
I am very sorry to hear that your father passed while you were so young, my friend's father passed away about a year ago, and her little sister was very young, and I had known that whole family for about 10 years.

Anyways, I haven't been on in a while, becasue I have been very busy, and I have been planning my wedding for this coming december.

Well Shane, it would be nice to talk to you again, and I wish you best of luck with everything that is going on in your life.

Annie (202 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-24)
Shane, first of all, I'm sorry about the loss of your dad at such a young age. How heartbreaking. But, you know that he was there looking out for all of you. Even if it was bad news.

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