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Ghost Stories in Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches: Page 51

The Thing In My Bedroom 2 by Sway

I posted a story on here a few days ago about an experience, one of many that I and others have had in the house I grew up in. I'd like to share another of those experiences and hopefully someone out there who knows more about the paranormal than I do and can shed a bit of light on what may be going...

A Fast Shadow On A Well Lit Street by Tarnat

Location: In Caboolture, QLD Australia. I often walk around my local neighborhood late at night. I generally enjoy walking at night just because it's heaps cooler than during the day and also because there's no-one around I just feel like I can wander about and think. I normally go out for my la...

Playful Litle Boy by honey91

A couple of years ago, I was staying at my best friend's newly built house (See the story by me" floating face.") We had been watching our favorite movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" because we are both CRAZY about Johnny Depp. The movie had ended and I was thirsty from all of the popcorn we had eaten...

Changed Man by tiger21

There are many things that have happened in my life and I would like to share them with you in the hope that I might find an explanation, especially with this story. I am no stranger to spirits I have been in contact with them for a long time, however this experience was different. Let me start by t...

While I Was Pregnant by JJzMommy

When I was 6 months along in my pregnancy my husband and I moved into a new 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment. No one had lived in this apartment before we moved in. I've tried to get the history of the property but no luck so far. I remember it just being an open field when I went to the elementary school...

The Thing That Bumps Me In The Night by Tyffannie

Before I start my story I would like to give you all some background on myself with the paranormal. I have always been "attracted" you might say to ghost, sprits, angels, demons whatever you would like to call them. Growing up I have had MANY encounters. My mother whom was not a woman who thought th...

The Rock by bigC

This happened when I was about 8-9 years old. Me and My parents lived at a place we called the rock. It was in the middle of nowhere and if you weren't looking for it you wouldn't find it. The rock was surrounded by forest and had bleach on it, and a cave and a huge hill. Shortly after we move...

The White Spectre by Martin_92

This story did not actually happen to me, but it DID happen to a very good and very trustworthy friend of mine, who I will only refer to as Daniel to protect his identity. One night in the late fall, sometime between mid-November and late October (no this is not a Halloween haunting), Daniel and...

The Curtain Lady by icey

I am 26 years old now. I do not consider myself gifted with the ability to see spirits, but as I grow older, the encounters seem to be getting more frequent. The most memorable encounter though, is the very first I've ever had. My eyes still get watery when I remember. It's dumb to be afraid now, bu...

Little Boy by hmward09

I live in New Bern. Forty five minutes south of New Bern is Jacksonville which is home to the marine base Camp Lejeune. In between New Bern and Jacksonville are two small towns called Pollocksville and Maysville. A friend and I were driving back from Jacksonville one night heading for her house....

Extremely Cold Touch by charm

My story isn't really a spooky house ghost story or a haunting thing. I'm not even sure if it's a ghosts, but its there and I can't see it. The first time I experienced it, I was in my room trying to sleep. When I suddenly felt something extremely cold touch straight through my skin, it got harde...

Vicious Truth by GhostMe111

If you read my second story that talks about my house, then in this one I will continue to talk more about it. Time has passed... Nothing odd, just footsteps there and now. But the feeling I get when I'm alone is haunting. Yesterday I was alone my parents were at work. Due to what happened las...

The Poster In The Garage by Mercia

When people say, "don't go into the garage there's a ghost in there" as a joke, you don't realize until you go in there that they aren't joking. I was 14 and my mum asked me to go and get some posters for the wall out of the garage. It wasn't the best day either, things were going wrong all day, ...

My Invisible Nightmare by meaghen

My story actually started a few years ago, but we didn't connect it to anything like a ghost. It was little thing's, like the back door opening, and shutting. We heard something with toenails going up the stairs. Then, late last year, about mid December, I started hearing knocking on my bedroom door...

I'm Not Loco by fatthead

I am Fathead and I have always been interested in the paranormal. Although it scares me, I enjoy reading and watching anything that has to do with paranormal activity. I believe I have experienced some of my own unexplained activity. I would like to share with you a couple of my stories. One day...

Faces On The Wall by The_Black_Claymore

How do you do? I shall begin by introducing myself. My name is Clayre Sans-Cour. I would enjoy telling you all about an experience when I was a child. When I was around Eight years old I was in my room with my older sister, trying to sleep, when I heard voices all around me. They were whisper...

