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whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-16)
Trust me, moonamiga, if I doubted your story, I would straight up tell you so.
I do NOT doubt this, I was simply trying to understand HOW you could be "laying" on your bed and a strong violent wind hit you in the back. If you are laying on the bed (unless you were on your stomach), there is a completely different response to being "hit in the back" than there is if you are SITTING on a bed. Do you see what I meant now?
I asked about the phone call, and your description of not being able to hear your boyfriend, and then your saying that you could hear him always, as I was trying to understand if there was a personal interruption to your audio sensory system, OR if this sound could have been a "wrap around", or a sound that demanded attention, as opposed to a VERY loud sound that blocked out all other sounds as to it's volume.
Here is the thing. My family and I JUST went through a very similar situation. It took us a while (and a LOT of friends and family), and a LOT of fortitude to come through it. I thought, perhaps, that I could share with you the "cheats" that WE used to get rid of that thing.
I agree with you, I also believe that there is a large scale Spiritual War going on. If you would look through my past comments, even from a few years ago, you will see that I have said it as well.
The bit about the dogs...
I decided to add that as a "combat idea". Think about this. You MAY have had a demon canine (but, as it jumped OUT the window, I believe THAT particular being to be released. Please check out a few of the stories involving "ghost" windows and read through the comments. MANY people on this site share that same view, or at least did for THAT story the commented on), what better ally to have, but a bigger and more fierce dog?
Something is still present? You make no mention of that. Would you care to elaborate?
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-15)
White buffalo I don't understand your questions much, and well I had been laying on the phone let me print you a better picture, I had the master bedroom in the house so across the wall from where my bed was set was a bathroom that I never used so the door was always sealed shut and I layed facing the wall away from this. And I was simply on the phone laying on it.
When all these events happened or began I know I was talking to my boyrfriend on and off. As soon as I heard all these things I payed more attention to trying to get rid of it and that god aweful growl this disgusting creature let out was just wrong and I didn't pay attention to my boyfriend. I don't think you would have either. When it all calmed out again I could amswer to my boyfriends words again and that's what I meant by all that.

I understand that you and I might have different beliefs but I know what I heard all those nights. I know what I felt and this thing was out to make me go mad and I believe something is still after me wether its the same or not. I believe spiritual battles happen every day and in other stories ill say things I yet havent.

Im sorry if I was a bit strong in my response but my situation right now isn't any good. I aknowledge my anger is getting the best of me but I have no spiritual tranquility at the moment. It seems though as you doubt my story, you are allowed your own opinion but I can assure you mine happened and it was all because of that book and her.

Feel free to comment or not
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-15)
Hello moonamiga,
I hope you do not mind, but I have a few questions for you.
The first one comes from the third paragraph. In it, you said that you were laying on your bed while talking to your boyfriend on the phone. Can you please explain to me how it is that this "...strong violent wind came blowing hitting my back with great force"? And then the urge to "look back"?
In the fifth paragraph you state that "...I could finally hear my boyfriend on the phone again" and a few short sentences later "...because I could ways hear my boyfriend". I am confused. COULD you focus on audio, or was it muffled, overlaid with a different sound, or silent?
Your last full sentence says something that I really need to disagree with. You say that you know why your sister-in-law is mad at you, and it is because you pissed off this "demon". My friend, I am here to tell you that if you SAW that dog leap through your window... It is no longer bound to this earth.
Let me tell you a little secret. I think I KNOW which book it is that you refer to. That book, my dear, is NOT a "How to" Guide. What it IS is a "what if" brochure. You can no more summon a demon from simply reading the words (you would HAVE to have done the instructional that went along with the print and the drawings. Remember them?) than you could pull a bull out of a ball cap. It ain't a going to happen.
An interesting thing for you to think on: The Dog first shows up as a divine symbol in the Old Babylonian Period and continued through until the Neo-Babylonian Period. Inscriptions stating "Gula" (Goddess of Healing) have been found on numerous evil looking canines. They appear "fierce" as they had to fight off illnesses. All types. The position of the dog (standing, sitting, running) all point to different deities, or no specific one at all. There were, and still are SOME cultures that believe dogs to be demons (Chinese Tiangou, Buddhists to name two), but they have "melded" into protectors of the mountains. Tengu means "heavenly dogs", and it refers to the "demon dogs".
To ME, this encounter sounds much more like an angry, penned in, ticked off being. Not a demon. The thing that your sister saw? How close was the description to what YOU released?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-15)
Yes they can be. The 'Spirit' was 'projecting' it's 'feelings' about being 'trapped' on 'this side'. When you saw it departing the house through the window it had taken on a form that 'expressed' it's fear/anger/confusion.

