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Comments for The Demon I Couldn't Remember At First: Page 1

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Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-16)
Okay I see the problem, the google account connects to the youtube account, or it does that here anyway. If I make my own it'll delete my step mother's google, and youtube account. So I'm quite stuck in this Gmail situation to.
And I understand things can get frustrating, but I'm not easy to throw a temper over the internet, depending on the situation people anger me, not items. I can live without the net if necessary, it would be more boring but when things such as email don't work according to plan it's not the end of the world. 😊


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-16)
Kya: Save yourself a lot of frustration and use the e-mail account you used when you signed up on the site. Copy/paste Rook's e-mail address in the "to" position, compose your e-mail and hit "send".
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-16)
I have a message ready to send, but it asks what mail server I should send it to, and there are only three options.
POP3, IMAP or HTTP. I just don't know which one to pick, and I'll be able to click next if I type in either of the three.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-15)
No Tweed not at all, whoever it is that I commented on that story the day before yesterday, I'm unsure if it's a she, as far as the story sounds, I assumed it was a female. I'd be saying the title of the name if I seen the pic from whoever it is. There is also no pic from this new account that he/she made that I checked out yesterday, so I can't know for sure what the gender is.

No no, I never took it that way at all. You don't have to apologize for it and it wasn't even a big deal, I use the expression when I end arguments, or conversation, but for conversations it's not often.

And I get what you mean, I only meant that for very few people, not more than three or less. I don't know why jey didn't believe me, I use my words such as "this happened years ago so the memories fuzzy" or somewhere near that because the story was years ago, it's not like it happened anytime recently and if it is recent I would say so, so I didn't know what the problem was.


Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-15)
umm Kya,

Is the 'she' you refer to me? I didn't make a new account to vent. Not my style.

I don't know who Je is, but I believe this person really is someone who reads things on here a lot, who has been inspired to create an account to air their frustration. I honestly don't think there is any conspiracy at play. This site has a lot of people who read for ages before joining. It's a big internet out there.

I haven't been paying much attention to your progress of late, so I'm not sure on this, but I had a feeling you took my 'I'll leave it at that' sign off wrongly. I actually meant 'I'll leave it at that' because I have a tendency to babble on and used self depreciating humour to sum that up.
If this is the case, I'm sorry, that was not my intention.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-15)
Morning, there's nothing to reply to and I couldn't really sleep, but it's not because of the trouble from yesterday. Flees are still infesting me at night, even though we went through a lot of trouble trying to get rid of them.

I was also told I had an appointment to get prescriptions for xanex and sleeping pills, but I'm still not sure when the date is, or if I missed the appointment. I won't lie, I used to smoke, and it wasn't cigarettes, it was a herbal drug, no chemicals. I recently just sobered up, and I'm a lot less zen without it, but I sobered up so that I'm ready for a job after I get my diploma. On top of not being able to sleep some nights, so I guess I had my reasons for yesterdays actions, and I'm not trying to use it as an excuse, I just need medication, I'm like my father when I don't have anything to keep me zen. And I do apologize for what occurred yesterday, jey-jey will be invisible to me today. I have a feeling that she made a new account just to troll me, and I wish I had realized that.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Hahah, actually, I'll just log back on tomorrow, and reply only to you, and other supporters. You'll be hearing from me again, and you'll have my word next time. 😊


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
I'll log off, and I'm watching a show with the family. But more or less, logging off will help. I'll take your word for it, and I can see defending myself will just help jey-jey dearest win. And I apologize, I look like a liar cause I said I would ignore the next negative comment that comes my way, and I didn't. I'll be talking to you later, and I will log back on when I've calmed down.
Most people would be more upset, and angry, and yet all I feel is amused. 😁


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Kya, Please stop. Please log off. Shut off your computer and go for a walk. A long walk. Do not reply to anything until you sleep on it, please.

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
You know what, I am far from finished. And I don't care, even if I looked better if I ignored your spiteful attitude.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
He was a disguised demon, and recently banished if you hadn't payed attention to the comments below that story.

"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied."

I don't believe in marriage with a person from the afterlife, let alone it being a succubus in disguise. Keep on going, you'll just become the quote itself.


JiJey (1 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
I'm sure you are far from finished, within the next few days or weeks, you'll "remember" something else that happened or you'll be marrying your demonic boyfriend or something.

I believe in the paranormal, that's why I spend so much time reading the stories on this site, I just don't believe you.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
I took a look at that quote generator, and I found one reminding me of somebody. 😊

"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied."

As for me, I'm never satisfied when it comes to those who were negative to me from the start even if my words feel justified, I shouldn't have to feel the need to defend back with words, and I no longer have any intentions to if I get anymore negative comments. Because ladydarke and Hecate are right. I'm finished this time, and I'm leaving it at that. 😊


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
I will be taking the high road next time, but I hope you understand why it didn't happen. My high strong personality isn't the reason, I think I have mentioned in my replies to you two that I wasn't able to your responses first, but I think I mentioned it once in one of my replies, I just wanted to mention it again to where you both see it. Again, thanks for the support, and for the email help ladydarke. 😁


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Okay, I'll give it a try. I think I already have malware, I just don't have the account set up for emailing Rook, but I have my words saved for whenever it's ready.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Sorry guys, your both right, but it's me to be head strong all the time, as long as I have something to say.
My best quality in defending myself is with words. But next time, I did mention that there's no point in writing a book of a paragraph to someone who is negative anyway. It's me to be defending of myself at least once, when facing negative ways of words. I appreciate the support you guys. Although, if I had seen your responses first, I may have listened, but sadly the comment I seen first was that one comment with so much critics in it.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
You are right, but I couldn't help it. It's just me, I maybe positive, but I lived to be a tom boy in my childhood years, so always even though I know myself more than anyone and my truth, I am headstrong. And at times, I like to have the last laugh respectfully when it comes to facing negativity. 😁
But thank you ladydarke, your kind words are appreciated.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
I am going to forget anything negative ever happened, and everyone forget my personal comments as well. I've already gotten replies for them anyway, and they shouldn't have been published here.
People like JiJey or Lark have gotten me thinking about deleting my account before. But no, I haven't gotten this far for nothing, and just two people in denial won't push me from this.

"I am me" is probably one of my favorite statements that Miracles has said, and me is exactly what I am. I may look self centered getting personal just to make a point of what is in my genes, or not. But a few of you know already, I don't act like a drama queen unless there's a reason for it, and if I realize it was childish, I try to be mature about it and agree with whom I am arguing with. I honestly didn't expect any replies, I expected my personal life getting deleted since it has nothing to do with questions, or the afterlife. So those of you who are, and was considerate about it in moment, thank you. It is well appreciated. I've said enough, and I won't mention anything further involving anything horrible in my life unless it's about the afterlife. I have said it so many times, but you can probably see why I'm saying it again since I'm getting so many new critics from one person.
I will be resetting the comments after I reply to the other comments, I never want to see those critics again, only to stay positive. 😊
(to people I engaged in well with conversations, and who are actually positive, even when doubtful)


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Hahahahah, you make me laugh. I haven't been banned yet because I at least admit my wrong doings. As for admitting being new in the first place is my way of being honest, and so the story publisher knows not to listen to me when he/she should listen to the others who actually knows what there doing.

The main fiction of my Angelic story was declined and only because it had a lot to do with love. And one of my stories spoke of animals in the afterlife, a kitten I had rescued that was included. Ttp://
You can doubt my stories all you want, but I have been involved with the afterlife since I was eight years old, nothing you say will change that.

I just have no words, and I have no intentions of looking negative such as yourself, even if I don't give a care that my tone sounds that way. If you'd rather speak to a moderator about my stories being a joke, tell them in their comments. You know very well you spoke your mind negatively in my comments out of spite, and you can believe what you want. Now I can't deny that I have posted ridiculous comments from time to time, and from those ridiculous times even to somebody like Lark, I admitted my wrong doings and apologized when I looked like a fool, and this Lark didn't even care of my maturity. Lark claimed he was being a "mature adult" as an excuse for his passive aggressive negativity.

Like I said before, I just wanted to be helpful, I often never know when I can be and I admitted that. My apologies for TRYING to be helpful, considering it offends you, I'll remember just to vote and keep my trap shut. I just tried to make it clear that the publisher should listen to the other people with advice, considering another moderator/member made it clear that I shouldn't have.

Please don't get me wrong, and be as spiteful as you want. But I don't try to look like a fool on purpose, and yes it happens at times. People have said or assumed I am looking for attention, and I admit that's how it looks, but not for the reasons you think. I don't give a CARE if my search for help was ignored, because I know very well this is not the place where I can find any help in the world that I am looking for.

People just want to be heard, and just that helps me for the meantime until I can gain actual help that doesn't regard the paranormal, doesn't anyone? Don't send another comment as long as you have something negative to say, cause I'll just ignore it... Not that you'd care. I have no intentions putting in effort dealing with paragraphs to send to someone I don't even know, nor care about. And as for giving "advice" it isn't something I purposely fail at, it can work, but I know it's not often. Again, unless I am more experienced when it comes to "advice" I'll have nothing to say, unless I really know what to do.

Were you there? Are you me? No? Then don't bother in making negative accusations about my stories being fictional, your acting like someone who doesn't believe in the paranormal considering my stories are just about as similar as anyone else's. Again, your opinions on how my (fictional) stories are, won't change everything I've seen and witnessed since my childhood years.

(Talk to a MODERATOR if you care so much)

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Good to know, and thanks. I know it was a small matter, and simple question but I'm trying to avoid going against anymore guidelines. And even if it's small I like to make sure of these things.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Kya: Yes, you can submit the same stories there.

Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Kya, I am with LadyDarke here. No need to respond. Opinions are fair game to be shared here. We just do not always need to respond directly. Hope you have a peaceful night.

ladydarke (115 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)

You and I will not dignify the comment below mine, from Jijey, with a response. You have no need to defend your truth. We will take the high road and not respond.
ladydarke (115 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)

Are you using Outlook, the email program that comes with Windows? It can be a little difficult to set up at first.

Go to or to and make a free account with one of those sites. Both are major email providers and a big advantage of using either is that when you open mail, it is opening on the gmail or live server rather than on your computer. This means any viruses will explode on their end, not yours. You'd have to click links or download files after opening an email to acquire malware. You can also check your email from any net connection anywhere by logging into the website.

You will need to choose a username and password to make a free account with either provider. Sometimes you have to try a few times before you get a username that isn't taken since there are millions of people using these providers.

You'll be able to start sending emails immediately after making your account.
JiJey (1 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Long time lurker, first time poster.

I've been reading a lot of stories on here lately and the last few weeks I've noticed the current writer has had a lot of activity.

I had to make an account to say this - this entire thing is rediculous, the stories sound like complete fiction.

Add in the fact of the writers age, admitting that at least her father suffers from some sort of mental problems, which could easily be passed on genitically, the frequency of these stories she "remembers" and the tantrums she has thrown on the comments section, this entire thing stinks like yesterday's laundry.

