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Ghost Stories in Category: Haunted Places: Page 14

The Thing In The Hallway by DarkStar

I've been reading the posted stories on YGS for over a year now, so I've finally decided to post my first story about my very first experience. While it isn't exactly a spine-tingling tale of horror, there is definitely some spine-tingling in it, and the spine being tingled is mine... This incid...

Prairie House In Rockford, Il by CCKitty

I first moved to Rockford in 1973, and I shared a house called 'Prairie House' with friends. Built in 1853, it was a family home and it still stands at 1st & Prairie Streets. It had a kitchen, bathroom and root cellar on the basement level, a living room, den and library on the 1st level with a beau...

Angry Man by alaina7

It happened a few months back or so, I can't remember exactly. I went to bed later than usual that night. I fell asleep just fine. I had my fan going and my lamp was on (I forgot to turn it off that night). Note my fan was placed at the end of my bed and it was on as high as it could go. I was sleep...

Unfriendly Ghost by HauntedCop

In the early 1990s I moved into a small 3 bedroom house on the east side of Athens, Georgia while attending the University. I ended up living in the house well after graduating for a total of about 9 years. During that time I had a number of roommates come and go. Odd thing is the house was new when...

Ghost In Apartment#216 by Ravishingroxy

I lived with my family in a beautiful apartment complex in Silver Spring, MD from 2000-2003. During our stay there we encountered quite a few strange incidents that I'm sharing here. It all started about a month after we moved in. I was 17 and my sister was 11. I saw my family deity in my dreams....

Never Lonely by Midnight_Flower

This story is from my earliest experiences in the house I grew up in, most of which did not seem out of the ordinary until I got older and thought back to them. First let me explain some things regarding my childhood home. (The details are a little choppy regarding the location's history but I i...

Ghostly Voices And A Crash Or Was It A Warning Of The Future by sheld999

My town is not that old at all. Roughly 1800-1890s establish, (European settlers), Before them were the Maori people living in the town. (Which was a swamp/island area surrounded by rivers. So this encounter took place sometime in the year 2008 around June/July. Me and my mate were hanging out a...

A Sudden Passing by Aliviashae

I want to share an interesting experience, one that occurred last year. I was working at a daycare, when the director's husband suddenly passed (suddenly as in he became very ill, and was in the hospital for only a month before he passed). The owners were shocked. The director, as you can imagine, w...

It Might Be Dad? by Orangepulp123

This is actually the first time I talked about this incident after a few years... My father died through a motorcycle accident, I was 8 years old then. For an eight year old for me acceptance is difficult, I've already realized that things were difficult without a dad. After the burial my grandp...

The Yellow House| And My Ghost Boyfriend 2 by HiddenWriter

I have been living in this Duplex on the 2nd floor above for almost 2 years now and I have a confession to make. (If you guys published the first story, this one would be connected to it) I still see that Yellow house in my dreams. But that is something that can not be fixed, I have accepted ...

The Yellow House| And My Ghost Boyfriend by HiddenWriter

I grew up in a Yellow House on Arkwright Street. Everything inside of that house can be remembered clearly. The shape of the stairs, the brown carpet, the dirty walls- the old wooden scent of the home itself, the green attic, the bathroom, the basement, everything. Moving from home to home, is...

Ghost Responds To Tv Program by andyf75

We had lived in our house for the best part of 20 years, it was around 150 years old. As far back as I could remember there were always strange goings on in the house, footsteps in the hallways and loud unexplained bangs at night. When we first moved into the house we were all quite scared by this b...

Project X by Zaruje

It happened during my college days in a subject called Effective Communications. We were instructed to create our own little film. We were divided into groups and we would choose our own theme. But the rule was that no same theme would be use by two groups. My group was going for romance but the nex...

I Heard Him Clear As Day! by Green4life

I was born in a Mormon family, ghosts and demons are not spoken of in my religion, I grew up believing these type of things cannot exist in our world because our soul immediately leaves the earth and does not stay. My religion says that spirits cannot stay on earth and there fore they cannot exist. ...