It also 'attached' itself to your sister in law because she had a familiar 'feel' for it. (i.e. Your sister, even just by reading the book, had 'exposed herself to this spirit and it felt comfortable with her) Being unable to depart, and having no anchor because the book had been burned it attached itself to something/someone comfortable.

The atmosphere should be clearing, things should improve with your boyfriend, and I hope with your sister in law. Please keep us posted. Thank you and be well.


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-15)
Rook, you were right about the curtains And the kitchen, but I never noticed the door, I haven't seen my sister in law in weeks... I have my own place, I no longer live there but, ever since I started talking about these things or this happening I feel so scared, me and my boyfriend are constantly fighting and I feel so sad and alone at nights. Could these things be connected?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-15)

All right here I go... For validation purposes...

I saw pink curtains (I say pink, but actually more of a dusky salmon color)

A very large and functional kitchen

The front door sticks/catches when closeing (top left as you exit).

I hope those are 'correct', it menas that I was in the 'right place'...

You should feel as if the 'atmosphere'in your home is 'lighter' It feels like a 'safe' place to be.

You may have noticed a change in your sister-in law and the way she acts towards you... If not yet, then soon. You may even get invited to have lunch or dinner with her because she wants to work on the relationship between the two of you. (if it hasn't happened, then it will by the end of this week).

Please let us know what's going on and if I anything I have said makes sense to you.


VelvetLucifer (1 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-12)
Dear, Kericho
Nobody wants to hear your rude angry comments, If you don't believe in this stuff why do you come here?
You just sound like 98.8% of the skeptics in the whole internet.
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
Says yours isn't valid when I tried to e mail you.? Yeah I'll try a different account. Man I can't stand it when this happens.

princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
moonamigma, yes I will. I wonder why? That's just stupid. But I will et in touch with you.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)

It can be done, it's why I have asked so many questions about it... (and why I have also contacted her via e-mail). It's harder, but it can be done.

Having a 'name' or the 'proper ritual' makes things so very much easier. Help can be found, never fear. Between so many different people on this site there are 'YEARS' of experience to draw from, never fear Help can be found.


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
Princess your email seems to be invalid could you email me?
Mami.372911 [at]
I will be waiting thank you
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
moongamma hit me up. I have something pretty personal to share with you. & I've too much respect to do so here;)


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Shinigamio will you email me so we can talk more about this experience? Its just hard to put something so personal just out there. And yeah I will try to talk her.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I totally understand about being scared. I wonder... Since the demon crossed over into the earthly realm, would it be possible for anyone to banish it, once we figure it out? I want you to feel as safe as possible, because you shouldn't have to be put through such a terrifying experience. Really, no one should.

Anyway, a detailed description would be very effective. A lot of people frequent this site, and I'm sure a combined effort could identify the demon.

This may be asking too much, but is it possible your sister-in-law would know the name? A possible way to bring it up would be to try and have a casual conversation and say something like, "you know, I'd like to get my own copy" or "do you remember what that book was? It was very interesting".