And frankly, I'm not really sure so many of you are helping very much with this either, all of your advice and theories are only adding fuel to a fire, giving her more ideas and concepts.

Maybe you guys need to start being more careful about what you post, maybe the site needs to have cool down peroids for submitting stories from users so they can't sling them out as fast as the writer has been, but something should be done, because a lot of the stories being submitted and published lately are doing the site massive discredit.

Now she's also going around and giving her own special brand of "advice", even though she admits to being new and not really knowing what she is doing.

When real people with real problems come here, they are going to see what looks like a massive role playing website. I don't know if that's what you really want, but this is a god-dang joke.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Last off topic... Rook, at my age, memory comments are nearly always associated with aging. LOL It apparently was about IQ since I couldn't even remember the irksome 50 character minimum, why I decided to be so verbose here. 😆 I always enjoy your posts!

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
To any moderator-
I just signed up for that Psychic Experience website, I have a feeling it may be okay, but I want ask anyway. Am I able to submit my demon story on the site I just signed up on? It will be submitted differently speaking of only the fight that went on between my father and I, the part in the story that involved the third eye.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
My apologies, I didn't realize I missed a question. My fathers mother was Native American, and I think his father was not. He was a normal white man, he used to be in the army. Although I am unaware of more ancestors being native same as my grandmother.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
(sigh) I'm sorry, I'm new with this email thing, I'm used to fb.

"incoming mail (POP3, IMAP, HTTP) "
"An SMTP is the server that is used for your outgoing email" "Outgoing email (SMTP server) "

This is the part it got to that I didn't understand, if you know of what I should do I wouldn't mind any guidance, but only if there's something you know that I don't. This is the only part in the email that's stopping me, and it confuses me, since I never emailed this way before.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
I won't deny that, I figured I might've done something wrong, I'm much good with computers as well as my father is. I'll try this differently. 😊


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Thanks for the tip, I saved what you said to the computer and I'll talk to my family about it in due time. If talk to them about it now they'll say we have to do this this and this before getting into serious things like therapy or counseling. I'm not just going to avoid it for sure though, and I will try to go for this as soon as possible when my family say's it's the right time.

For sure, I'll try as soon as I can. We just can't be occupied with liveable needs by then, for now were just trying to survive until we can reach middle class again, since I'm not like them their stressed dealing with adult like issues and trying to figure things out in order to get us money, help us live etc etc including our family pets. Not all of it is the case, I'll talk to them about it when there not dealing with bs, and it may not happen right away even then. But I'm not giving up on help, not when I haven't even tried yet, and I will try for sure when the time feels right, you know right for the adults to deal with it, and for them to help me with the situation as well.

Thank you, this will help. 😊


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)

Now...once more I will ask concerning heritage... Is your Father a Full Blood, half blood, 1/3 blood, 1/4 blood... What partiular mix of Native American and 'whatever' is he? Or do you know? This answer my help you with 'non-pararnormal' things as well so it really makes a difference.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)

Minimum number of letters needed to post... I would never guess a ladies age 😉 and even if I had to I would never pick a number over 40.




I assure you the e-mail is valid... My name is on my profile so feel free to 'plug' it in and see if that helps.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
He moved around from Arizona, to Florida, to Oklahoma. I think he was in Oklahoma for this tribe, I know for sure he wasn't in Florida nor Arizona.

Maybe it was middle 80s, I know he was a young adult, or between being a senior in high school, it was probably college, he said something about being 20 or younger at the time so I don't think he was in high school. It was probably in the early 90s, so I guess I might've been between three or younger if he was a young adult, or possibly a bit younger at the time.

Her referring to my fathers background? This is my father I am speaking of. (lol)
I'm pretty sure it's where he developed his beliefs for the afterlife, he just never told me much about it until I grew up to understand more, I was a teen or younger, definitely in an appropriate age to understand the afterlife, considering I've been around the paranormal since the age of 8.


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Rook, My age or my IQ? 😆 😆 I can't rememberer.

This is why I come to this site. Thank you! 😁

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)

You are welcome to it. 😁 So ummm 50?


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Rememberery. Can I use that, Rook? I love making up words. And that is an awesome one! 😆

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Ugh, okay I tried as soon as I did after that last comment, and it's being difficult, and it said your email was invalid, it moved to other complicated things after that, and I couldn't understand.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Time frame check... Make sure my rememberery (is that a word?) is working correctly... Was this in the mid-to late 80's or early 90's in Cali... No wait... She was from OK... Did your father grow up in OK?

I know this does not seem 'on topic' at the moment... But it really is... Just give me a few... This establishes background... And her Fathers background as a 'Medicine Man'...or at least where he developed his beliefs about the paranormal.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Lol, it already has your email in the place where "To:" is, what pops up is "Display name" that is where it says for me to put and actual name, the example underneath was "John Smith". Generally, I guess it asks for the name behind the email. (whoever possesses the email) Sorry, I'm not trying to pry it from you, but it's what it says. But I will check and see if your email works there, even if it might not, I'll just give it a try.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
I definitely did check it out, I forgot up until you mentioned it here.

I see, I opened the link, and I'll take a look and mention things such as having the traits of an Empath, and if possible I might mention my demon story again regarding the third eye fight if the moderators say it's okay. In case it's not since it's already published, I'll wait to see what the answer is from one of the moderators.

For sure, I don't feel the need to belong to one or the other, I'll join in whatever I choose, even if most people object, which I know nobody objects much unless I can't be helped since what I have mentioned so far before in my one detailed comment requires professional help. I'll try to restrain from being too out there, that subject has already come to an end, for me at least. But if there are more comments for that situation, I'll still reply, even though it should done with now, or soon at least.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Yes yes, I need to stop taking these things the wrong way, what had me on edge was a different matter, and I wasn't happy about it obviously. But, the matter was because it involved seeking too much "attention" when I have been trying to be clear that I lived with someone who has been exactly that, he drove us crazy for six years until he decided to move. He expected tears, and was most definitely wrong because he practically controlled our lives, I already replied to ZulaGirl making it clear that I'm nothing like that, and I just want it to be left at that, I take no offense about being told not to recommend anything, I took very big offense to the other matter. I can see I shouldn't act ridiculous about both, my apologies if I acted dramatic once again, and no I'm not down on myself about it, it's just something that happens, it's a flaw of mine, I act too soon in the heat of the moment, and I just wish I knew how to restrain a lot sooner before acting out.

Anyway, like you said, back to the point. This was when my father was a kid, in high school, or older. He belonged to the Cherokee Tribe. I think he mentioned he wasn't there long, but that's because the chief (she was female) wasn't being respectful to a friend of my fathers that had nowhere else to go, other than where my father was. This is a sad story, but my father left the tribe for personal reasons, regarding the death of that friend of his that left that night, and he blamed himself for it.

I understand Rook, it's fine. 😊


ms_st0308 (6 stories) (66 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Just going to throw my two cents in. I know a lot of people have offered a lot of different ideas and suggestions to help, but I have another one. 😁 You mentioned that you would be interested in finding a counselor who could help you work through some of the difficulties from your past but are concerned about your current financial situation. You don't have to tell me what your finances look like or what type of insurance, if any, you may have; but I would suggest looking into a county mental health center. Many of those offer low-cost and sometimes free counseling and care. Also, you could qualify for Medicaid which will pay for a lot of counseling at a mental health center. There may also be support groups in your area through a college, community center, or church. Many of these are free to the public.

I would suggest looking these up on the internet and making some phone calls to find the right fit for you. And as someone else has said, it's perfectly ok to "shop" around for a good counselor. There are a lot of different personalities out there and you have to find the one that clicks with you.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Ummmm...Huh? Not sure what 'name' its asking about.

If you have a e-mail account just 'create' a new message and cut and paste my e-mail address into the 'To:' line, THAT should take care of things.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
I'm trying to send you something by email but it says I need to put a name, will your Rook name work for it, or do I need a first and last name?


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)

People were just trying to understand 'where you were coming from' and 'how it may (or may not) relate to your experiences. Grusome details 'need not apply' but becasue you 'nearly' supplied them... Well you saw the reaction...

Let's get this back 'on topic' or at least closer to it... Is your Father a member of a particular Tribe? Are you part Native American? Did he, or your Family ever live on a Reservation? If so which one?

I promise this has a bearing on some... If not all the possible paranormal experiences in your home, but I need to know this information in advance as I will not advise someone until I feel comfortable with 'where they are coming from'.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Yes, it wouldn't have been personal if no one assumed learning disabilities were in my genes, and I know it's possible it wasn't intentional, but I can't lie, it ticked me off. So I felt I was pushed to put my details out there to make my point, rather than allowing others to assume what I am, or what I've been through, nobody really knows much of another until they hear fully from a certain point of view.

Yes I think it was Medicine Man, and if not that it was something else. But Medicine Man seems familiar, I think he used that term for what he was called, it was just years ago that he told me this when I was kid, but considering it's familiar I feel I could be right. He didn't see into the future, but I'm pretty sure he used this term.

Cool, I'll just vote for people, if I try to be helpful for other story tellers it won't do much help other than getting lectures for it anyway. But as I said to ZulaGirl, I'll just keep quiet since I'm practically still a newb, and still new compared to others who have been involved with this site for years. (I say this respectfully, and wish that what I say to others actually does help)


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Ahhh, I understand now. I had a bit of confusion cause Miracles wrote that part of your description, I didn't know it was directed to another.

Thank you for your understanding of what I went through, but I am noticing that this isn't the right place for talking about anything personal regarding a horrible past. I never doubt myself, and if I do, it's because other things contribute to it that occurs in here, and now. But I noticed in part of Rooks recent comment, I didn't read through it all, what I saw at the moment looking for a second was "These details to determine what kind of paranormal OR non-paranormal experiences have truly been happening around you." so as personal as my details have gotten, it at least slightly helps for the paranormal situation. Again thank you, I appreciate nice opinions and kind words from others, it definitely takes part in helping more with my self esteem considering most of my life until high school there wasn't much point in changing it up until then. 😊


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
(sigh) I'm not sure if this talks about what I mentioned to one of the story tellers. I just explained my experience on it so far, and tried mentioning that it might help. It didn't go wrong with me so far, and I did mention that it might not have taken affect to one of my entities, which probably indicated that the story teller shouldn't go for it right away, I hope. If anything went wrong, I would've mentioned it along with what I recommended.

I am one to update when I go for things that people suggest, and I would've mentioned something went wrong in the ritual subject if anything had. I'm not defending myself, but I guess I should've just watched, instead of speaking up since I'm practically a newbie when it comes to things like rituals.

Alright, I'll try it, and it's good to know it works with any salt.

I know, I listened to every instruction Rook wrote on his profile, the other day every door and window had to be open, and it happened in the day, light shined about everywhere, so I missed nothing even if you assume so.