Possesed by Kyle_Zahney

Hey guys, Kyle again. I'm Native American, Navajo Specifically. If you hear stories about paranormal or strange creatures around my area, The Navajo Reservation. I can first hand say its true, here's my story. This happened the summer after I had finally graduated high school, I lived at my gran...

Room 607 by Zaruje

I still remember that particular night when I was staying in a hotel at Dumaguete City.  The trip there was a 2 days stay and it was my first night. But first let me tell you little about myself. I'm  22 years old and I'm working as a project engineer. Yes I'm too young for my job (I get that a...

Breathing by Evelien2001

This story is located in my temporary house where my mother, sister and myself would live there because the divorce. But now I am living at my house from my childhood. The temporary house was nicer because there were less bad vibes there. One night, when I was tucked under my blankets and fac...

Pull My Eyebrows Out In Terror (2) by Melda

This is the continuation of my first story. If you have not read my first story please do, if of course you feel inclined to do so. It might put things more into perspective. Fortunately, as explained in my previous post, by this time I had stopped pulling out my eyebrows but my fear levels remai...

F St. Victorian, Eureka, California by BeagleMom

When we were first married in 1966, we moved to Eureka for college. Our apartment was on the ground floor, (front 4 rooms) of a Victorian "mansion". I always called it a Victorian tract house because of there being a short row of them, all alike, on F street. The house was stately in its day, and wa...

Being Followed By But No One Was There by Nemo_1981

In around 2013-14, I was working for a company which was into hospitality business and had many star resorts all over India. I used to go on official tours to these resorts as part of my job profile. These resorts were always outside locality and in scenic yet secluded or forested surroundings. This...

Interweb Stories by svvar

Six years ago was when I first came across this site. I was pregnant and home a lot so I spend much time reading what seemed like every single story on here lol! Towards the end of my pregnancy and my sons first few months of life I wasn't online at all. I had moved into a new apartment with my husb...

Stone 2 by toosexysof

This story is a continuation of the previous one entitled "Stone" that occurred some months or a year after. Mommy's eldest sister, mother of a cousin who lived with us, stayed briefly for the summer. She worked in the province but was then taking her doctorate in Manila. Her son and my other co...

His Coffee Just Vanished by Jennilou87

This evening, something weird happened. I made my fiancé, Gino, and myself a cup of coffee. I brought them through to our bedroom and put his on the small table on his side of our bed. About half an hour later, Gino turns to me and asks if I drank his coffee. I told him I hadn't and he showe...

Noise Annoyance by Dreyk

Dealing with the strange odor in my kitchen and sometimes dining room was an ongoing issue. I tried chemical deodorizers, and scented candles, incense, etc. It always seemed to come back. Then, one day - with no more warning than I'd had when it started... It was over (at least for a few months). Th...

Mirror, Mirror by valkricry

Back in the early 1980's, my now ex husband (we'll call him Ed), my then 3 year old son, and I moved into our first house. It had started out as a one room school house (I discovered proof when the removal of layers of wallpaper revealed old slate chalk boards) and had grown into a monstrously large...

Two Whaley House Ghosts by treehouse15

I'll add my experiences as well and let you all decide what to do with it. I've seen two apparitions at the Whaley House, and I've never been able to make heads or tails of what I saw. Although these stories happened some time ago, I've written them down before, so recall isn't an issue here. The...

My Upstairs Room by Kest

I have had a little bit of a hard time writing about my upstairs experience. Some of this comes from the fact that one of my stories was stolen and posted on another website. However, I am discovering that it seems it is very common for that to happen from "our" website here. In the end, I decided I...

Aswang Got Fallen by Darkprince

The month of August, Friday the 13. On that night I am awake cause I feel I want to see Rest room. I go down my bed and go to CR. Then I hear a strange sound on the nearest house in our house. When I'm about to go on the CR. I see j dog staring on the near house on the near house he/she located....