The Human - Like Figure In My Closet by cline1986

I never thought that I would be writing such a strange story. I moved from South Carolina to Texas two months ago and I live way out in the country in the hills. It freaks me out to live way out here because the closest town is eleven miles away! Now let me tell you my story; it takes place at night...

A Handsome Spirit On My Bed Side by zeetha

Years ago, my best friend and I went to Bali for vacation. Before we departed, my boyfriend at that time (now he's an ex;) told me that he will give me his protection by sending "something" as a charm. He was a psychic, something quite normal in my country. Later on, when my best friend, her name...

Half Asleep Feelings by ohcrayonsimdead

My name is Ashley Smith, and I'm eighteen years old. I would like to tell you all a little about my past experiences before I start into this. Ever since I was five I could see things that other people could not. Whether it is Auras or ghosts. When I was around six or seven I realized that when I...

Tom by SinkingSun

My Mum and her partner moved into our present house around 4 years ago after her separation from my Dad. For most of this time I had lived with my Dad until he sold his house and moved away, and so it was not until quite recently that I came to live here with my Mum. The house she moved into wa...

Man In The Mirror by amac

I have lived in the same house in Auckland all my life. One day I was in my room and saw something out of the corner of my eye I looked but saw nothing. About 5 minutes later the same thing happened but this time I saw a ghostly face behind me in the mirror, I quickly looked behind me but saw no...

Shadows by Xx-vicky-xX

Excuse me if this doesn't make sense at some points, I tend to babble with my words a lot. These things I've been seeing and hearing have been going on since I can remember nearly 7 years back (I'm 14 now) when we lived in our house in Colorado Springs, CO. There was one night I remember quiet ...

Grandma's Little Haunted House by MidnightRose

I have been reading the stories on this site for some time now and I find them all very interesting. I find myself not only on the site everyday but also that I can't wait to read the stories that have been published. I really like this site! Let me start off by saying that I have never seen a ...

Saying My Name by karla_08

The past couple weeks or so I've had four people I know pass away. Death is a natural thing and I accept that. But, ever since my Grandmother passed away things in my dad's house have gotten more active. When we first moved in here at night I could hear a person walking through the house. They'd wal...

I Now Believe by ectorgirl

I am a grown woman in my 50's and I have to admit that I have never really given much thought to this ghost thing. Never really believed in these things, that is until now. My sister and I moved into an old house nine months ago and nothing strange ever happened until about two months ago. Our h...

Black Figures With No Facial Features by hannahbanana

My name is Hannah, I am thirteen years old. My first experience was when I was at least seven. At night I would turn off my TV. And obviously go to sleep. I would always every night, wake up and see black figures with no facial features walk around my room. From this point on I slept with my TV. ...

Jeremy by Rain101181

I like graveyards, during the day. At night, I won't go near them. One summer day, I was walking around the one down the street from where I live and I noticed a stone with pictures. I walked over and noticed one of the pictures had fallen down. I tried to stick it back in the ground but it was plas...

Man Tresspasing Wall And Other Weird Things by BlackValkyrie

This is my first time here so I apologize if I make any mistake, also I'd like to state that English is not my native language, so please be patient if I don't write very well. My stories are not big ones, not absolutely scary, I have seen many strange things in the former house I lived in, and n...

One Wild Night... I Will Never Forget by xXelliemayXx

Hey guys, This story is about something that happened in my grand-dad's house one night. Now if you have read my previous stories you will know that I have seen and interacted with my grandma on many occasions in my grand-dad's house but I believe that there is someone else there other than her....

Moving In To Grandparents House by janny

My first experience was many years ago. I was in my mid-twenties and recently married. We had moved into my husband grandpa's house. Sometimes, at night when the house was quiet, we would hear noises of footsteps, which sounded like someone entering the backdoor and walking into the bathroom and bac...

My First Haunting - The Hostel by Roro

I've never actually seen a ghost, but have felt them several times. But there are two incidents in particular that I'm quite confident that the encounter was real. I'm a resident of India, currently in high school. When I was in junior high, I went to a boarding military school. When I came for va...