I'll just remember not to mention anything about anything personal in my life here, and honestly I wouldn't care if moderators discarded them, because I have mentioned before that I don't care for attention, I was never used to having attention throughout many years of my life, even though in school I have craved it even though it was pointless since none of them would've been my friend in the first place. As far as I remember, some friends have intentions of making friends just to f*** them over, I just happened to have spoke my mind because no one is that way here. This is probably the third or fourth time that I am TRYING to make myself clear, about not wanting attention. My family and I, lived with a disabled old man, who put his children through hell there whole lives, he copied everyone he meets, there problems, there past, he pretended his brothers history was his, and he is a liar everywhere he goes. He claims that he hurts for pity parties, I claim things for my learning disability more for expressing my feelings, and being heard, rather than getting help on my own since it's not even possible for now. I am nothing like that, I don't copy the pain of the people surrounding me, he did, when I hurt I heal up, and I heal fast, and so did he, but still for many many years he claimed that he's "hurting" or is in "pain", I understand you don't know me, but I am nothing like that if that's what you are assuming. Again, I'll remember to just say nothing, I apologize for trying to be helpful, and I know it's not a big deal, discard that comment if someone wants to, I don't care, but what I do care about is people assuming I'm something that isn't me. I mentioned a whole bunch of times that being an attention seeker isn't me often, never often, it happens every once in a while, for the last time.

I know it can happen, how that changes depends on the host of the entity.

I do my best for that, they wouldn't listen if it involved odd things about keep negative spirits out of the house, which is why I have done that on my own, with my brothers help. I'm more positive than I am negative about myself, I had just got done replying to Miracles, and she got me to remember the good I changed to in the first place, as I quoted in my comment to her. But here I am, again seeing more of what others assume I am because they don't know me. I embrace more positive things, than I do embrace attention or pitty parties when I'm not even in any pain, all of that experience with this old room mate of mine, claiming that it's "gods fault that my life is a mess. It's gods fault that I'm disabled" it was his own fault, and we all know it. He sold his vehicle, just to ride a scooter, and that was the start of his disability, and his pain and hurting that only happened to heal since it's been years after his injury. Don't get me wrong, and dont' misunderstand me for being something like that, because it's not what I am.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
There not, not knowing any of such things has nothing to do with that, I have mentioned my past, and I know your aware of it. Mainly it's my past, mostly including the parenting that wasn't given enough effort by the main parent who had full custody of my brother and I. Most parents that are smart, the mother most likely if the father has work teaches her kids lots of smart things early on in baby years so that it's easier to learn things from school, it just didn't happen with me because... Well I won't say, everyone is already aware that my parent with custody had no responsibility for her actions, and I'll just leave it that on this subject.

I have to admit I feel that way often, and only feel sorry for myself every once in a while which is around the times when we have our family issues, the fighting and my father being off his meds, those personal things that get out of hand. And often, it's a rare thing that happens because he loves us more than he is angry. And at times when I'm not having a bad day, I keep my head held high and feel like a strong person, and unlike most people (high schoolers or younger, or even people in college) with low self esteem, I happen to love myself 100% of the time rather than feeling sorry for myself or looking for attention for others to feel sorry for me. I love myself more than anything, more than my first love to be honest, because I at least treat myself better than he ever did.

It's been a while since I've heard things I needed to hear, and I try not to put myself down often. Even if I do it's just on a bad day, and I'll never say stupid things like "I hate myself" I remember when I used to be like that, but it completely changed when I met my new step mother. She was new at the time, and she is the main reason why I ever came to love myself in the first place. The last argument my father had with me he mentioned a lot about getting a job, and it was a big outburst of anger, I mentioned I could if I had my diploma, then all I heard was blah blah blah you can't even look up a phone number in the first place, implying I was a retard, along with making me feel like one. Nobody can ever say anything to him, which is why I don't understand why he barely takes his medication, it's like he enjoys being a "grumpy king". But it's only days like that when I wish I was myself, but like normal people with smarts at the same time, but again it's not often when I have bad days, it's pretty rare, and I often have peace with myself, even when their arguing, but not when I'm terribly insulted. And I don't mind that, thank you for your opinions, it reminded me of the good I changed into in he first place. 😁


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Kya: I don't know if you recall, but in one of your first stories the suggestion was made that you check out our sister site, "Psychics and Mediums". At this point I stand by that suggestion. There are a lot of members on the site who can/will/do relate to your situation and abilities.

The moderator, AnneV., is awesome. Also posters such as PathR and our very own Hecate give solid advice. Many of our members are members there as well, including Rook.

I'm suggesting this because the discussions differ between these two sites, even if they may seem connected. Even if you don't post an experience of your own, I'm sure you'll pick up valuable information about things that some of us can only make educated (or uneducated 😆) guesses about.

Please don't take this to mean you're unwelcome here, you can belong to both sites simultaneously. I just think you'll find it a better match to the questions you have. Here's the link:

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Exactly, I have agreed with one of the previous members that mentioned that help for therapy isn't here. I don't remember who it was, but the person at the end said "I'll just leave it at that" I understand the circumstances. And in my reply to this person, I did mention this is a site requiring help only for paranormal activities, I agreed with that person, and I will agree with you to, I just don't remember if it was Hecate or Tweed who mentioned to me that my help for my personal problems isn't here, but it was one of them. And yes, I should've known, I already did I just didn't describe my last comment very accurately. And I don't remember feeling disgusted by anyone honestly, so I don't know what's going on there. I'm only confused in that situation, or I might've forgotten something, but I really don't remember debating on feeling disgusted about anything. Don't get me wrong, I understand the circumstances, I just may not be clear enough at times, even though I'm capable of it some of the time. I completely understand and I know I've gotten enough help, and good advice from everyone. Most likely, I wouldn't mind talking more about the Empath subject, but I am aware that my personal life doesn't need to go too much further, and I'm sure a few of the members are aware of that, and whoever left the conversation at that. I should've mentioned this in my last comment, but I was ready for bed so I too tired to say much, which is probably another reason why I wasn't entirely clear.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
And Kya, I can't read a map either. I am geographically and mathematically challenged (my own diagnosis, but true). If we're being honest, I could add I know nothing about science either. I also have a hard time reading and understanding written instructions; I am more of a hands on learner. And I graduated high school. However, I do not see these things as learning disabilities. It's just who I am and I've accepted me. I'm better at a lot of other things. I choose to be positive about the things I'm good at, and not on the fact I suck at a lot of things. It's all how you choose to look at it. And I don't feel sorry for myself because of the things I can't grasp and I don't want other people to feel sorry for me either. Positive thinking goes a long way, so does age (50 in a week LOL).

The only piece of advice I'm going to give you has nothing to do with the experiences you have shared here. Stop putting yourself down about these things you are less than super intelligent about. If you can't get it, you can't get it. But you're putting yourself down everytime you use the words dumb or stupid. So what if you aren't the most intelligent person you know? It's the things you can do and your personality that people will remember 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
First - Kya it's not about making it all about you. It's about there being other stories on this site that are being overlooked and our members could find them just as interesting.

Samtille - I am very upset that my comment disgusted you. I truly am; however, I stand by what I said. If this is nothing more than a paranormal situation, our members have covered every possible scenario to a solution. If it is something other than that, we are not in a position to offer the right kind of help. Kya has been given so much help and advice, from people who do not know her nor the extent of her situation. If, as I said, it is something not paranormal, something that requires counseling or therapy, we aren't prepared for that. It has been suggested, and reasons given why that help cannot be taken/found.

I honestly think we are beyond the help we can give unless someone is a certified/qualified therapist. And if that's the case, the offer of an email would be wonderful that way the conversation can be one on one.

This is still a ghost stories site and if Kya's situation isn't paranormal, she needs help we may not be able to provide.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)

I am going out on a limb here... I have NOT gone a read any comments sense the last time I was on-line...which was Friday... It seems some 'personal details concerning your past have 'come to light'.

These details to determine what kind of paranormal OR non-paranormal experiences have truly been happening around you.

Go to my profile page... The e-mail address there is a good one to reach me at, please feel free to do so and ask any questions you may have. one of your comments you stated your Father was 'like a Shaman, but not called a Shaman...' was the term 'Medicine Man' used to describe what he did? If not do you remember what he was called?

Well, I am off to play catch-up with the comments. More later.


samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
I've not been on this site for over a year now. Just logged on now and read this whole post and I'm disgusted that Kya has been lead into disclosing very personal things about herself to justify her writing abilities. And then a mod says "its time to move on"! Wow I have never seen anything so insensitive in my life and what makes it worse is that some conversations/ comments don't come across well via the Internet.

Kya, I too felt your stories weren't as well written as your comments, but who cares! I myself have had stories rejected, because there were "errors" when there wasn't or because it was "too confusing" when it was written in English. Doesn't it say somewhere on this site not to criticise people's abilities to write?

Kya, I would also like to mention that you don't need to apologise for all the things you have. You be yourself. After reading your very personal experiences of abuse, I feel for you greatly. Whatever development/disability you have, you sound like a highly functioning person. Ladydarke has given you some wonderful comments and advice which I thought was really nice of her. You take care of yourself and continue to write your stories for us 😊
ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Dearest Kya, please be well and be careful. There is a difference between ritual and cleansing. Ritual is about precision and concentrated effort for a specific purpose. I do not recommend it unless the circumstances are dire and the person will not be alone. Ritual is the process of stripping away, opening, and focusing energy directly for a desired effect. But things can go awry, and the more complicated the ritual, the easier it can go wrong.

If you wish to try the cleansing all you need is salt and water. Any salt will do. Better salt (probably $5 for either) is more beneficial, but just regular table salt will work. Shower, bath, hose in the backyard (if you don't mind the cold and you're not modest:-) are all fine. The important part is to scrub your skin with salt. It is an effective cleansing that is also protective. I suggest these measures because I hope that you wish to see a decrease in paranormal activity.

I do not know you or your situation, but a good all-around recipe to help you is sunlight and fresh air (as rook said), plus cleansing and prayers for protection. You cannot really mess these things up and make your situation worse. They are defensive, not offensive measures. You may instead choose to not do anything or practice these suggestions half-heartedly in which case, you can expect things to continue on down the negative spiral that you have described in this (and other) posts.

But, honestly, I am beginning to wonder if you really want to devote yourself to embracing life and taking positive action. I don't wish to make you feel like I am making an indictment, but perhaps you like the attention. I've seen it before and I get it. I look at this comments section and it is like a novel.

There are a lot of people who are in bad situations who get involved with the paranormal because it makes them feel special. Ultimately, however, it only leads to further misery and the destruction of a healthy relationship with the self and others.

There is a strong correlation between dysfunction and hauntings. There is also a strong correlation between destructive, experimental actions and attention-seeking behavior. I worry for you. Dysfunction spreads like a virus. I simply wish for you, or anyone, to embrace positive action and resolve the dangerous situations that you (and your family) seem to attract.

But it is not enough for me to want it, you need to want it too. If you do, the steps to beginning down a more positive road are (and should be) simple, doable, and effective. I wish you the best. Good luck.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Lol, I'll take a look at some recently published stories. Sorry about all of this, making the situation too much about me, I'm not often that way.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Hey y'all, don't forget there are other stories, a lot of them recent, that are looking for advice or just conversation about their experiences. I think we've assisted Kya as much as we can. It's time to move on.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Hmmmm, that might be a problem, cause we don't have a bath, only a shower, and I don't know what my father would say about it, possibly it be the same as rituals, might say "it's stupid" or still act differently like might not care for it.