Something Dark by Twilight1011

I'm not sure if any of my stories will be posted, but this is now my second one. This happened to me about 5 years ago. It was around 2012. It all started around summer time. My first marriage had ended, and I was about to lose my place. It first started with dreams. I know that unless it's ...

Living With A Light House by Twilight1011

I'm a first time submitter, long time reader. I've always been interested in the paranormal. As well as having many experience's of them. Which I'll post more about those later. This one will be about how it was like to live with a light house (also known as, a person who can see, and speak to s...

Our Newly Built House by The_Banker

My family moved here last 2014. Our new house is located in an exclusive subdivision. It is newly built, designed by my brother. It has a garage that can fit 2 vehicles. On the first floor, there are 2 rooms, my parent's room and the maid's quarter. We also have a driver's room but it's outside the ...

Entity In My House by troubledasfrick

I live in a city called Bangalore in the State of Karnataka in the country India. I'm 19 (almost 20) and live with my parents in an apartment. We've lived here for the majority of our lives. Things started getting strange about a year ago. My mother, who is a highly spiritual and devout Hindu star...

Evil Forest / Woods? by abbykay_luv

Hey there, it's been a very long time I posted here. This post is supposed to be very short, but due to YGS minimum character count, I'll try and make it as long as I can. Well, here it goes. It happened when I was in high school, around 2011/2012. I went to a boarding school and the school was loca...

Gorgeous Day - Paralyzing Fear by Bokonon

I have told this story very few times to very few people. This is the only paranormal experience I have ever had. Thankfully. I was a junior in college at Mississippi State University. One Spring Saturday, I left campus to drive 25 miles away to the small town where the girl I was dating was at ...

Back To The Flat by triden07

On the weekend of the 14th of January the kids and I moved out of the house and back in to the flat (the same flat we had lived when they were still babies, and where my grandfather had manifested and terrorised my mother about 2 years ago) The first night there Tim and Elaine slept over (they h...

The Southside Haunting Part 2 by Enlightened1959

Those who haven't read "The Southside Home Haunting", may want to go back and read it before reading this one. Things continue to happen so I am putting a date on or near the occurrences the best I can. A little re-cap - We moved in the house the end of March- first of April this past year. Due t...

Stone by toosexysof

The story happened in the nice apartment my mother and I were renting in the 1990's. Three years had passed since my first encounter with an apparition. There were changes in our lives already. I was in high school, two male cousins four years older than I was and a lady house help of about the s...

Ghost In The School by lilpeachyghost

The high school I attended was said to be haunted by a girl who had been pushed off of the bell tower and broke her neck causing her to pass away. Before it was turned into a modern day high school, I believe it was an all girls boarding school which would have been around the time that this unfortu...

Weird Hospital Experience by Desertmoon

I was working a few years ago in a very small hospital located on the Navajo Reservation. It was pretty old and very outdated, with only about 15 patient rooms arranged down two hallways in an "L" shaped fashion, and the nurse station was located the corner of where the lines of the 'L' met. At the ...

The Fair Lady, The Voice, And The Impersonator by ynass

This is entirely true, it happened to my step Mom about 4 years ago. There was a day she awoke with a terrible pain, she couldn't move her legs for the entire day and the next day also. We tried several medications but nothing worked, we tried taking her to the hospital, she spent several days there...

Life In My Cousin's Home by JaymeAnne

I have experienced many different paranormal moments so far in life. Both homes that I spent the majority of my life in had a good amount of activity. However, it was the house my cousin grew up in in Hamilton, Ontario that had the most consistent and ongoing activity. To begin with, my aunt and...

The Main Level by Kest

The main floor of my parent's house where I grew up at as a teen would be the place where I had an experience that scared me when it took place not later. I have said before that most things that have happened to me didn't scare me until I had time to process them. This would also be what prompted m...

Presence In The Parsonage by Crazypiclady

When I was 13 and my sister age 16 we moved into a patronage. My parents chose a down stairs bedroom and my sister and I would shared the upstairs. My sister being older got to choose which room she wanted in our new home which of course was the biggest. I chose the second biggest. My room was so ...

