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EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-09)
Hi zzsGranny yea that is pretty cool:D now off for my own haunting on this site while my ghostie waits for my return home, I'm finally leaving my Grandparents after three full weeks of yelling, hair pulling, more yelling, running in a circle, banging head on brick wall and well you get the idea, typical family things.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-08-09)
EmeraldAngel: that little arrow next to your name is a way to vote for good comments and not so good... The green one gives you a point, the red one takes one away... New feature, thanks to all of us getting crazy a few weeks ago, and killing each other in cyberspace!... 😆 😆...It's a good way for other posters to voice their opinions about someone's comment without actually getting into a verbal brawl!...Pretty cool, huh? ❤
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-08)
Pennsylvania could very well be the most haunted seeing as it was one of the first colonies, and there used to be a lot of Indian tribes all over the state, and there were many civil war and revolutionary war battles fought here, but Ohio is right next store and could also be just as haunted for similar reasons.
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-08)
I believe you could easily be experiencing paranormal activities, I don't know if the ghost's touch was paralyzing you, but I do know that if an apparition is touching you it feels Ice cold, if it doesn't it could very well be your imagination, take some time to study your feelings next time. Your feelings don't lie, your logic does that for you.
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-08)
Is it just me or am I seeing things when I say "why is there that thing that says 0 points next to my username? What is that for?
Zander (7 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-08)
This too, shall pass.

As the old saying, goes. I say this in hopes of giving you hope and strength to endure this as you work to solve it.

I say with confidence that this will pass because the adolescent period is the one in life when we are most vulnerable to interaction, wanted or not, with other dimensions.

My own encounters with other realms peaked at adolescence and ended by the time I was 16. I imagine that three years from now sounds like a lifetime, but you will see that it is not. You will survive this.

About your classes, I hope that in addition to discussing sensing the spirit world, they will discuss protection from its unwanted aspects as well. If they do not, I recommend a book for you both by Diane Mariechild called "Mother Wit" which will detail what steps to take in an easy to understand fashion.

What I do to protect myself, and what you might want to do as you lie awake upon retiring is:

1] Relax--close your eyes and focus your awarness on the tips of your toes. Tell that area of your body to let go of any stress or tension or worry that it has held onto during the day. Then proceed to do the same thing for your feet, your legs... Etc until you have relaxed your entire body. If any unwanted thoughts come to your mind or distractions, gently dismiss them and continue.

2] Deepen--imagine that you are in a favorite place going down, perhaps a staircase of a beloved building or church or a hillside that you know where you feel safe. Walk, down, down, down in your mind in the place...

3] Protect--protect yourself. Say or think "my aura is white, is bright, is strong is deep" as you imagine a blinding thick white light surrounding your body and radiating a field of protection all around you.

At any point in this process which is mostly derived from yoga, you may notice that your eyes are REM ing. That is completely normal and indicates that you are in a meditative, alpha state where you can tap into and magnify your power to protect yourself.

I would also recommend that you have a prayer or two which feels powerful to you and which derives from your own belief system. Have it memorized and ready to go whenever you feel an unwanted presence or intrusion. Strike with your prayer.

In my case, I said the name of an East Indian Holy Man, just his name, a single word alone, which stopped a demonic attack upon me instantaneously. That name is "Ramana" and if you feel inclined you might research him and see if that feels appropriate to you as well. If you want further details about how I did this, I described them in "Demon Encounter in Tokyo, Japan", here on the YGS forum.

You will be all right. Arm yourself with your tools and these will grow your protection and your confidence and all of these exponentially.

About your Mom's dismissing spirit phenomenon. I have seen this denial from extremely sensitive individuals who know full well that the phenomena is real but are quite afraid of it. The coping strategy which they have found to work in their own past is to pretend it isn't happening. That is effective, to some extent. I would not be the least surprized if you Mom went through something similar to what you are experiencing when she was your age and came through it, in part, by pretending it wasn't happening. So don't be too disappointed. She's just sticking to her guns because these were the guns that worked for her.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
Faith & Hayley:

Almost everyone goes through a paranormal experiance at least once in their life. Whether they choose to believe it is paranormal, or remain skeptical, is up to them entirely. You're not the "only person" who has experienced anything, you are not going crazy, either.