I have done at least four rituals, the ones that Rook have suggested, I don't know if I need to do a few more, but I will when I'm told it's the right time. And as for those mixtures you suggested, how much do they cost exactly, if I can afford them, I'll ask my step mother to get me some, it can work for both a shower and a bath right?

I also have to mention that this story occurred three or more years ago, possibly four or five, it's just a recent story because it hasn't been told until now, cause we've lived at this place for about six years. No other event same as this one occurred, it only happened once, but I'd still want to try what you suggested, I don't mind trying different ways in shielding myself. I just can't guarantee it can happen for everyone other than me, because my family might not listen to me, unless they think they should.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
I understand, and I don't mind that no one can help here, but in a way it helps just talking about it even without the help of another. I will try to, and I don't know if it requires money, but if it does, we can only afford to be able to live, and not enough as to getting help, or doing anything we want such as going out to eat, going out to eat is another rare thing we do, but we make sure it happens for special occasions as long as it's not too often.

*sigh* My apologies, I don't mean to go against the guidelines on purpose, you know in this situation. I'll remember that for next time when speaking of such a subject on a website, I wish I would've thought of that. If the comment is discarded, or changed referring to what you said,, I'm hoping it could be either one. I don't like breaking rules, even if it's by accident.

You don't have to be, my intentions for this subject is to be heard, I'm not expecting any special treatment from anyone on this site, for I know it's not your job, nor anyone else's only because it's just a site where anyone requires guidance for paranormal activities, not a thing of the past. No worries, I didn't mention it, but I understood the circumstances.

For sure, there's no problem if you don't reply back in that case, thanks for hearing me out, and you to.


ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Kya, you and your family need to start taking real measures for protection. Whatever is going on, it is not good. First, I recommend salt baths for everyone who has been affected by the various haunting entities that you write about. It is so simple, yet an extremely effective protective measure (it is also wonderfully good for your skin). All you need is a small bowl of table salt (although with the frequency and intensity of the events you have described, you might want to go ahead and invest in good salt, i.e. Non-iodized rock salt or Himalyan pink salt or perhaps a mixture of the three).

Come to think of it, a mixture of the three would be best, not only for the bath, but also to spread a salt boundary around your home (do this during the daytime. Open and close with prayers for protection. If you have silver, a special amulet that means something to you, amethyst, or a religious necklace, I.e. A cross if you are Christian, then wear these items).

For the bath, just have a bowl of salt ready, then draw a bath, soak, stand up, rub salt all over into your skin, and rinse. That is all there is to it.

Only clean during daylight hours. Avoid especially active parts of the house at night until they feel safer. Also, find a religious minister to come and bless the house. Hopefully, your family can be present for a blessing of the property and yourselves.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)

I'm getting the sense that your willingness to talk openly about the abuse you suffered as a child is connected to a longing to seek help. Do look into counseling/therapy with a professional. We here can only go so far and we are no substitute for the help you need to move forward.

I'm also getting the sense the mods here are white knuckling over the detail in which you used to communicate to me the nature of what you suffered. Perhaps a better way to sum this up, on this website, would be something like:
"I was the victim of unspeakable and cruel sexual acts"
Something like this gives us a clear indication of exactly what you mean, without fraying the comment guidelines.

I was just typing up a story to submit at some stage which involves one paragraph of the most offensive language. I did it without bleeping or paraphrasing. The reader gets a clear indication of the language used, all within a general exhibition rating. You see, there are many ways to communicate exactly what you mean without the use of graphic descriptions. In this instance, when typing that portion of my story, I described the nature of what was said, and not verbatim what was said.

I also notice the theme of sex comes up a lot in your comments and this also leads me to think you are seeking guidance and understanding in this area. This paranormal website and its members cannot give you what you need to move forward in this area. We can only help you and support you in your goals. But we are no substitute for therapy.

You mention a fondness for nature and animals a lot. Well, for an empath working with nature is PERFECT! I love nature and animals too and I know exactly what you mean about being drawn to beautiful natural landscapes. Also know what you mean about caring for animals.

Anyway I'll leave it there. Take care!
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
In the parenthesis () I forgot a kitten jumped on the lap top, and I didn't think to look over any mistakes, but I probably didn't think about it since the kitten jumped on the lap top after I made my corrections. I'm just pointing out it wasn't from my typing.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
I have focused on clouds before, and I never noticed, but the main cloud I'd stare at dissipates faster than the rest of the clouds surrounding it, just as you mentioned. The things I visualize, is being involved in a show/movie. It doesn't do much calm for me cause I often I imagine being a hero in such a thing, or socially being the center of attention as if people were to like me, but that's often more like wishful thinking. I'll take your suggestion into mind, it can help. 😁

That's the thing, I've done tons of writing, not enough for college skilled English, but I've written a lot, and I have attempted writing stories other than my main one that's similar to Walking Dead, The Infected is just my best one so I tend to focus on that one more. I definitely will, it took me years to actually be this good, only because I spent two years or more with my main story, along with other none important ones. I can't deny I need to know more English to know it better, but I have learned it to a certain extent to talk very well here at least. 😁

You to, and thank you, this will help a lot next time I'm out and about.

Kya ❤
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Your very kind.
Definitely, I don't always doubt myself and constantly think I'm not smart just because of my disability, I'm not 100% adult because of it, but that doesn't make me unintelligent. I know I am smart in many ways, just not like most adults that know way more than I do. Even so, it's not too late for me to understand more, I just need to keep on putting my effort into it. 😊

I was, and not only have I failed in those ways, it's because there was no short cuts in math, my father knew only one teacher that used short cuts. And I think I met him once or twice, he seemed pretty old, and I think my father said he was the one he was talking about, at sometime back then. He is the only one that did shortcuts for math, any other teacher that came and went called every long example, and every long formula short cuts, seriously no, I know a short cut to math when I see one. Only once or twice in my life have I met that teacher, and I think when I knew him he was a substitute teacher, wasn't even permanent. I only wished he was cause I could know math way better than with those other teachers and there ridiculous math problems that I never understand.
I read it just a couple minutes ago, it appears I do have the skill of critical thinking, but as a kid I didn't have it then, so the teachers didn't exactly know I was skill full with it, or would be. As far as I read, skill full thinking is different with every person, at least those of them who have gotten learning disabilities similar to me. There are two halves of the brain, and as far as I remember hearing, one side is for knowing English, arts, possibly learning anything from arts, and the other half is knowing math and so on and so forth, I don't remember the rest of the skill full qualities on this half of the brain, nor do I remember which side it is on. But my father has mentioned to me before about this, mostly because I'm pretty good with English, and definitely better than most kids since I've been growing up from school to school. Not many people knew English, especially in my high school years, but I know there are many that know it just as well as I do to. My hardest subject was math, I was about two or three points away on my last test for graduating high school, I was definitely close, but I got help from a teacher and not on the test, I got help from her on being able to graduate without taking the test again, so I didn't have to re-do the test, I had the fear of the scores being lower than my best, so I didn't feel comfortable re-doing it again. I didn't really have to teach myself everything, math was hard to come by, and even in high school I was still like a kid, but then I began writing a story, the story is similar to the walking dead, has the same zombies and what not but there not called walkers in the story I've created. Working on that as much as I could got me better at speaking more with confidence at least one paper or by typing when engaging in a conversation. So you are right, I have taught myself in certain ways at a time to become smarter than I used to be.

Your right, things are too busy right now, and I definitely want to try looking around when things aren't busy, and when were in a better environment. I'll try it in due time, hopefully it won't be too hard, or stressful by the time it get's to that. And if it is, I guess I'd discuss it with the therapist.

I book marked all the links you sent me, I'll think about it, but if I do I won't mention names, and I don't want to speak harshly of my mother because over the years she sobered up, and went to meetings that helped her and everything. Not that she's completely changed, she's still her, just not like she used to be when she endangered us. She's definitely spoiling the hell out of her kids, one of them is 8, or 9, and the other a few years younger, I don't remember the number exactly, but she's no longer putting her children in danger, even so I keep my guard up when her bad side comes around. I wouldn't really know where to start exactly, but for now I'll look into it for a while.

LOL! I know right! My father said the same thing, he could not stand watching it, he was out after the first three minutes. And yes, Sokka was the ONLY ONE that seemed accurate enough to the original character, was not funny at all, Aang wasn't funny at all, and neither was Iroh! Which all three were supposed to be funny between the first and second season, but nooo this Night director guy wanted it done his way, the people who originally created the animated avatar would've done better, but then there best interest is probably animated series as cartoonists. I just wish it was done better, I was excited and everything, but it was completely ruined, I want to make this movie if I ever get the chance to learn how, if it's not hard to find normal people with acting skills. It may possibly be hard, because actors like to get there money's worth, but it would be worth a try, and it would definitely be better than Night's movie. (I don't remember his first name, but I remember his last) :D

Yes, I have other comments that I haven't replied to yet that includes the Empath subject, I will be replying to them soon. I took a look at careers that work for Empaths, I just don't know if I could achieve pursuing such a goal cause I may need some sort of degree for it, such as being a doctor or nurse. I also don't know if I need anything specific that is a degree, or something else to be a therapist. If it's not hard, I could give it a try, I sometimes do well when it comes to questions, opinions and giving advice. And I know it's best for people to go to college, but I don't know if I can handle it, it's all supposed to be so advanced, so for a while I've been thinking about getting a job that doesn't need a degree, or anything special like that. My father used to be a teacher, we used to be middle class when he was, but he was f***** over anyway, and I don't want a job that will do that to me the same it did to him.

Hmmm, well I don't exactly know what I did. I began yelling, saying something like "you're making it worse!" or "It's hurting my head!". I tried saying things, and yelling things to get him to stop, and the more he went on, I eventually cried when he began ramming at my door. I was rubbing my temples, I don't know if I did anything else other than the yelling, and the temple rubbing. This is what I remember from fighting back.