Evil In The Woods by hawkseye12002

It's daylight outside so I can finally relate this next experience. Honestly, I don't like thinking about it because it gives me chills... Serious chills... Every time I think about it. Joe (my ex-husband) and I had moved back to Salisbury, NC at that point and were visiting his family for Chris...

Real Or Not by hityshi

My first experience and even the last was back in my tenth grade. My experience Isn't something that scares you or thrills you, it is true but not exciting. So I warn you beforehand that my story is not to entertain you it is to just share my experience. Me and my friends used to hear many rumor...

A Walk In The Woods by PrestonJ

When I bought this property a couple of years ago, one of the main selling points was the woods. Between the house and the road are rows and rows of red pine, roughly five acres and standing maybe thirty five to forty feet tall. Walking through these woods gives off an eerie feeling but enjoyable st...

Home Sweet Home? by Kaedriana

I moved into the house I currently live in when I was eleven years old. I've been having ghostly experiences ever since I was very young, but when I moved into this house that I live in now, I've had much more experiences. I'm here to talk to about some of my experiences. The first experience tha...

Crashing Sounds In My House by BethAG

I'd like to begin by saying that as a sufferer of bpd, I sometimes have infrequent, mild episodes of psychosis- where I will see, or occasionally hear things that aren't there. Normally I would discredit any 'paranormal experiences' as a symptom of my bpd, however this experience is more difficult t...

House In The Mountains by laurrennm

For those who have read my first story, I've lived in a couple of houses that have proven to have paranormal activity in them. I want to share my story regarding my childhood house. I suppose first I must explain that I grew up in a house built by my grandparents and father beside a mountain in ...

The Three Fingered Entity by lovebugs16

I'm lovebugs, the author of the stories "Abducted by Elemental entities" and "She was seeking help". It's already been a couple of years since I last logged in into this site which made me forgot my password so I made a new account. Anyway let's proceed to my story which happened a year ago just bef...

Did It Come With The Chest? by AMC0809

I have been lurking this site for a little while now. I have finally decided to submit my own story. I apologize in advance for the poor writing, not much of a writer. Just listing the events that happened. Back in 2006 I was still living with my parents. Their house was brand new. Built in ...

The Most Haunted Place In The World by GuamGirl671

A COMPILATION OF MY EXPERIENCES AT HOME Early in my childhood, I have always been attracted to the ideas of the paranormal. Despite being very scared all the time - my fears irrational due to the anxiety that runs through my family and the sheltered life of being an only child - I never taunted o...

My Younger Sister by willow12

I have a sister who is 10 years younger than me. She has a different father than I do. His family is of Native American origins. Over the years she has scared me several times with odd things and stories she would tell me. She is in her mid 30's and still tells me she can see and talk to spirits...

What Was It About The Basement by Kest

What is it with basements? I have decided maybe the best way to tell all that happened to me in my parent's house when I was a teen, was to take the house level by level since I experienced something on every single level of that house. The first story I wrote talked about the voices I heard and my ...

Table Tipping by Kindly_refrain

Over the last 15 years one of the fire halls I performed maintenance on had garnered a reputation as being haunted. There were strange swirling globes of light, odd sounds, smells of cooking, and even an ethereal figure of a woman, from the waist up only, that faded away after turning and looking at...

The History Of A House Is Not Dead by KikiGirl

"The past is never dead, it is not even the past." - William Faulkner We used to live in a beautiful house atop a hill where our pool was always warm, day or night because of the open-plan layout of the garden, and it had a beautiful inlet area with deep green creepers, luscious flower beds furni...

The 109 by Wish-Not

Since my last stories, a lot of you know we have relocated. We really have been on a vacation "from" the paranormal activities from our previous house. The entity we were co-existing with took exception to our move and threw a temper tantrum and caused physical harm to me for the first and last time...