However, I completely understand if you don't want to, as you've previously stated that your sister-in-law is a bit negative toward you.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Darkness thank you and same to you best of wishes bud, and again thank you!
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
moonamiga: I'm glad I could be of some help, I totally understand your situation with not wanting to have anything to do with the book after your experience. All the best to you.

moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Darkness and shinigamio you are both so helpful:) I thank you so much sorry I can be descriptive but that goes to show you I had no intention of continuing. With that book.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Shingamio I'm scared to do a banishing spell myself but the book title I can't rememeber completly I just remember it having the word vampire in it... Sorry but maybe with the description of the demon?
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Thank you! Yeah, my other forums are taking a hiatus right now, and I pretty much have nothing to do until my college semester starts. I stumbled upon this site a couple years ago, but just now decided to become a member.

Hopefully my contributions can help! 😆
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Shinigami0: I like your thinking mate that is a good idea, I have also noticed that you are becoming a regular contributer to this website well done.😁

Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I had a sudden thought that may prove to be helpful, and less stressful for you-

Do you remember the title of the book? Perhaps someone on the board who's willing to help can look up an online version to look up a banishing spell. I think if you were to describe the entity enough, we could deduce which summoning spell it was, so we could counter it.

I'm sorry if remembering would bring up any terrifying memories. I'm just formulating a plan that we could use to make you feel safer. ❤
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Rook I emailed you and I read the story... I'm kind of confused.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
whitebuffalo is one of the site mods... And a very frequent poster as well... Her latest experience is titled 'Exploding Unbreakable Plastic And Mismatched Animals' and you can 'click' on her name to see her profile... Matter of fact you can do that with my name as well.

I am heading for bed... I work third shift (midnight to eight am Central Standard Time U.S.) so it is the end of my day.

I am willing to help, and will if you want me to, but I want you to understand what that means... So please read her story and that should explain a little bit.


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Rook if you emailed me I could tell you some more, how do I find white buffalo? Right now Ill take all the help I can get.
Mami.372911 [at]
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
No, that's fine...

Hummm... Most cultures view dogs as good, friendly spirits. Helpful in most cases.

Then of course there is 'Set' the Egyptian God...

Me thinks this 'entity' chose a form that would scare you the most.

May I have your permission to look into this some more... Before you say yes please read and/or talk to whitebuffalo as she knows what I mean when I ask this...


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Definatly dog face but I never saw its mouth open or anything nor did it talked to me, when he growled on my room I never turned.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Did 'it' have a man's face, or a dogs face?


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Rook no problem. This thing was easily about 6 feet tall black, he had bright red eyes pointly black ears his feet looked like those of a dog, he had regular looking arms with long fingers his torso looked like that of a man, you cannot imagine how hard it is to bring him to memory. As for what I read I don't remember not even one thing I'm sorry.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Again, Thank you.

Is it possible for you to give a more detailed description of what you saw 'departing from your window?'

And/or can you remember any of the words you did not know how to pronounce? The ones you 'sounded out'?

I am not trying to pester you, nor bring back bad memories, I wish to help in any way I can, and to 'know something' call it by name gives one a measure of 'power and control' over it.


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Rook as far as I have known we found it when I was eleven and then it dissapeared and we found it again 9 years later at the beggining of this year. Before I read the book we were like sisters very close we did a lot together. After I burned it she can't even loom at me.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Ah, I see. Thank you for the details...

Banishing Spell... If the book in question contained summoning 'rituals' (spells) then it more than likely contained the way to send whatever entity was summoned back to whence it came. (It told one how to call it and then how to send it away)

Has your sister-in-law always 'not liked you' or did this start after moving into the home and finding the book? How many times did the book 'disappear' before you read from it and then burned it?

Please excuse all the questions, but they help to bring understanding as to what is going on and through that understanding a solution can be found.