Good to know, I'll look that up and see what I can find.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Oh yes, I have heard from you once or twice. I might've left out a couple people that I enjoy talking to here, and you seem like one of them. I don't mind that at all, same for other watchers, just say anything whenever something is on your mind. Same goes for other watchers that may like to take part in conversations, most likely whenever you want, and whenever they want. 😊

No child does, and thank you, I appreciate your kind words. You have assumed correctly about trauma being in my background, I only left out one thing. My brother did suffer child abuse physically to the man that had me suffering sexual abuse, so although I never got the worst of it, I was violated emotionally, and mentally, and I honestly feel lucky he didn't go for oral (using his mouth), or using his fingers. Thinking back on it today, it could've been way worse, I'm just glad it wasn't, even though it was still a horrible thing to experience. This time occurred between four and five, I was only a baby, and it was traumatic enough for me to forget it for about seventeen years, I only remembered this time of my life months ago. I have mentioned before that I'm not trying to seek too much attention, not like other people do, I've lived with a person who either brags so much about himself, or whines so much about everything for his "body issues" and "pain" in order to get pity parties from the people surrounding him, I at least seek attention differently from people like that, in ways where I get better help for what I have experienced. I just wanted to be clear on that, I never used to like being the center of attention, but it's not bad when I'm talking with the right people on this site. (half the people I meet outside the net half the time aren't right, not like people here)

Of course, any time I feel that I've made a mistake, including lectures from moderators I always agree and admit how I'm acting, there's no point in being in denial about the truth. I try to right my wrongs as much as possible, when I realize I'm wrong, and or acting child like, throwing a temper and what not when I should've made my point more accurate. (more respectful rather than lashing out)

I looked at it, and I don't think I have it. I have had panic attacks before, but not from being outside in public. It has happened rarely, like this one time I was quite dehydrated without realizing, and I shared a beer with my father, we just hung out one morning, then my breathing went heavy and my heart beat wasn't normal. I felt better after having a bit of sugar (candy bar), and some water. And it's not that I never go out and hate it constantly, I just hate being around people because I either feel that a few of them have something against me, or they all have something against everything else, most likely that one issue is what I hate about being in crowds. But I love nature, and I love beautiful places like parks, pretty much anything that has a beautiful view, I happen to love it more if a lake is involved.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
No problem, I figured there was a reason behind what you said, I have an understanding that people have lives to, and often most of them are busy, and I'm not one to lash out directly if I don't when someone is purposely seeming insulting, or not. I accept your apology. 😊


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Kya, I, too, am an empath. I am also a healer. Tweed's bus did not slow me down. 😆 Like LadyDarke, I stay somewhat open all the time. My regular self protection is very simple. I use visualization and imagine myself inside a beautiful rose quartz egg. I collect rocks/minerals/crystals. Rose quartz is supposed to generate love. To me, it simply feels very peaceful. When inside this rose quartz egg, only loving vibes/energy can come in. AND, only loving vibes can go out. That way, I also shield others in case I am having a bad day and sending off negativity. This egg is softly lit, and feels fuzzy to me. I can make it any way I choose. It is my visualization. So, my rock is soft and fuzzy. Read more on this as you need to find methods that work well for you. It is never a one size fits all.

As Tweed said, many of us read the posts here, even if we are not commenting all the time. I teach college courses on many of the topics that LadyDarke encouraged you to investigate. I teach critical thinking in several classes, most specifically a course in research methods for psychologists. One of your first tools is your journal. Keeping track of the things that happen, both physical and metaphysical, will help you stay organized (times, dates, weather, feelings, etc). But it also let's you keep writing. Try writing stories, even fiction stories. You enjoy getting your ideas out. I do art and I write, and sing. I show my art. I rarely share my stories.

Check on agoraphobia. Also, pick a place, perhaps in a park where you can sit somewhat away from people, but still with many people around. Do the egg thing (or whatever you find for yourself). Tune everything out, and get peaceful. Then, pick one person either that you see there or a person you know. It is better if it is someone you now so you can verify your findings. Just think about them, and let ideas just float. Write down what comes to mind, even if it is strange. I find out people have been sick and haven't spoken of it, and such. You will be amazed at how much we ignore as random thoughts that are really coming from someone we know. We just have no context to understand what we are getting. Take it slowly.

One more method for learning to focus your attention intently... Practice dissolving clouds. Really. Pick a little one, and surround it in warm, loving light. Tell it to dissipate. Watch it and the surrounding clouds. Yours should dissolve while others do not. I still feel excited when I see it happen. And I have been doing it for almost 40 years, since I was just younger than you. It's really fun.

Peace to you, Kya.

Hecate ❤
ladydarke (115 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Holler out to Biblio!

You're the schoolteacher among us. Would you mind pointing Kya towards some resources she could use to hone her writing skills? She's been teaching herself by studying posts, so let's try to all pull together and make sure this girl doesn't have to reinvent _every_ wheel by herself!
ladydarke (115 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)

Regarding what you said:

"I've never really had the chance to talk with multiple people with different questions, and points to make that involves helpful opinions. I definitely enjoy it, and it's quite awesome.:D [thumbs up]"

If I'm not mistaken, the phrase you're looking for is 'intellectual stimulation.' And you know what? It's something smart people enjoy. I have never taken you for anything but intelligent. I've been watching your progression from those first deleted stories through to your most recent, as well as through your comments. Your thought processes, descriptions, syntax, and conceptual organization has been improving with remarkable alacrity especially given such a small time frame. Not only that, but you've been teaching yourself simply by studying examples in the postings of other YGS members. Please don't think of yourself as anything but smart.

I think you were failed in many ways by the school system. Something that I believe would be of great benefit and interest to you, if you don't mind my saying, is 'critical thinking.' It is a learned skill, one of the things your teachers epically failed to explain. It seems to me that everything you know, you had to teach yourself: you've been forced to reinvent the wheel when it comes to critical thinking. Would you do me the favor of reading up on critical thinking? I should like to hear your impressions.

My understanding is that therapists are a lot like teachers. Everybody absorbs information in different ways; some people through lectures, others through reading, and so forth. So at school, you will learn better from some teachers who are able to match your style of learning. Therapists too: there will be some that vibe well with you, that are able to reach you on a wavelength that make sense to you, and some that don't. You are the customer: it's okay to shop around until you find one that provides services that are helping you.

Please look at the forum on that child abuse link I sent you. I truly hope you'll consider making an account there.

Avatar: the Last Airbender = awesome sauce. I love that show. I have to admit Zuko is my favorite character. General Iroh runs a close second. Hated the live action movie: why did they have to make it so lame and racist? I did think the actor cast as Sokka looked a lot like the animated Sokka even though he was white, though. And General Iroh somehow managed to rock even in the otherwise lame movie.

I think it's awesome you approached the idea of empaths/empathy with skepticism. Keep reading. You've only just discovered the concept, so the best thing is to keep educating yourself before you come to any firm conclusions. I expect empaths will come swarming out of the woodwork on this site. I'm one, although I deliberately make it a practice not to shield, so I guess that's do as I say, not do as I do. I believe Rook has mentioned that he's empathic too at one point or another. You should have a plethora of empaths here; by all means, draw upon them all.

As you mentioned you were looking for a job and you're studying up on empathy, why not try researching what careers are best suited for empaths?

You also mentioned you'd like to try to farther strengthen your shields against the eventuality you might again face a psychic attack. Shields are good for everyone to have, especially empaths. The fact that you have endured one such assault, be it from a human or an entity, is good because it means you do know how. You may have done it unconsciously at the time, but you can go back in memory and analyze what it is you did to resist and block out intrusion. Isolate the method. Write out step-by-step what you did. Then, next time you're out in a crowd and feeling oppressed, execute the shielding process and see what happens. Can you block everything out? If yes, try to refine the technique to handle bigger crowds, or more excited crowds (like at a sports event versus a mall).

There is, of course, a lot of material written about shielding that you could research, but the value for you is that you don't have to learn and understand from scratch, because you've already done it. Quite likely, you shield fairly frequently though you might not realize it.

Tweed: quack quack, no worries, lol!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Hi Kya,

I'm glad you find this site and the members helpful. I'm very sorry for what you suffered through as a child, you didn't deserve that. I had also assumed that there was some trauma in your background. Call it a gut instinct. I'm very impressed with how dedicated you are to better yourself through education on all subjects both paranormal and otherwise. Also I highly, highly commend you for thinking some comments through and coming back to right any wrongs. This shows great strength of character and a willingness to always stay positive! Likewise the strength you've shown in not succumbing to your Father's psychic transference (that third eye moment you had during his emotional outburst) shows you are very in tune with your surroundings. This also explains why you've had so many paranormal experiences.

You described having negative feelings out in public; this sounds like Agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder you may want to look into. It's also very common and relatively easy to treat. Being an empath with agoraphobia would get very complicated very quickly. I would urge you to look into agoraphobia so you can learn to tell the difference between empath feelings and the mild anxiety you described. I'm not saying you do have an anxiety disorder, but definitely look into it, if only to rule it out. Anxiety and being an empath can get very tangled very quickly if the person doesn't know exactly what they're experiencing. Don't mean to worry you, but wanted to mention it because if it is the case you could avoid a lot of emotional confusion in the long run.

Sorry to throw Hecate under the bus so to speak, (Hi Hecate!) I'm sure she won't mind me 'outing' her. Hecate is an empath and a healer, you may find it useful to read some of her stories.

While I'm here I should apologise to Lady Darke, for at some stage misinterpreting her name as "Lade Drake". I was watching a fascinating documentary on ducks and this must have permeated my perception of your name, so sorry about that Lady Darke!

Kya, I want you to know that, although I haven't said much in your stories, I am reading and following the comments. I suspect a lot of others are too. If I ever have anything to suggest or an opinion to offer I'll be sure speak up. I just wanted you to know that I am 'watching' but not in a creepy way, and I'm sure many others are too.

Take care.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Kya: Thank you for your explanation, and I apologize if it came across as rather rough. I was running late for work and unable to finish my thoughts eloquently. It does clear up the question of the disability.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
Always. I enjoy this site quite often, and the people involved with it. After finding this site I feel more free, since recently it has lead me to speak of things I haven't spoken of to other people, except just one friend, and my family.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
I've done counceling before only from school, and only once. It never included anything from my past, my father had a therapist before, and he's no therapist either, but I've reached out to him about a lot of personal things, so even though it's from family, just talking about it with him helped. I've also heard of therapists that do weird tricks for "helping". Like for example, my step mother tried to reach out to one at some time, his way of helping is, "okay such and such happens" I don't remember how she put it, "you run upstairs to your room and lock the door, what do you do?". I also like to avoid the judgmental type of therapists as well, so honestly, with this therapist thing it's the same as not wanting to spend too much effort for church. I'm watching something with my family for a moment, but I will open up the links you sent and check them out. 😊

Good to know, I find it quite awesome, and yet a serious matter to. I take it pretty seriously, but I won't deny that I think it's very cool. I;m looking forward to seeing what this next one says in a minute.:D

Definitely, I usually don't believe much of what I find unless it's specific to a good point, and especially about the point this person is speaking of. I happen to believe some of what I find, and like you said when the writers name is included, along with the rest you've said.

For sure, I'm not one to believe everything I read, not like most people. And in case it seems false, I usually show it to a family member and see what they think, there are times when I'm in an in between moment, thinking what if it's false, or what if it's true? But that's usually a once in a while thing.

Yeah, maybe a bit, he's no expert on it though, if he's capable of it well, he's not in practice with it like he used to be.

I understand, and I appreciate that. And I do know of that example, my father had a best friend once, this was back when he was a teenager. This best friend of his kicked his a** for sure when they used to spar, but the problem was his best friend was fracking his lover, and the day my father witnessed it, he definitely was not happy. He was in complete rage, and true rage more than anything stretches a mans natural strength beyond it's limits in the moment. Since that time, and since his betrayal, I don't think he was ever friends with him again. That's probably another accurate example, I'm aware of accidental strength that happens because of rage, and I have heard probably more than just that story that involves it.