The Haunted House - The Undertaker (and Family Stories) by KikiGirl

The Haunted House - The Undertaker My story begins in the company house that was consigned to our family by my Father's job in Botswana, Gaborone in the 1990's. I was about 5 years of age when we moved in and about 11 or 12 years old when we left. I say that it was the beginning of the para-expe...

Unfamiliar Voices And Other Odd Things by Enlightened1959

First of all I thought I submitted this in early December and it was titled "Voices". Since it still hasn't posted, I have remembered more things about the house and added to the story and have resubmitted it under this new name so if you start to read this same story, I apologize for submitting it ...

Someone Was In Our Apartments! by Jennilou87

This is two stories from our time in Malta. This first is when we were in our hotel apartment. We'd been there about 10 days. It was about 11:00 at night and we were exhausted from the heat and the busy day we'd had. It was October 2016 and was still 30 degrees c (86 F) and being English we're no...

Grandma Drowned The Boogeyman by valkricry

Most families have some kind of hero in the family tree. Some Great-great or maybe even recent member they point at with pride and say,"he/she was the first to _" or "fought in the war and was decorated". You get the gist. In my family it was my maternal grandmother, her familial claim to fame was h...

The Move by Dreyk

I was born in the US, but moved to the far-eastern Primorsky Territory in Russia to follow a dream. For more info on that, you can check out my profile. This was my first experience after moving to the "mother land". It was February 2012, and I was 19. I'd only been in Russia for the last month o...

The 7th Floor Ghost by Cersed240

I have worked security at a major hotel near the airport for 15 years now, and when I first got here I was told to watch out for a ghost on the 7th floor. I was told he likes to make his presence known at random times. Some of the older employees say it's one of the engineers (maintenance workers) w...

My Nights With Mr. Bad by mythem

It seems I'm going in order of my ghost experiences. The last story I submitted was my first sighting and this is my next experience. Again, I was around 8 years old. My brother and I shared one bedroom with a bunkbed. It was a nice little setup, since my brother didn't like to sleep alone. At fi...

Childhood Paranormal Odds And Sods Part 2 by Manafon1

This second part of my childhood paranormal experiences compiles the few incidents that I documented after my family relocated from the Chicago suburbs to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Part of my notes on these southern paranormal experiences, which I wrote down in my late teens, have been los...

Her Bloody Handprint by AUSTRIA

This happened in 2007. My friend (I'll be calling her Maya) and I were going to Maya's village for some religious ceremony (this story is from India, so I would like to clear up a few things for the international readers: in India, almost everyone has their roots in some sort of village which they v...

He Likes Junk Yard Wars by Cersed240

I have an experience that I would like to share, and I apologize if I ramble a little. I'm a firm believer in the paranormal, from various cryptids to spirits to ghosts. I also have a healthy dose of skepticism. My parents live in the historic town of Niles in Fremont, California. If you are a fa...

The Basement by Kest

I was always interested in ghosts even as a kid. I am not sure why. I liked ghost stories, and loved to hear about other people's stories, and eventually had my own story. I have had quite a few as a teen/adult and I hope to put them on here. However, my experiences never started until we lived in a...

In Over My Head by RCRuskin

Twice in my life I went on 'ghost hunts' so to speak. One was just out of curiosity and involved a member of a storm chasing team I was on. He turned out not to be a very skilled driver during storm chases, but it was an interesting experience because of his driving. But that is not why I'm submitti...

The Little House by french_fries

These stories are 100% true and I want to share them here. It's long because you'll be reading more than one story. I reside in Cebu, Philippines and we moved a couple of times within the city. My parents don't want to live far from friends and relatives so we stay in the same area. Now this story...

The Ghosts Of Number 11 by lulu333

When I was about 10 me and my family moved into a new house, number 11. We lived in the town of Brentwood in the UK. It was the nicest town I've ever known. And number 11 will always be the place I remember as home. From the start it was obvious that the place was already occupied, heavily. Simply p...