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Trix, thank you for your wishes, its ok we all make mistakes. Regardless of wether she baught it or not its still wrong that she was into that book especially since we both went to church at one point. Its one thing to do it accidently like I did and another to practice it like she has. In the end like I said though I hope she findw God
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
oh, backyard, I have one of those... It is just, you make it appear, in your story, that you were in your room... Seeing this demon leave our your window.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Hi moonamiga, first I want to apologise. I thought your sister bought the book and insisted you to read it. I'm really sorry forgive me being so cruel to her after realizing she found the book in the house, it change the whole perspective. If someone left it there you would never know what went on in that house after all? But you said that things started to go wrong after reading these scriptures and you don't know what it means. Maybe there was evil in the house and it used your sister in law to bring it to you so you can read it. If your sister started to hate you just after the book thing it let me wonder. Because then it can be something that wants to break up everybody there and destroying the peace in your home. I really think you need professional help with this. I believe God will lead you to the right person to help you. Keep your eyes open and observing. Take care and keep your faith. ❤
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Pjod? Really? I have what's known in society a back yard, and on this yard is where I burned the book, just outside my window.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Shinigamio until today my sister in law still thinks the book dissapeared again, no one knows my sister and I did this but us, and honestly I don't want to ever touch a book lile this again
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Trix, thank you for your thoughts I hope that one day your sister can see the light too. I understand what you mean about the constant battles with demons, though it seems they will never give up. I have always thought God is good even when we are not and he will forgive... I am just so confused its hard to describe what I feel right now.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Rook there is a lot more that goes into history with this book and my sister in law, she never baught this book, it was found along some old things left in the house when we moved in. For a while her and my brother said the book simply dissapeared and there have been many events happen in the house like things beeing seen. When I read this book like I told the other guy I mention the things I didn't know how to pronounce out loud but it wasn't just one thing. I knew it was the book all along and no offense but if she doesn't mean well you wouldn't want her to keep it either. I don't blame anyone but myself for my mistakes but this book had to be burned...
Banishing spell? That was never done...
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
reading your account, I have a question.
Did you burn this book in your bedroom?
That is how I am reading it... Any such book would cause enough smoke to set off a smoke detector. Did that also happen?
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Whoops, sorry Moonamiga, haven't replied in a while-
But yes, the theory you are formulating does sound logical, and I would also include what Rook has said on the matter. Really, when dealing with the supernatural, sometimes its hard to make sense of what's going on. (Errr, entities tend to be a little weird, without much social skills).

It may help to try and talk to your sister-in-law, apologize for burning the book, try finding another version, and see if there's a banishing spell to put that demon where he belongs. 😐

This comment from Kericho is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Hi moonamiga, reading your story brought up some memories. (Please this is not a comment for anyone to read who don't believe in God. I don't want to offend anybody. My comment is from a Christian to another Christian) My own sister is also into occult stuff. I didn't know it at first because she practiced it in secret. I'm from a Christian family and occult is one of the things Christians will never do because it's against our religion. She was my best friend we did everything together until she started to show true colours. She started to show jealousy hatred and I was shocked to discover this other side of her.
It all started when she invited me to a church but it was non Christian and opposite in what I believe. I was never cruel to her ever. I just didn't share the same interest any more. She always tried to get me down but it didn't work because God is always with me. Eventually we became enemies because she just couldn't stop with her cruel intentions. People dealing with demons can't stand Christians. The Holy Spirit is with Christians and is like oil and water with those dealing with demons they don't mix. Demons can't stand Christians.
Your sister in law has a plan with you it seems to me. People like her don't stop easily. She might be into black magic too because they deal with demons to get power and usually they practice black magic also to help them to gain control over people and if you manage chase that demon away it goes back to the one who's using it to gain power over you because it's mad being used like this.
This is actually very complicated. You have to talk to someone with the knowledge in this field to help you to win this battle. People like your sister in law is dangerous don't underestimate her. If she hates you then she might try to bring you down in her evil way. Don't let it happen keep our eyes open and ask God to lead you to the right person who can help you. I still pray 24/7 because my sister is one of those who will never give up with her mission.
Take care sorry for this long reply. I just know you need help. Keep believing in God he will never let you down. He will never leave you it is us wondering of sometimes. It's a good thing you burned that book because I get this feeling you already took one of her weapons away. That's why she is so mad. Good for you, I'm proud of you. Good luck and take care. ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)

This story grabbed my attention, and at first I was not going to comment, but after reading the other remarks I think I will... I do not mean scare you or anyone, just wondering about a couple of things...