That makes a whole lot of sense, the three of us assumed it was the demon connected to his head, but maybe not as far as this sounds. That is very cool, in case it happens some other time with another person, I want to figure out how to make it stronger.

Same here, he wants to keep us protected more than anything in the world, and I know very well that he wants it to stay that way. 😊

I definitely have, I'm very interested in his questions, words of advice, and opinions about the situations. It's most definitely interesting, and a lot of what he says, or suggests helps a lot, I am looking forward to more comments from him, and you to. You, Rook, and ZulaGirl are pretty fascinating to talk to, in a way it's honestly quite fun when engaging in these conversations, because for the longest time I only had one friend that talks to me about a lot of things in this way, just about different subjects involving reality rather than the afterlife. I've never really had the chance to talk with multiple people with different questions, and points to make that involves helpful opinions. I definitely enjoy it, and it's quite awesome.:D [thumbs up]

I just looked at that video, and I book marked it. Thank you so much, it's definitely a song that a person like me needs to hear, I loved it. 😊

I also just got done reading the thirty traits that Empaths have. I spent about three years in dance class, enjoyed music that for me felt suitable for my emotions. I'm definitely always sad, or is angered when I see anything unjustified from any abuser whether it's police brutality, or animal abusers, that includes what I see on the news. Honestly I don't avoid knowing the truth about the hatred of men, or even women, it happens, and it often can't be stopped no matter ho much others disagree such as myself. I am most definitely master of the arts, it's what my step mother always calls me, almost all the traits is all of the above, except for the food thing, I enjoy meat, but I never decline healthy foods like vegetables or fruits either. I always hate leaving the house cause I always have this feeling from crowds around me that's always negative, like anyone out there, whether I'm at a mall, at a grocery store, you name it, someone is having a bad day from dealing with emotional issues from smug like people. I am also involved with rescuing animals, were no rescue, but we home weak animals, or starving ones and give them to other rescues that are happy to take them, so in a way we kind of are a rescue, but we can't always provide for them which is why we need to give them away to good people as soon as possible. And this may be the last one, I've taken a liking to water, and definitely nature which is why I don't enjoy living in this city, I have been around nature before, but only back then as a child, it's not too often today, but we are working on trying to get jobs so that we can gain more money in order to get out of this miserable city. I don't know if I mentioned avatar the last air bender to you before, but if you remember or know of it in some way, I've taken a big liking to the water tribe, in fact Katara was my favorite character for a long while. That ended up changing because the earth bender Toph, is more like me, but only from my tom boy side, and attitude, I would say she's nearly to 100% like me, but most definitely lower than the 100%. I intend to enjoy travelling around whenever the chance is given, it just can't happen now, but I am looking forward to that part of my life in the future. The Empath Test says I am a Planetary Healer Empath, the results is all of the above. I've already read a whole ton of them, two of them of the subject on Empaths, and the one page involving child abuse. I'll try to remember to read the last one tomorrow, thanks for all of this, I had no clue an Empath is what I have been, I appreciate the info, and I'm a lot less skeptical about this Empath subject after reading those links. Thanks again, I'll be reading your reply about this tomorrow, or whenever.:D


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
LadyDarke, the system will not let me vote you up anymore. It tells me to vote someone else up. So, I am repeating this here so I have enough characters to vote you up again. I apparently don't need them.

Kya, Rook and Ladydarke and everyone else have spoken to you. In your whole life, listening to this inner voice is how you have survived. Something led you to this place. Listen to it.
ladydarke (115 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
Kya, I wish I could help you more, but I'm not a therapist. I kind of guessed there was terrible darkness in your past and what you've disclosed is something no one should have to live through. You are extremely brave to break the silence. I'm so proud of you for speaking about it.

From the way you talk, I gather you've never had access to therapy or counseling. You sound like you just stood up and kept going, bleeding inside all the while, and you've never been able to heal. Please reach out to those with the skills to help you begin a journey of recovery. Here's a place to start:

This is what I want to say to you:

To answer your question about empathy: there is both a psychological and a psychic definition. Psychologically, it's the ability to understand and identify with another person's feelings or situation.

Psychically - and this is the sense I meant - it's the ability to sense the emotional energy of others - sometimes to actually absorb it. A lot of empaths who don't know what they are or what they're doing will not be able to distinguish that all this input is coming from the outside, and will go through an emotional roller coaster without knowing why. Even when you do know, it can still be hard to separate yourself enough from an onslaught of emotion to realize it's not yours. An empath is a very difficult thing to be, and shielding is essential.

If you google, "What is Empathy," or "Am I am Empath" and such things, you'll find a lot of information out there.

Here is a couple of links where you might start:


Do a lot of reading, though. Never trust information from just one source on the internet; always cross-reference before making your own decision about what to believe. Check sources, too: who's writing the article, what are their credentials, how much expertise and authority should you cede them?

If you find an author of blogs or articles that has information that really resonates with you, try to see if that person has authored books. After all, a website has a couple of pages of information. Books have hundreds of pages. Just don't believe everything you read just because it's on paper instead of digital. >^.~<

There are also any number of "are you an empath?" test out there. Like any internet test, treat it as mostly food for thought, if not just entertainment, rather than an absolute diagnosis. Here's one:

As for your thoughts about whether a human, acting alone, could have that much affect on your chakra: here's my take on it, for what that's worth. Humans are no pushovers. We can do amazing, extraordinary things. Many traditions, such as kundalini, posit that we each have nearly godlike potential, we just don't realize it. Your father in particular sounds like he's done at least some work developing psychic power and potential.

Let's for a moment liken psychic strength to physical strength because, as I've said before, sometimes a different perspective imparts clarity. (I'm not going to say 'you' and I'm using 'man' instead of your father because I don't want to paint a negative scenario; I'm only trying to draw an example.) So let's say a man could bend steel bars with his hands because he worked out and had made himself very strong. Now, let's say that this man had an emotional outburst and he came raging after another person.

This person slams a gate with steel bars to keep him out. The man grips the bars and shakes them while shouting through the gate. They rattle. But he continues to get all worked up and, without consciously thinking, "I'm going to bend these bars," he applies more and more force, rattling them harder. Eventually, he's putting his full force into leaning against the bars and trying to bend them. That is how one could do it accidentally, and also why the rattling wouldn't stay slight or even uniform, but increase.

Another example might be the stories about tiny women who are able to lift cars off their trapped children in feats of superhuman strength: call it adrenaline and human potential.

After all, if you were trying to get in a door - say you locked yourself out and nobody had keys and you had urgent reason to get inside NOW - wouldn't you try pounding it with your fists first, and if that didn't force it open, wouldn't you hit progressively harder and harder trying to get through? Maybe the house is on fire and there's a baby inside; let's assume some circumstances where you're not thinking, just emotional and acting, which seems like an accurate representation of your father's state. So maybe if you couldn't pound the door open, then you'd escalate to kicking it, to running at the door with your shoulder. That's what I suspect was happening during the assault on your chakra in this experience.

Putting it back in psychic context, he was rattling the bars of your chakra, and as he got worked up more, he used more force. He went from 'fists' to 'kicking' to 'ramming,' trying to bend the bars or break the door. Again, this seems to have been all just basically a tantrum, all emotion, nothing premeditated or intentional. However, evidently, you were unbreakable; you made bars that were stronger than him.

I am very glad to hear that your father apologized to everyone after this happened, and that he has followed through by controlling himself better.

Hopefully Rook will be on later to offer his perspective on this experience. He seems to have taken quite an interest in it, as he has asked a lot of questions. He generally has very wise advice, as I'm sure you've noticed.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
😁 Thank you, it's good to know you assumed this differently. It seems I was late on describing my reasons for it, but you'll be seeing my reply to zzsgranny.

It wasn't his intentions, he thought he was venting and just getting out his feelings but he later realized what he did was pretty horrible, and he did apologize because he doesn't want that thing to get in our heads like it did him.
You are right, it was an rare outburst, since the first time it happened, he never allowed having a meltdown like that again, he'd rather avoid it than putting us in danger.

Honestly, in my opinion, my father's third eye is like a portal for this monster that haunted him most of his life, it was at least a few years since he lived near this thing. Maybe it could be both, and yes that his attack wasn't intentional, but if such a thing were to happen, no spirit, nor a normal person could do it alone as one self. For an event to occurred like this, the spirit, or person would have to figure out the advantage to make it possible, and to manage strength within the attack.

That makes sense, but again, wouldn't it be hard to accidentally do such a thing alone, on purpose or not? If it were just him, even accidentally, the rattling would've stayed very slight, it would've remained as the same feeling from the beginning when the rattling first started, I just don't understand how it could've been him alone if the rattling became harsh at the end.

It's OCD, and what you've assumed is accurate. He gets his outbursts but always avoids that rattling event, he may get upset, but again takes no joy in putting us in danger whether it came from himself, or the demon that's connected to him. He's protective, even at times when he has his beer days. (those are usually the days he's off his meds) I take no offense.

Possibly, I'm not much aware of that since nobody ever really knows there true selves in this kind of subject, unless they truly figure it out for themselves. But you could be right, if he had dealt with entities before, along with my grandmother knowing of them as well, it's possible it has been passed down from other generations. I don't know which generation I am as an empath, but considering my father spoke of his mother being aware of ghosts, and being taught a few tricks from her that includes them, you maybe right. I'd like to find out more about myself, even if it's hard, this empath subject as me interested. 😊
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
I am, if I wasn't I wouldn't be saying I was. I can't figure out a map, where to go on the streets, I'm terrible at math, and if I even tried looking up a number for any reason, it would be the wrong one, that includes addresses. And if I describe this subject as if I might not have had that disability, it's just me saying the wrong words as usual.

It doesn't have to be acquired, I only mentioned it at all in that comment with Rook because I thought I was looking like a child like I usually do. Only one of my parents as a baby knew how to take care of me and my brother, the parent with full custody cared only for sleeping all day and locking us in a room full of sh** and piss, in fact I'm like my brothers big sister because he more likely has the brain of an eight year old from going through the experiences of child abuse from being forced to being around the wrong man, as well as social abuse from a step mother that later on treated me like an angel, and treated him like dirt, socially of course. This didn't happen through genes, it happened because my mother had full custody, I ate shiat for a period of time once because we barely used to eat because of HER, and she witnessed it happening, that didn't even change a thing, it was all still the same. I mean no offense, really, but considering my brother got the worst of it, I feel lucky. And I don't mean that as an insult to him, I make him happy as best I can, he deserves happiness just as much as I do.

Yes, I got pretty personal in this one, but explaining it this way makes it obvious this didn't happen through genes. What got me to say might, about how my disabilities could've been altered, is that my father was teaching us things, he was trying to make us smart, until my brother got moya moya and began having strokes. That got in the way of our learning process, this is how I know I wasn't born with learning disabilities, it happened from bad parenting, they were only kids when we were babies, but I don't blame my father for anything, he tried just as much as she did, SHE is the reason for my disabilities. Just try not to misunderstand me, this is why I'm only half way normal, I wasn't born with learning disabilities, I have my reasons for them that goes way back, between two and older.