Breath On My Neck & Loud Exhalation by honey91

I was staying at my best friend's newly built house a couple of years ago; we were down stairs playing on the computer in the basement. She told me she had to use the bathroom and she would be back soon. I stayed down stairs still playing the game. A few seconds after I heard her go upstairs, I ...

Male Voice by _edana_

I used to hear a strangled muffled male voice when I lived with my parents. No matter how much I searched I couldn't find a source and when I tried contacting a spirit I never got a response. The first time I heard the voice (age 15) I had just walked out of my office and into my bedroom across...

Cowboy Killer by snms234

Up until I was about five or six I lived in a small town in West Virginia. At one point in time, pretty much everyone in my family had lived in the house my mother, father, brother and I were living in. Coming out of my room there was the bathroom to the left and then across the hallway was my broth...

A Dark Figure & The Unexplainable Whisper by ashkac11_

It was just like any other bland March night. I had just completed an essay for school, and began preparing for bed. The time was around 11:30 -11:40 give or take. I had crawled into my bed which faces the door; my parents had made it a rule to sleep with the door open. Just like any other teenager ...

Pregnancy Ghost by Firice

My story happened last year (2008), beginning in approximately mid February and ending some months later when we moved house. The house in question was a rental, so we would have moved on anyway, but I was still quite relieved to go. I was about three months pregnant at the time, and we -myself, ...

Harmless North Florida Ghost? by bayouboy

Hey, y'all. I finally got time to write about some of our more recent happenings. My wife and I live in Jacksonville, Florida in a wood frame house. Our previous home here was of similar construction and size of this one and with similar activity. About 5 years ago we moved into the first of these...

My Dark Follower by morgansarmy

My name is Ana, I am 16 years old, and I have recently been having some experiences that I believe to be paranormal. Four different times, I have seen a dark, cloaked figure in the shape of a man. This is the first time something like this has happened to me. I don't want any of my family to know ab...

Shadow People At Work by michellelovesghosts

I started my job 3 years ago and I eventually got tired of working days and moved to nights where it's less busy and more relaxed. That's when I started noticing more 'things' like dark shadows passing by other desks out of the corner of my eye. I would just blow it off. I started to hear tapping no...

Everything Was Going Great by mrdeagle

At the age of eight I lived in Milwaukie, Oregon. My parents decided to move the family to Milwaukie from Oregon City, following a big promotion for my dad at his job. My two brothers were excited about the new place and my parents were the happiest I had seen them in a long time. Everything was goi...

On And Off Encounters by Cindy17

To start off with I've been having ghostly encounters ever since I can remember. When I was about 2 months old my parents set up a video camera near my crib, the recording was pretty much all they suspected, I was laughing at a random spot in the dark, my toys were moved from one side of the crib to...

Hearing Voices Late At Night by Dracosgirl

This only happens at night. You might remember me while I posted a previous story about an "Incubus" which is titled "Incubus, Poltergeist, or my Imagination?" or as some of you suggested, my experiences could be occurring sleep paralysis attacks. These attacks, however, have come to an end. This st...

The Creature by gvf7225

I had a different experience from what I usually have. I stayed up late this weekend watching a movie. The movie was almost over when I heard someone in the hallway. My hallway is "L" shaped. From my couch you can look down the long part of the hallway that leads to my room. The smaller part of my h...

White Figure And Poltergeist Activity by mark

I haven't posted a story here in awhile, because the activity has actually decreased significantly, or has become tolerable. I moved into my new house 1 year ago. Ever since I've moved in, I've had activity from noises, to keys moving along countertops without me seeing the movement. It's a two ...

Shadow People Or Demon, Can I Defend Against Them? by Allemande

The following experience isn't the first paranormal one I've had in my life, but it is the first one that I am at a loss when trying to rationalize it. It happened after the holiday party at my company, I was exhausted and decided to take a nap on my couch for a while, it was 3:30 PM. When I woke...

A Frightening Experience by marijun

Two nights ago, I felt restless as I lay in my bed. My husband was already asleep, beside me. The time on my mobile phone said 2:34AM. I decided to listen to some music on my iPod with the hope that I would eventually drift off to sleep. I popped my earphones in my ears and wriggled away to a hip ho...