You stated in a reply that you had said some of the words form the book out loud, this indeed brought this 'entity' closer to the physical realm. Your experience ends with you and your sister 'burning' the book you had read from... I think this contributes to the current situation with your sister in law... Two points here, one dealing with the spiritual world, the other with the physical world...

Spiritual: Burning the book... While it may have removed this entity from your room/home I do not think it was 'banished'. As with any summoning there is a banishing ritual... Was this done before the book was burned?

Physical: Your Sister in Law may just be mad about the book being taken and destroyed, I know I would be if it had been my book... 'Craft' books are not inexpensive and I can see where she would be very upset that one of hers was taken and burned. It is possible that this entity is using this 'anger' for it's own needs and is therfore keeping her angry at you...

I hope and pray she 'see's the light' and I hope and pray that you rememeber that Heavenly Father is forgiving and if you are truly repentant He will always Forgive you.


moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Princess lotus could you please email me? I'm fascinated by your story and I would like to have you as a friend I don't mean to sound like a creep your spirit is just so comforting. If you can't email me ita ok.

Mami.372911 [at]
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
And the best days of my life were the ones were I walked by faith but it seems now I'm in a dark pool and its so dark I can't tell which way to the surface its quite disturbing not having the peace I once had.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Princess I still believe in God and I am grateful for what he has done for me I just don't practice my faith like I used to, certain things just arent the same and if you must know I'm ashamed to come back to the Lord after I have failed him over and over
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I haven't read any other comments because I need 1 question answered before I go any farther. You had typed that ONCE you were a strong believer so you knew & actually WITNESSED the power of The Blood of Christ, so what, after all that spiritual warfare & proof of the Word you are no longer a Christian? With much respect.

moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Rashidah your advice has been the best thank you and I will keep that in mind though I doubt ill ever mess with something like this.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Before calling out an entity, you have to be familiar with it i.e its personality because it is important to know who you are calling upon.

Words have power, even though you did not mean to call on it seriously.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Rashidah, you are absolutly right though I hadnt thought of that nor did I have those intentions.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
You should not of called it out loud.
That is an invitation to the spirit world.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
And no I did not call an entity though the book did have some terms that I didn't know how to pronounce and I read most out loud could this have been the issue?
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Rashidah I didn't practice anything though.

Darkness thank you and best wishes to you too.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Did you call on an entity by chance from the book?

If so, what is the name of the entity?
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
moonamiga: Your exactly right we are all at different spiritual levels, and I believe it gets to a point when an individual knows in there heart and gut instinct maybe they should stop there ie: like your situation regarding the book.
You obviously have a like and interest for the paranormal though, and you knew when enough was enough. I hope everything is now going well for you.


Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I am pretty sure that that book had warnings in what not to do and how to use certain things with experienced teachers of the occult.

This sound like a classical case of messing with stuff out of curiosity.

I have similar books but I use them wisely and for a purpose.

Simply reading an occult book manifests nothing.
But practicing what is in it can.