My apologies for getting personal on my past, I honestly couldn't think how else to explain how learning disabilities occurred in my life, it didn't have to, it was just there, even though it's no fault of mine, and I know no one is saying it is. I've lived my entire life, furthering on through schools, meeting people, who look down on me, like I'm just a retarded mental case. Again, like I said to Miracles, I will not speak of it again on this site cause I know nobody is judgmental like most people in reality, I won't speak of it at all, as long as no conversation leads to that subject. And honestly I had no intentions of going this far, but you pushed me to my limit with just one comment.
(I wish I didn't have to go this far, but that last comment I read got to me, maybe it wasn't your intentions to be insulting, but it was quite a bit considering this disability wasn't in my genes, it didn't have to be that way, but it was for more than just two reasons, whether I liked it or not)

I will say this kindly, if possible, please do not to take me to such limits again, unless you have something good to say about whatever subject I am on. I'm not looking for attention, and even if it looks like that, it's not because I want a pity party, it's because whatever I have to say is needed to be said once or twice, not for attention, but for feeling better about the feelings I bottle up inside, I never tell this to people I don't know, and I wouldn't have given a big description of my life if you hadn't assumed it was in my genes.


ladydarke (115 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
Kya fairly evidently means she feels she is developmentally stunted. She used the wrong terminology: that's okay. Everybody is on the same page now, and the takeaway here is that she's never had the opportunity for professional counseling which would both diagnose and provide remedy for her situation.

Kya, I'm sorry that your teachers failed to recognize your deficit and provide you with the extra attention that would have helped overcome your hurdles. I really feel that you've been left to flounder for much of your life without having been engaged enough to acquire critical thinking or good study habits, and I'm sorry for that. I do think that this site has been good for you. I've watched, in your comments, as you would fire back with a rapid emotional response and then come back later, after having thought through people's advice, to say that you had changed your mind. I respect that very much; you are learning to think critically rather than just feel. Additionally, changing one's view based on outside input is, for many, extremely difficult. As Socrates said, the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. Kya, I see in you a great openness and willingness to learn. I know this isn't my place to say so, but I think your overall development would benefit greatly from taking on more adult responsibility and and decision-making. It seems to me that you are still living essentially as a child under your parent's aegis and authority. The only way to acquire adult development is to undertake adult responsibility in the adult world.

Miracles, it would appear to me that the increasing organization of Kya's thoughts in her comments vs her stories is in direct response to the input of other posters. The site, and its members, are very much encouraging her growth and development.

Kya, about your experience: it sounds to me like this was an extremely turbulent domestic incident with your father getting all worked up and screaming out his grief and directing it at you and your family. I'm sorry he did that. It's, um, let's say that it's not an appropriate way to treat anyone, let alone your nearest and dearest, and worst of all is to direct it at your children/dependents. It shows very poor emotional control and lack of appropriate coping mechanisms. I really hope this was a rare outburst and he doesn't typically exhibit this lack of control. I'm sorry you had to even watch him have a complete meltdown like that, never mind being it's target!

In the case of your experience with your forehead crown rattling, I had been hoping you would post this story and I read it with great interest. There's a lot more information here than was in the few bits about it you mentioned in your comments. With this increased data, I question whether there was a demon or any other entity involved. To be honest, what it sounds like to me is that you were under psychic assault or attack from your own father. Mind you, I don't think he meant to attack you or even that he knew he was doing it. He sounds like he was completely in the moment and driven by powerful emotion, not thinking, hardly even aware of anything he was doing. Misery loves company, as they say, and I think he just needed you to acknowledge and accept his grief and turmoil, to understand how all-consuming it was to him, and what you felt was him trying - subconsciously, not intentionally - to push it into you. I think a key factor is that this occurred whenever he made eye contact with you - essentially latching on, making the connection.

It happened consistently over five such contacts. When conducting any experiment to prove a hypothesis, repeated trials are used to verify results. That's pretty much exactly what happened when he made the eye contact five times with the same effect. Tuning him out appears to have deflected the assault, and is a pretty good indication it originated from him.

You mentioned your father has OCD. I trust, since you said he takes medication, that he has received a medical diagnosis. Is it for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or for Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, do you know? If the latter, I can see it must get very difficult when he's off his meds, as you once said he sometimes is, and is perhaps at the root of this outburst of his. If this is a private family matter, please disregard the question and accept my apologies for prying.

I suspect you might be an empath - someone that can absorb the emotions of others even when they are just ambient rather than deliberately shoved right at you. That would have made you very susceptible to this attack and acutely aware of what was happening. I also think that you are very strong since what you were doing, in closing it out, was actually shielding. That indicates to me that you are, in fact, stronger spiritually than your father. Perhaps your family's gifts grow with each generation?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
Kya: I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that a learning disability isn't acquired. It's in the genes. Sure, environment CAN be a factor, but not the type you cite. Malnutrition, physical abuse (ie: head injuries), etc., could play a role in development, but these factors are unusually extreme and they wouldn't result in a "learning disability". A "developmental disability", sure.

"I judge myself, and even feel pity for myself because there could've been a chance that I wouldn't have gotten this disability. It only happened because I wasn't taught anything in my baby years".

Also in one of your previous comments (can't locate it right now) you stated that you "sometimes have a learning disability". These things don't come and go. Either you are disabled, or you're not.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
😊 Thank you, I'm not trying to look that way on purpose. (seeking sympathy) I don't want attention, really, I'm not even used to that cause in my school years I never had a clique to be in, I was just myself, and I was like a lone wolf as I made friends who seemed suitable for me. If I'm getting any sympathy, it be from myself. The only people who ever knew about it is my family, and I wouldn't even mind if such a comment was ignored since seeking attention is how it looks. It's really not my intentions, it was partially a way of expressing myself, but when I express myself all I usually do is mention it once or twice, and I never speak of it again.
Even if I feel that I look like a child at times, I'll avoid mentioning it, cause they probably already know since other moderators are aware of it. I apologize if I look like an attention seeker for the moment, but 90% of the time, it's not me to be that way, hardly ever. Again, thank you for what you said, it made my day. I won't speak of it again unless a conversation leads to the subject, I'll be more less down on myself next time to.
(what had me saying those things yesterday was partly expressing myself, and family issues, the yelling that went on implied things about my disabilities, so I was tornaes3qwq3 up about it already, and again didn't think things through that other people would know, it's good to know I can write along with conversations better than I realize, I'll to do better with my stories to) 😊


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
Kya - what kind of disability do you have? You mention it at random times, and it seems that you do it to seek sympathy because of your writing skills.

Speaking of writing, your comments always seem to be better written than your stories. Mods can't edit comments the way we can stories, so this isn't one of us correcting your comments.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
Lol, yup, I thought it referred to that to but if it did it would have images of the lion king, but no it spoke more of spiritual things.

I'll be saving number 1 and 2.

For #2.
Hmmmm, I think that happened recently, maybe in my last ritual I think. I haven't really said anything to Light lately, I mean when I say something to him, he indicates he's there when I talk to him, but he wasn't around last time I said something. In fact, I haven't seen nor felt anyone around, the ghost from my fathers closet, the bald women in the bear that's attached to my step mother, and the little girl. I don't think any of them are here anymore, I don't know if it's from helping them move on, or like you said, banish. Since you mentioned this, I'll try to spend more time focusing on it, and only because I'm not aware if I banished, or helped any of them move on. Thank you, this is good to know.



(Not at all, I wasn't aware if you knew, and I couldn't think of the words on how I felt in the moment. I judge myself, and even feel pity for myself because there could've been a chance that I wouldn't have gotten this disability. It only happened because I wasn't taught anything in my baby years. I only wish it was different, because I don't enjoy looking like a kid, even though at times when I'm lucky, I don't seem like one)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)

The Circle of Life s a Disney song from 'The Lion K...' oh wait you stated 'Circle of Light', not Life...😲

Alright...lets see here... IF what you have related to us via these experiences is true then you, and other members of your Family sound like 'sensitives' (people who can 'feel, see or both' spirits).

This can be controled a few different ways (here are 3 simple ones).

1) Comp[letely Close yourself off: Achieved by meditation an consious (sp?) effort. This will 'Block you from seeing, sensing, feeling spirits AND will 'close off' any energy output from you that might attract them.

2) Control your 'gift': With practice and finding methods that work for you you can 'open and close your 'sensitivity' AT WILL. Meditation and concious (sp?) effort again must be used. This can lead to being able to 'assist' spirits in crossing over and or being able to 'banish them.

3) Do nothing: he 'gift' may fade over time OR not. If it fades then your experiences with fade as well... If the 'gift' does not fade then please see Number 1 OR Number 2.



(P.S. Do not mistake my advice for sympathy for your 'learning disablity'. It's far better to 'load the gun properly' than to leave it 'half cocked' with a chance of someone getting hurt.)
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
Did I mention "misunderstanding" in this subject? If I did, or implied it I didn't realize.

I did do research after reading the comment I missed. The thought occurred to me that I'd probably be looking at a false explanation, it happens almost often but I found something I believed, it spoke of "The Circle Of Light" and I saved the prayers in the following to the computer in case it's needed, along with the noun you mentioned. I'm not sure if you know, but although I can sometimes speak adult like, some of the time, I have learning disabilities, so I don't think about these things, I in fact don't think things through sadly.

Sorry about that, if I wasn't half way like a kid I'd think things through better, I tried looking up if the third eye does anything for protection. What I found out, is a demon can possess people easier that way, so then I looked up how to keep demons away, and that's when I found the "Circle Of Light" I don't know what else to to ask, only because I'm afraid of furthering on making myself look more like a fool.
(It happens often, even with family, I'm used to it) :/


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)

The 'Third Eye' is less a Charka Point and more of a way to 'see' the 'into' the Spirit World. Ummm so there is no chance of misunderstanding...

Third eye: noun

1.the locus of occult power and wisdom in the forehead of a deity, especially the god Shiva.

2.informal term for pineal eye.

Or (just so I can use BIG WORDS)

Third Eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight.

So there... Still feel like a Library... You know all these terms and have the internet right at your finger tips...

Consider doing some research... THEN ask some questions. That way there is a basic understanding between yourself and those who are willing to help you. It also will cut odwn on the confusion.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
Lol, you got em all. 😊 I remember seeing images on all the important chakras you just mentioned. I didn't know chakras were at the hips, it's good to know.:D

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
Ahhh, okay, I see why you assumed. It's fine, I misunderstand things at times to. 😊

Well it was a title, but it's different from the titles you mentioned. Yes he was a shamen, but the title wasn't shamen it was a different title meaning the same thing, I just don't remember it. But it is my explanation as to why and how he knows how to deal with entities, along with keeping the bad ones out.