The Tall Skinny Man by Erte4879

Before I begin I would like to exclaim just how addicting this can become, darn it. The more I think about it the more confused I get about it. I've tried FOR YEARS analyzing it, deconstructing it, putting it back together what I saw but I never seem to get any where. So I guess I'll write it down a...

The Shower by mrsmla4ever

About ten years ago, when I was 15, I moved to up north Michigan to live with my father. He lived on the upper floor of a cute home that had been converted into two apartments. While we all encountered many unexplainable experiences there, the one I am about to tell has always stood out to me the mo...

Overactive Imagination Or A Paranormal Experience? by RachH

I would say this is more of a few experiences I've had and things that are still happening than a 'ghost story' as some would put it. The first thing I think is worth noting is when I was younger, I would talk to people I thought were there but who nobody else could see or hear. I think my mum hu...

Full Bodied Apparition Sighting by Ibelieveinghosts

This is a true story that happened on May 15th, 2006 in a small Illinois town where I grew up. I have always believed in ghosts ever since I was a little girl because for the first 10 years of my life, my family and I lived in an old spooky house where many strange things happened that were unexplai...

This Little Boy Must Have A Past Of Torture by xXelliemayXx

As promised I'm going to post the story about the little boy in my bedroom. This is a very emotional subject for me because I feel so helpless and I just NEED to help this little boy. He appears to me vey much in detail... But in two ways. Normally when I see him he is crying, his eyes red raw fro...

Spirits In My Flat by wendymneil123

I met my partner about 9 months ago, even though I have moved in with him now, I knew his flat was haunted as soon as I first stepped foot in it. Even though I have never seen him, I know it's a male who is quite tall and over 50 years old. You see him pass the doors in the hallway from the corner...

It Don't Matter If Your Black Or White by Just_Mwah

My little brother of 9 has always been scared of things. Up to when he was about 6 or 7 he was afraid of the dark (and normally you stop when you're about 5.) Now he is scared at everything, even all the posters that are up on my walls because he says that the eyes follow him everywhere and they jus...

Lady On The Wall by bri22500

This was to me a really weird thing. This happened to us on Thanksgiving of this year. I was sitting in the living room and had a feeling someone was staring at me. I looked over to my right and saw a shadow of a woman and above her right shoulder is Jesus Christ (I think). This was there long enoug...

A Voice From Hell by GhostMe111

On November 28th, my 2nd paranormal activity had happened, and I was shocked. 2 weeks ago we moved to a new house that we have been looking forward at. But yet we didn't know that the house owner had died of a disease, and was 78 years old. It was an awesome house, it was big and just perfect...

Upon Moving Home by MattBradley

As a child I grew up in Stony Stratford; a rural area to be precise. Here is a little history on the area and house. In 1736 there was a raging fire and another in 1742. In this fire the house I currently reside in was one of the only houses left although everything around my house had been burn...

I Told You There Were Shadow People by lilith2136

I would like to start by saying that I am a fairly logical person in my thinking. So when my husband told me that when he was coming to bed one night, he saw shadows in the shape of humans outside our bedroom door I told him that it was just a light trick. He neglected to tell me that these didn't j...

Game Room Shadow People by EmeraldFlash

I was inspired to share this story after reading about several similar experiences on this site. This had happened to me about 12 years ago, and it wasn't until very recently (2009) I realized others had been through the same frightening and confusing experience. I have had other paranormal experien...

Lonely by TAD

November 23, 2009 This is my first attempt at describing a ghostly encounter, so please indulge me some. And I'm not so sure it could even be called an encounter. My wife and I relocated to Oak Ridge Tennessee to fulfil employment requirements. We rented a condo on the west side of town and I...

The Ghost I'll Never Forget by Timothy

When I was growing up my family and I lived in an old Victorian-mansion styled home in New Jersey which almost resembled a small castle. It was a unique experience looking back at growing up in that old place but there are dark things that I had experienced that will not ever fade away from my memor...

Unusual Experience by irish-guy

I'm a 1st time user of this type of site and to be quiet honest, I thought I'd never be posting or visiting this type of site because before the last couple of months of my life, I didn't believe 100% ghosts/spirits didn't really exist. I'll take you back a couple of months before my experience... I...

Playful Ghost With Black Eyes And A Very Tall Man by xXelliemayXx

This story is about some things that have been happening in my friend's house that lives near to me. I have seen and heard a few things in her house. Her fiancé hears and see's things too so I have back up to what I experienced there. First off I started hearing things. I was in my friend's bed...