My Mom's Reaction To My Experiences And What Happened To Her by pagankitty321

My mom never believed me when I would talk about hearing voices call out my name when her and my other family members would go out. She would say it was in my head because I was scared of being alone. She also didn't believe me when I came running up from my room in the basement one night because...

Weird by Sanchez_92

This story happened when I was in high school 10th grade to be sure, back in 2012. There was this one girl who didn't like me at all. Reason for that I don't know, but I was really good friends with one of her friends. That friend and I no longer speak, her name is Veronica. Veronica and I decide...

Just When You Thought They're Here by batchiebones

Merry Christmas everyone! I thought I'd never be able to write again on this website. It has been a year I guess since the last time I wrote my eerie experience on YGS. This one that I am going to tell was experienced by my aunt D in one of the most haunted houses in our compound. Remember my story,...

Confrontations by annie16

I have submitted my personal experiences with the paranormal but as my mom passed in 2008, I have decided to write about her experiences. My mom was born with "the sight" as some would say, and had numerous experiences throughout her life such as seeing and her deceased younger sister crying at h...

The Tenant by Mona_Lyza

This was an experience of my mother and all of the tenants of their previous home. My mother believes that not all people who commit suicide are experiencing something difficult. She knew of two people who committed it that just did it for no apparent reason. Of these two people, one was given a ...

The Small Pink Haunted House by rexxxy421

The small pink haunted house was where my best friend, L, lived during high school. Their family bought some land 30 minutes outside of a "big" town in South Dakota. They bought many acres of land and on the land stood the small pink haunted house. They were building a big house on the opposite side...

It Happened To Us Part 2 by Paranormal_SN

This is in prior to the first part of my previous post with the tag: It Happened to Us. You can get in the following link: Thank You! Now, here's the next part. This takes place in the same flat I had mentioned earlier, where I and fe...

Trading Post Ghost by Msgoldfish89

My experience takes place at an old trading post in my town. The town I live in is very big on being historical, to the point where the town has many events year round and like to do the whole recreation thing. I only explain this because this was a possibility that someone told me to explain what I...

Creepiest Cemetery Of All by Goretorium

If you're ever up for a creepy experience then go to Blandford cemetery in Petersburg, VA. I've been to a lot of cemeteries but this one in particular is the scariest. I go there to visit dead family members such as my aunt named Patricia, she died at 6 months old so I never met her, but every time ...

It Was Haunted by Paranormal_SN

Here I am talking about few of my experiences living in a creepy place crowded by unusual entities. The first place was the flat I shared with my friend, Abdul given that we both rented it together during our college days. We had our house on the second floor and the room was converted from an at...

Hands Off! by applerose

What is it about trailers? 3 years ago we moved into an older trailer (80's style) and right off I had that feeling that there were more occupants then those mentioned on the lease. About a week into our new home... I was backing out of the driveway (in a hurry to get to work) and I noticed a litt...

Was It To Possess Me? by Paranormal_SN

This happened to me two years back. I was studying engineering at a college in Howrah which is a city in India. This place is 60 km from my home, where I initially stayed as a paying guest. When I joined, I used to commute to and fro in my motorbike. I used to love those rides as I love riding bi...

It Happened To Us by Paranormal_SN

It happened a year ago, when I was in college. I was living in a private mess of about nine students. Let me tell you about the surroundings before I start. Our building was single story one. The right side plot was vacant. On the left side there were two other buildings. In the last building a wido...

Haunted Dark Place by Beatrice_Jones

It all started when me and my best friend went to a trip of one week to a place which was extremely beautiful but we didn't know that it was haunted unless we experienced it. We were staying in some sort of village or something, cause the view was amazing. I had brought my pet dog Rex with me. There...

A Cool Experience by Tbeartuff

As previously mentioned in my first account, I have seen "things" my entire life. As I stated my parents have told me I would just stop and have conversations with the thin air, coming up with details no child of 3-6 ever could. I have no real memories of this, but am told I stopped doing this at ar...