Also fear can influence certain 'experiences'

I personally have not experienced anything like that with those books.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Darkness I don't think you are dark. If you have before and you can get away with it go ahead. I think we are all at different spiritual levels and maybe you can handle something I wasn't ready for it. I know what you mean I always like to be informed about everything.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I didn't want to say that because I thought people would see me as a crazy one, but I believe demons acompany people and by it this one is one was a demon who I believe torments her day by day. Yes! I do believe the anomosity comes from me pissing this demon off. Since it knows I won't fall under it, it keeps her against me and away so I won't influence her I think. Could this be logical?
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
moonamiga: Yes I do understand exactly what you are saying although I have read many of these books before. I do experience things but I believe these are very subtle experiences and I believe are my Grandparents.
Dont get me wrong I don't dabble in the occult or anything like that! I just like to read and learn about paranormal events and experiences. I'm not into the dark stuff although my screen name could confuse people hahaha.
I'm just saying regarding the book you have read, and the book I possess I think it takes it that little bit further, which as you mentioned could and can open the door to the unwanted things.


Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Hmm, some people are just down right mean. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, though. An interest in the occult isn't so bothering, but the fact that she appears to be so hateful towards you is.
I guess the combined factors of having the knowledge of black magic and an unreasonable dislike towards you could be even more bothersome.

This is just a thought, but do you think there could be possible forces that are making her extra hateful towards you?

One more thing. Sometimes people who summon demons hope to gain certain things from said demons, such as wealth, health, ect. If you indeed made this demon mad, is it possible that its giving your sister-in-law grief, thus making her have more animosity towards you?
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I will keep answering to each post and I will be back soon as I am interested in each opinion, again thanks for reading my story for those of you that have.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
Darkness, my advice would be dont! Get rid of it because from my experience its like you are opening a door letting it in.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
Shingami, ever since I met her, I think she is into the occult though, I mean personally I can sense when someone does this because they bring this heavy feeling upon you.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
This story rings a bell for me also, this being having an interest in the paranormal and spirits can open yourself up to possibly experiencing this for yourself. I have a book at home called the book of spirit communications although it does not dwell on demons and evil entities it does go in depth about practices that especially mediums use to contact these beings.
I have not read it myself as yet and am not sure if I should, everyone who visits my house do not even like the sight of it. I don't know you could say don't judge a book by its cover this one I tend to disagree on though haha.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
Err, let me rephrase that... The comment was for moonamiga. Whoops, maybe I'm too tired to be typing right now! 😆
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
Schanden, yes the Lord wi send them all running and its more than a word, I have always believed in opposites, if there is a good thing there will always be bad its the order of life. Thank you for reading this story and though our faiths may be weak at times the Lord is faithfull even when we are not.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
It seems to me like you may want to check up with what could be wrong with your sister-in-law. I don't mean to pry too much, but has she always been this way?
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
Lana tell you the truth, I think she meant to harm me with this book. It is how it all feels to me. Since that day that I burned the book though without her knowing she won't talk to me its rather odd I think.
moonamiga (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
Badjuujuu thank you for reading my story, and yes I hope it works as a warning for some.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
My friend had an experience like this, too. He was at a friend's house, and they accidentally summoned something up. He won't even speak the words or even utter the name of the demon, and he's been trying to erase it from his mind.

Your sister-in-law sounds pretty mean to me. I would suggest carrying a holy object with you, if you have a faith, keep it strong, and seek a professional who can bless the house or use sage. I hope everything will be okay for you. 😊
schanden (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
This is the first time I have ever commented on anything on this site but your story has hit home with me for some reason. I am not exactly sure why, because as far as I can remember I have never had an experience like this. I do know that since I was a very young girl and even now I will not say the "D" word outloud. My friends and family think that I am crazy, after all it is just a word right? Something inside me tells me that it is NOT JUST a word. I am glad that your faith in the Lord was able to get you through the experience. I believe with all my heart that the name Jesus Christ will send them running everytime. 😁
Lanafairy81 (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
I totally agree as I too picked up a book I should not have, scary how a book can lead to so much damage in one's life. Why did your sister in law give you a book like that to begin with? Sounds like she may have some issues up there.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
A very interesting, and disturbing, account. Thank you for sharing. Maybe your story will act as a warning to people who think it would be "fun" to dabble in summonings.

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