Hayley, you need to relax more about ghosts and the paranormal, and, if your parents are truly skeptical, tell us, here, in the YGS Community. I've learned that bringing things up with parents when they choose not to believe you is like hitting your head on a brick wall. You also need to realize that sometimes things have logical explainations, and you must look for these as well. Logic dictates that when all the scientific answers can't be given, you are left with something distinctly paranormal.

Happy Huntings.
Penny ❤
hayley (2 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
hey. I am 15 years old now. And I joined this website because my parents thinki am crazy when I tell them the things I see and hear. It still goes on at my house... And since I can't tell anybody about it I come to here. Anyways our experiences are very alike. I have 2 stories. My first one is child with red eyes. And my second is called banging on the wall door, and other weird stuff. You should read them! And we need to stay in touch. Because I don't know anyone who has this going on like we do.
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-05)
Hi Faith yes go ahead and email me so sorry for the wait I'm facing some difficulties with my mothers part of the family and was busy a little go ahead and email me when you get the chance and again I'm very sorry for the wait, Katherine
SpExX (6 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-05)
jees you should get ghost hunters to your dad house 😳 😕 mabye record or get cameras and prove it to your mum or mom
bayouboy (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
I am impressed with your writing skills... And at 13. Anyway, I just wanted to say that you are going to be told by everyone 'their' opinion, most of which are related to their belief or lack there of. Your name is, interestingly enough, Faith. I say so because 'faith' is the answer. How can the people on this site or anywhere else have the true answer to what lies on the other side, when they are all on this side? Try talking to the One on both sides... He will help you. He is always listening.
Noelle11 (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
Im not sure about the ghost, but I can tell you this: When I had a rabbit in my room and there was a lot of activity, she would go absolutely crazy, thumping and making noise so badly that everyone would wake up and she had to go outside. I always wondered if rabbits could see ghosts better than humans, becuase my mom picked her up after a really bad night and got bit, and the rabbit never scratched, bit, anything in the past. She really mellow.
This may seem like banter, but look at it this way: You can't be imagining anything if the animals see and feel it too. I hope that's a small comfort. It doesn't soun like he's tryng to hurt you, though. Good luck, Faith. I hope you get some answers.
ghostfox96 (1 stories) (25 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
hello faith.
Just like many people on this site, I know what you're going through.
I'm also thirteen and at the age of thirteen my parents often put my experiences down to my "imagination".
All my family being skeptics leaves me with no-one to share my stories with. I totally understand what you're going through. Good luck with everything faith.
MAPO (19 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
sorry about the first comment then everyone! I don't know anything about them seeing as I haven't seen/ met/ or known anyone personaly who has delt with it.

It could be a shadow/ghost who was buried there and just wants attetion
blizzard43 (40 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
hmm can't be a residuel can't be a demon or a incubiswell it must be the 15 year old try cominicating with it w.c.l (will comment later) 😉
Jersey_Firefighter (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
Ok, just a question here, but nobody has clued in on her age or family situation. By no means am I making light of the situation, because without doing an indepth investigation, I can't tell you exactly what's going on. When exactly did this activity begin? Apparently it started after the parents separated/divorced. Did this activity start about the time you hit puberty? I know they are personal questions and I apologize. They are not for you to answer here, just think about them. In many cases, girls entering puberty, because of the emotions and energy, have been known to cause poltergeist activity. Could the emotions of the family break-up and entering puberty be causing this activity? Its very possible. The comforting thing is that this entity has not tried to harm you. Just remember, like some of the others have posted, this is not necessarily a demon. My suggestion is to have a professional group come in and do an investigation and see what they come up with. I'm leaning more toward the emotions of a young girl causing the activity, but I have been wrong before. Keep us posted, and good luck.
BethyBoop (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
Hey Faith! Me and my friend are also 13. I don't know if I can help you or not but I am hoping so. We have had some hauntings going on at my friends house. Since her parents are seperated it was her mom's house. Her mom belives in ghosts but has been absolutly terrified of them since she was driving one night and she hit a boy on a tricycle and whwn she got out of the car no one was there. This spirit has came to her dads house by using objects she brought from her moms house to her dads. The ghost planted some things to for easier transportation. So I would check around for things like that or just try asking it things! Hope I helped! Beth
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
Like I said, Faith, I'm sorry my response was so very long. However, I'm glad that what I said had some comfort for you. Like I said; don't let others push their beliefs on you on this site - it may not be a belief that works for you in reality. If someone told me that Fred was a demon, I would PROBABLY laugh in their face, and tell them to come meet him. I mean, really. What demon is afraid of some chick's boyfriend? Pfft.