It's completely okay, I described our religion more in full detail, like more about our daily lives in my last comment, and I mentioned that I noticed your apology, I just wanted to reply to it when I got to this comment. But at least in my last one you might understand a bit more, I'm not sure in full detail, but I definitely explained more about how our religion is, we just want to be more normal, and were not the type to be around people who seem so judgy, like they think they have the right to control other peoples sins, or make us believe in everything they believe. Religion doesn't work like that, we will believe in what we want, nobody will ever change that. I'm just saying, I forgot to mention it this way in my last comment and only thought of it just now.:P

Before my father explained that statement, I didn't know how I thought of it, how my faith is to God generally, but my father found the perfect words for it, so since then I haven't forgotten it. 😊
(this is the reply to your sixth comment, in case you thought I replied to your recent one in my last reply)


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
I don't, and I haven't so far. All I'm doing is asking questions in case there is an explanation for the questions I am asking. And there random, so I partially doubt there is an explanation for at least one or two of them.

Now if I thought that way at all, I wouldn't be asking these questions.

Well yes, you are right about that. I am more focused on sharing my experiences, but I'm looking for other ways in being protected from demons. I will include my family on that, but if the question can't be answered there's nothing wrong with that, I'd just stick to what we've been doing.

*sigh* I'm not caring about that entity anymore, and I'm just curious if my fathers statement about the third eye is true. (if it's like a weapon to demons, or not)

No problem, I apologize for the confusion.

I do pray, it's not an everyday thing, but I try to at least when were losing a family member, a family pet, or if my father get's close to leaving her. I pray for important things, and I used to pray for love, but I've done prayed for that more than five times when I lost it. I have one more question in this one, will that save me and my family in the moment of demonic events?

I get it, and I saw the beginning of your recent comment so I've taken no offense, but since there's no getting rid of this comment, I'm replying anyways if that's okay. My father is no minister, I have mentioned before he is no church person but believes there is a higher power that has made humanity, along with the rest of the world possible. Were just a family that is ourselves, and my dad is the type that can't handle most churches cause sometimes a few people pretend to pass out and speak in tongues when there just being dramatic. Don't get me wrong, not every church is that way, but as long as it is not, father would probably be fine with it. But even so, we cross at least one or two people, maybe even more than that who is so judgmental, as if anyone could go to hell for every sin people do. That there, is the main reason why my father don't even take us to a normal church, somebody in someway at such a place has to be up our a** because we'll go to hell for any small sin. I mean no offense in this case, but these are the reasons why we don't go to church. And in this case, you know how the churches have a temple to God? For us, the temple to God is in our hearts, since these people make it difficult to be one of them, and I don't mean them all generally, even if it's just one person that's like that at a good church, judgmental isn't the best type of person, or people to be around. Were not very outgoing either, only for occasions, and grocery shopping.

I do understand, sometimes harsh comes with opinions. I'll be replying to your next comments, and I hope you don't mind that I'm replying to this one even though you might've misunderstood a bit, and I don't mean that harshly, people make mistakes. 😊


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
(Crap...I missed another question...)


Yup...more than Seven...Ah, how to sum it up quickly...


There are many chakras in the subtle human body according to the tantric texts, but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones, the BIG SEVEN start at the top of our head and end at our groin area (1) Top of our head 2) Forehead 3) Throat 4) Center of Chest 5) Abs 6) Hips and 7) the Groin.

Or have a forgotten or am I misremembering things...anyone, anyone?


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)

My apologies... I have gone back and re-read things and I cannot find a DIRECT reference of your Father being a 'Minister' in or for a Church... But I did find statments that made me think that...

"My father used to have a job in an Indian tribe dealing with spirits, helping them move on I guess, the good type of entities."

Not sure what that 'job' would be unless he was a member of the Tribe and then he would have been called Shaman... Else wise it sounds as if he was a Missionary... And most likly a Minsiter...

AND this one

"I do have faith, I don't constantly post religious things on face book, nor do I go to church constantly everyday with people who speak in tongues and pretend to pass out, its not really my fathers thing. But he has faith to the same as me, for people like us, hes explained our faith, and our temple to god being in our hearts..."

It's the 'he has explained our Faith' statment that really gave me the impression he was a Minister of some sort... My apologies if I got that bit wrong...


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)

Two things:

First your 'explination' of the time frames has left me a bit more confused than before, that may be just me however...


Second: Sorry I got so focused on your chakra question I missed the rest of your comment from a few minutes ago.

I will base the rest of my comment from this statement of yours...

" I want to figure out how to avoid future demonic events..."

Then please do not mess with things you do not understand.

Maybe its just me but it seems with every submission and or every second or thrid comment you make you are 'pumping' the members here for information. It's as if you are afraid if you ask for help directly people will not offer any.

That is not the case here... We are here to try and understand the experiences we have had, to share information and to offer advise and HELP those who sincerly have come here seeking it.

Your 'experiences' are sounding more like 'stories' and in the exchange of comments you seem to 'manipulate' your statements to get the information you seek.

Example: Your quest to 'give energy' to a certian 'spirit' so you could 'see or interact' with him better. Now this one... Where you just 'glossed' over any questions I asked and jumped right into 'How to avoid OR FIGHT BACK against future attacks and you introduced the idea of Chakra's.

I thank you for your attempt to clear things up, but as I stated at the begining of this comment I'm still a bit confused concerning the experience you have shared here... I will re-read everything in an attempt to figure out where I got lost.

Now as for, protection or 'fighting back' Your Father is a Minister...RIGHT? Well, there are some pretty powerful 'weapons' provided with-in the Church... They are called PRAYERS.

I am sorry if this 'sounds' a bit harsh... I am just begining to feel like your 'experiences' have been submitted so you can fish for information that is NOT from your Fathers CHURCH. So please either be up front with us or go to a Library and do your own research... And please do not forget to sheild yourself.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
Wait, more than seven? I wasn't told that before, I mean I learned of the chakra thing from my father, and learned more about it between twelve or older. I honestly never knew there were more than seven. 😊

I explained why in one of my previous comments, "I remember hearing from my father that it's something evil entities hate, like it can be used as some sort of weapon" now I'm not positive about that, I'm just asking in case there are ways to fight off evil spirits without going through trouble in performing something that possibly won't work. And most likely I admit I'm desperate about it cause I want it to be easy to fight off whatever has intentions of hurting me, or my family. I hope you understand, there protective of me like I'm the baby of the family, but I have my ways in being protective to, if I think I can, and should. 😊
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
Sorry for the slow reply, I usually take my time. But I'll reply to this to. 😊

Multiple I think, but when I first met it, I was scared enough to forget it enough at first anyway, and although I partially remember it, it's not very clear. And my father and brother saw it back at Yucaipa to, I just didn't see it the same time they did.

Yes, this part was back at Yucaipa, and I don't remember if I requested for the salt before or after what I saw, but I did remember asking him to put something down to keep out evil entities. And he listened.

Yes, everything he described was years back when he was a teen back in Florida. He started with explaining most of his friendships with these people, how he knew them, then it got worse because nearly half of them, or possibly all of them died, from any cause of death this entity could pull on them, my father had told a couple of friends that he had a bad feeling about them crossing those tracks, but no, they didn't listen. Whether it's a crash, a train, I don't know exactly how he planned, but if it was that powerful only at that track, it's possible a few victims heard, nor seen a train going by, but I don't know, maybe they were all just different crash deaths.

Your right, I should've said my part first, then hers. He wasn't crying and yelling at the demon specifically, for some reason a conversation lead to that subject and he yelled and cried at us about it, maybe he thought he was venting, but little did he know, that demon connected to him could've gotten into our heads to, and a short while later he apologized about it and said he doesn't want it to be his fault that it gets into our heads.

It's no problem, I'm happy to answer any questions you have, even if your confused about the order of words throughout the experience. 😊

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)

Chakra: There are more than 7 to be sure but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones.

I learned about and studied the 'Big Seven' to help me 'focus' for Astral Projection. So I am familure with the concept of the Chakra (s).

I also understand that with Meditation and Focus they can be opened and or closed as 'needed'.

Why do you ask?


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
No problem. 😊 I didn't think this through on what to ask, are you aware of unlocking your third eye at will? (seventh chakra) And if so, are there ways to use it at the right time? I remember hearing from my father that it involves some sort of light that demonic entities hate, almost like it's a weapon in a way. I know how to unlock my third eye, just not at will at anytime, and I usually use music for it. Also, are there any other ways other than salt that is like a weapon, same as when the third eye is open? I'm pretty sure I asked for help in this story because I want to figure out how to avoid future demonic events, and including the kind that harms others, I'll possibly want to fight back if possible in case I'd be living with another person, maybe making new family by the time were not living in this place anymore.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)

I will start with a question...

Was this a single experience with 'one demon' or multiple experiences with 'one demon'?

I start with that questions because of how you described things... It seemed everything was happening 'at once'. Let me 'break it down' (WITH questions of course).

""I have seen this evil entity once, but I don't remember it in full detail, all I remember are the glowing red eyes, and this red and black mixed aura around them. I may have only seen it outside, because I requested before for my father to put down salt to keep it from going inside."

Was this at a different time than the rest of the 'events' you go on to share with us?

"Now this demon I was skeptical of, but not until father cried for his friends one night. The victims were friends of his that he knew for four or five years. He yelled, and cried at the top of his lungs, and the more he did the more power this demon got."

Was your Father trying to Banish something that was 'attached' to himself and his friends? Did this event happen separately (different time and place) from the next thing you describe?

"My father looked me in the eyes every moment, and every time the crown of my four head began to rattle. It may have happened five times or more, and most definitely enough to make me cry."

" My step mother was included, but she cried first, and I tried not to pay attention by going about my own business on the internet, but the more he went on the more this demon was trying to get into my head, and even if it was a little bit at first.""

For the above events, it sounds like they happened at separate times... I just do not see how you can be getting 'oppressed' (your forehead 'rattling') with your Father yelling and or crying 'at' a 'demon' one moment and the next be sitting calmly at the computer while your mother cries... While your father continued to 'cry' as the demon tried to get into your head... Even if it was just a 'little bit'.

I am not trying to be mean... Nor am I trying to discredit this experience, I am simply trying to understand the series of events you have shared with us.

Thanks in advance.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)

Thanks that clears things up some... Give me some time and I will elaborate on things, ask a question or two and see if we can really clear up any confusion generated by this experience.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
I understand your confusion, I didn't want to add too much to the story, in case of any grammar or punctuation mistakes.

My fathers experience with this demon occurred in Florida, and it was just one demon that haunted the rail road tracks across the street from his home. His friends were killed by this demon, on this one street that demon was on, twenty or less, he didn't know the exact number.

This demon naturally couldn't get in by door, or wall because of the salt my father had already put down, but he's connected to my father, only because he got into his head maybe more than once years ago when he used to live near those tracks, I don't exactly know if it only needs to happen once in order to stay connected to the host.

I don't know if the demon just didn't have enough power to get into my head, or if I was just capable of keeping my door locked, but that's how he attempted to manage a window of opportunity, he's too connected to my father, since that time he never did that again. My step mother and I asked him not to, so that this demon won't succeed in what he wants.

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