Ghost Engraving Words 3 by EggMcMuffin

Hey guys! I'm sorry about my last ghost experience, I left out a few details that you respectfully told me in the comments. Yes, I told Connor about the ghost in my house AFTER part one, and BEFORE part two. He apparently thought we were supposed to get RID of the ghost during the seance, that's ...

Norman Park Hauntings by Benny_Lundon

It's been some time since my first posting here on YGS, so I offer my apologies for my tardiness in setting out another eerie story from my youth (life gets in the way of things as we know). This tale takes place 5 years after the events of the New Farm ghost story I had posted earlier. So settle ...

The "boy" Named Nick by Blackwidow93

I've been reading stories on this site for a while now and decided it was time to share my own. I apologize for this will probably be rather lengthy. In early 2008 my then boyfriend, let's call him Kyle, his family, and I moved in to a 3 story home. To give you an idea of the layout of the house...

Farewell Old House by applerose

One of my many regrets in my 52 years would be selling my house on 1318 Smokey Road... Even though it was spook central. It has been 15 years since the move and I still dream about the house. I find myself going room to room as if I'm checking on things in my dreams. I really never felt scared l...

The Moving Chair by Kindly_refrain

Until I was 9 years old I lived in a turn of the century small bungalow with my parents, two brothers and one sister. Our house was on Haven Road, a couple of blocks from the corner of Dufferin Street and Lawrence Avenue West in Toronto, Ontario. It was about 1966 or 1967 when the event happened. ...

Always Seems To Be The Basement by agatha23

I live in a 92 year old house, just outside of Chicago. We have lived there for 14 years now and have had some strange stuff from time to time that would occur. At times, there would be years before something happened. The main area of activity seems to be our basement. My nephew was down there rece...

Memories From An Alleged Haunted House by Infikiran

I have had many occurrences dating back to when I was 5 years old. For this story I will focus on my experiences from a house I lived in, in Ringgold GA where I could swear to this day was haunted. At 5 I started having these reoccurring dreams (I know this isn't the place for dreams but I'm convinc...

Unexplained Experience In A Hampshire Country House by Pilotpaul

Around 13 years ago my wife and I experienced something that still baffles us to this day. Her brother and his family were residing in a wing of a large country manor house near Preston Candover and had asked us over for a party at their local pub after which we were to stay at their place. On arri...

New Bedroom With An Old House Guest by Bad_Cat

When I was 5 we moved interstate. After spending some time living at my Grandma's we moved into our own house when I was 6, going on 7. The house was spacious and on a decent sized block of land. It backed onto bushland and the street was a cul-de-sac, which Mum and Dad felt it was ideal for 3 child...

The Bbc Studio's Are Haunted by BlackDiamondRattlesnake

This is my second story I've put in to be published after the story of my early life and how I started to see and later communicate with ghosts and spirits. This starts a few years ago now. I work at a stage and set designer for BBC London Studio's. I love my job and have met many interesting and...

Can't Remember My Past! by Undeadlollipop

I'm in my 20s I have no memories of my childhood (well from before the age of 12). Warning, sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes. I'm typing this on my phone trying not to shake too much. I used to live in a 17th century house that had servants rooms in the attic and a separate stairway fr...

Funeral Home Cleaning by JJP

Several years ago, I was working in juvenile corrections in Eastern Kentucky. My best friend, let's call her Jennifer, had her own cleaning business and one of the clients was a funeral home. There were two funeral homes that Jennifer cleaned and both were very busy. Of course, you can't clean a fun...

Haunted Apartment In Southern California by Always-Wondering

This series of events happened in Southern California between 2000 and 2003. During that time my wife and I were living in an apartment building, while she was going to medical school. As I reflect back on my time in that apartment, I firmly believe that it held an otherworldly presence. Whether t...

A Family Cabin by cloudy

The land I grew up on has a lot of history, and I mean a lot. Findings have been made in the area all the way back from around iron age, although no proper excavation have been made due to how far north it is (much of the land was covered in ice during the ice age making archeologist more likely to ...

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