Keep strong, and if you want further advice feel free to email me. I have no issues with it in the least.

Penny ❤
Sar-osity (3 stories) (20 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-04)
[I have not read other comments] For one, if you are scared of the paranormal, why are you "signing up for classes that will show us how to "feel" if there are spirits in a given area or not"? I can "feel" if there are spirits or not, I don't need classes, I just can. I don't think anyone can teach you, it's something everyone is born with, but some people "grow out of it". Two, "So when the paranormal activity started I just thought there was no way with our house being so young", it's not always the house, it's the land. Reasurch what has happened on that property. But on what has happened, I totally believe you. That's happened to a lot of people. I wouldn't automatically say it's a demon, but just be careful. Try talking to it. If you feel silly with someone around, do it when you're home alone or when someone is in another room. Just speak outloud like someone else is there, it might help to have a recorder. It doesn't matter what kind, a regular cell phone recorder will work. Tell it to go away if you don't want it there. It may or may not listen, but there is a lot you can do that might help. If it hasn't hurt you though, don't be worried. But don't assume that it will never try.

-Sar-osity. ❤
Vicki2096 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
I'm 13 also. I swear my house is haunted sometimes, but my experience isn't as bad as yours, though somethings are the same. For me you'd wake up and the tap would be on full blast. My mom would ask me why I left the tap on, even though I hadn't touched it. You wake up in the middle of the night to your babysisters toy car going " VRRRM VRRRM, BEEP BEEP BEEP! ", though it only makes that noise if you honck the horn. Waking up to a figure in your door way, thinking it's a dream and going back to sleep. But waking up a few moments later to the thing pressing down on your chest making it hard to breathe. Feeling a cold burst on your shoulder almost like a hand, but squirming away for it to move. Is mine is a bad spirt? I don't know but it's strange. Because mine comes and goes. I may not hear from it for a few months. But my advice, just hold in there. Yours seems nice enough and just remember - Ghosts can't physically harm you. They can scare you, but they can't really touch you (other then what you feel and such) . I don't know how it made it hard for me to breathe, maybe it was just me being frightened? I don't know. Mine absolutly frightens me, but I'm just going to try to leave it alone. Because it seems the less I think of it, the less it bothers me.
snowhite (203 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
Let your mother sleep in the haunted room for a few days. I wish the ghost could show his or her face to your mother so that she can believe what you said. Did you try to talk to your dad about it? See how he feels and if he can help you a little bit.
badtay16 (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
I understand how you feel I'm 13 also and no one likes to believe a young girl and were not kids were teenagers I can totally relate from where your coming from!...I hope that you will write me or something... Yours truly Taylor 😁
87calais (2 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
Hi Faith, your not too young to be taken seriously. I saw my first entity at the ages of 3. It is unfortunate that your mum won't listen. It is scary to be touched by a ghost because it is the unknown. Firstly try and find a family member or friend that will listen this makes things easier to deal with. Secondly this entity won't hurt you it just wants your attention. I think you were unable to move through fear. Everybody reacts differently to each situation. Try not to get too freaked out because it can't hurt you.
Amadiria (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
You said that your mum had paranormal experiences all her life and still don't believe, and says that are imaginations! How does she accept the fact that she is always imagining? She must be extremely skeptical! I'm so sorry for you: (
puppys2love (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
I'm going through the same thing, Faith. The best thing you can do is relax and not get so worked up about it. It doesn't help if you're always worrying about it (trust me)
Fadingscream (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
the worst part about all of this is that when I told my mom this she also tried to make make a joke by stating, "Plus, if it were really a ghost, big deal! I mean, we do live in the most haunted state in the U.S." which I do not believe one bit. But that's just my opinion.
Fadingscream (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
thank you all so much for your support. And katherine I would like to email you and keep in touch with you because our age and family are so alike. And thank you penny. Your comment (although it was long 😊) did make me feel a lot less stressed about the subject. ❤ ❤
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
And I just noticed Penny's comment I feel dumb... Haha but your absolutely right tho, People Need To Stop Yelling Demon At Every Frikin Spirit Its Getting On MY Nerves! 😠 *wacks five year old cousin on head cause I'm mad*Just kidding 😜 😜 If I did hit him I'd have to face Grandma Dearest*glaring at wall hatefully* Peh, this stinking family doesn't care about me, I don't care... Sorry haha I'm just mad about some family problems haha and also Penny, my best friend thinks every spirit there is is a demon imagine how I feel about that haha just because her Aunt saw a unfriendly spirit but anyways, Faith like I said in my earlier post if you'd like, you can email me I have had similar experiences and can relate to your family problems, take care, Katherine...
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
Hi Faith I'm one year younger then you and I've had similar feelings and spirits have touched me as well. Your mother is like mine haha no matter what like when I stand in a trance and stare at something she'll yell at me and call me crazy and whatnot. I'm not so close to my mom now, its too hard to act happy and pretend they don't exist. So yea I shut myself out and go into absent Katherine haha. Your ghosts are like mine they touch you mine whisper stuff to me that's why I put my MP3 on 24/7 haha yea I can't say much but if you want your welcome to e mailing me:) Take care, Katherine.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
First, for all you religious people out there - a pentagram is the PAGAN equivilant of the cristian/catholic cross. Do not start going on about how its's a "welcome sign" for demons and evil. Second, If you take the proper precautions with a Ouija board, they're harmless, though I would not reccommend using one anyway.

Third, just because an entity puts an arm on you does not mean it's a Incubus (As she's female. Incubus also tend to prefer people of the 18+ range, not young children. Please read up on a topic before assuming.), it could just be a spirit that wants to comfort or reassure you, Faith. Maybe about school, or about something going on at home. It does not seem malicious.

Fourth, it is also possible that the entity from your dad's house became attached to you, and followed you (some will do that). It could also be that something happened on the land that your house was built on, not in the house itself. I would go to a library and read up some history if you get the chance.

And lastly, as for your mom, I wouldn't put much stock into it. Some people will be skeptics for as long as they live, because they're afraid of believing in ghosts, scared that they may end up that way, haunting, forever, and unable to go to heaven or paradise or what have you. It's annoying, I know, but you're going to have to find someone that believes you, or continue to vent on here.

I say don't bother a pastor unless this entity feels evil. If it's not evil in nature, it will NOT be effected by a house blessing, which are meant to only target the evils of the house. If you find that the entity is more just there and hanging out, he could very well be a guardian. Not everything that can't pass on to its final rest is evil, some are lost, or confused, or have a mission to complete on Earth that they couldn't do while they were still alive.

I know you're significantly younger than I am (I'm also female, and I'm turning 20), and I'm not sure if you're religious or not, but please believe me when I tell you that not everything is out to hurt you. THere's a girl on this site, who's 12. Her name is Katherine, or EmeraldAngel, and she's also religious, but she hates the people that cry "DEMON!" at every spirit. Please do not assume they are correct. Just do your research, then go from there. You are obviously a very smart girl, and I would hate for you to be lead astray at such a young age, and to close your mind to helping others, even those that have passed.

I'm sorry for the rant on your page, and for the length.😭 I tend to speak my mind when a topic interests me, and I just figured I could point out some things that the people below me had not, or would not.

I would love to hear back from you;
Penny ❤
Inferno (1 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
The more you feel hopeless the more it will feed on your hopelessness.
miche101 (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
hi there...don't know your religios beliefs but I do strongly advise you to speak to someone in church, get holy water & bless your entire house... As you bless your house with the holy water you need to stay positive & strong (it feeds off of your fear & negativity, don't give in to it), pray & tell it 'to leave your home, it is not welcomed here & must leave'
...don't really advise using pentagrams, ouigi boards or anything with the word 'welcome' on it... Do however, advise you to be in touch your church for guidance. You are not alone, nor are you crazy... Believe me I had 2 full months of my own with the 'touching, blankets moving...'...get the holy water & guidance asap... Good luck 😁
MAPO (19 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
It could be a number of things. But mainly the thing that comes to mind is a incubus or succubus. Most people it starts out as just a presence then a touch and so on and fell as if they can't move. I suggest a cross or if you know enough about it a pentagram on your bed

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