The Nun Of Gothic Drive by brainlessbandit

When I was two years old, my family and I moved into a quaint little neighborhood in a small city outside of San Antonio, Texas, where I still reside today. It is a quiet place, with virtually no crime (most of the people who live here are retired Air Force families from nearby Randolph AFB). The st...

They Keep Running Past Me by Surya

On more than one occasion I have seen what appears to be a person quickly walking or running past me either towards my bedroom or my son's bedroom. The first time this happened, I was in the living room sitting on the sofa. My partner was in the studio and my son was in his room. From the corner...

Figure Of A Man At The Foot Of My Bed by sandeescare

This is just a little story about what type of ghost experiences I've been through. When I was about 5 years old my parents built a really nice house, this house therefore there should not be kind of paranormal activity. As I recall the first few nights were fine. I shared a room with my sister ...

Amy's Back by DPez

Recently, I've been having an up rise in paranormal activity which has suddenly caused me to rethink one of my other paranormal encounters. I published a story on this encounter (Abby called Amy and her Dolls). When I was younger, I believed Amy was introduced to me through a set of dolls I received...

My Childhood Was Not Like Any Ordinary Childhood by SavanaAngelina

I grew up knowing that my mothers' family were gang people, so I literally had an out of it bringing up. Both my father and mothers sides were different. My father wasn't in the right state of mind when I was a little infant and my mother was too young. So I literally lived with different people fro...

Really Spooked, Please Help by creed-09

I've got a bit of a problem, I'm normally a rational person, you know the kind that hears a bump and puts it off to being the radiator. But I've found that this approach to life is becoming incredibly difficult. I'm 15, and I've experienced quite a lot of, unexplainable events recently. One of the b...

Ghost Girl At Park 2 by tasuma

Hey everyone, now if you're reading this and you haven't read the first part it is called "ghost girl at park". After seeing the girl the first time I wanted to see if she would show herself again and she did. The first time was out of nowhere and complete form cloths and all. I saw and heard he...

Footstep & Voices In My Friend's House by spritelight

This is my second story that I have posted, but this one took place at my friend's house where I had the experience. It was back in October this year when this experience happened. I was going out with my friend to my friend's house to stay over. I was feeling tired so I asked my friend if it wa...

The Reflection Of The Girl In The TV by amb_123

My mom and Dad bought a new house about a year ago. We finally moved in it last February. I was so excited because I was getting a bathroom in my room, so I couldn't wait to move in. One day my mom and me were at home, I had missed school that day because I was sick. We were both sitting on the ...

Unsure by archiefj

Here's the thing my grandmother continuously tells me that I would describe people's clothing who were on the verge of death, for example a woman was in a car accident and she was wearing a white t-shirt and pink skirt and had blood all over her and she was standing outside than I went on playing bu...

The Man In My Room? by Kiko

To explain the significance of the events that occurred to me, you have to understand a couple of things. First, I have been in foster care since I was 10. Another is that, with most of my experiences the sprits ghosts, whatever they are, have been really kind and protective of me. When I was yo...

Am I Seeing Things Or Is This In My Imagination by spritelight

First of all I would like to say that I am new to this website and this is my first story, I hope you will enjoy reading it. I work as a security officer in the Olympic Park Site in an office where this experience happened. I was doing my night shift patrol around the building. Now this building ...

The Black Mist And The Grey Maid by Phillip1995

I live in an old Victorian Terrace and I know there are a few ghosts in my house because my mum can feel them, anyway on to what happened. It was about 2 years ago in the evening and I had just came out of the W/C and walked round into the bathroom (Our W/C and bathroom are in different rooms) and I...

A Heavy Feeling In The House by michellelovesghosts

First of all I want to say, I absolutely LOVE this website! I work late and was bored one night and came across this website and have been addicted ever since. When I get into work this is the first thing I pull up and I spend hours reading it instead of working. It's bad I know, but it's like my da...

The Door Closed by born2race87

When I was about the age of five years old I lived in the state of Anchorage Alaska. My family and I lived in an apartment on Donna Drive. At the time my dad was in the military and my mom had no job. The layout of the apartment was simple. We lived on the second floor and to the left when you walke...

Mom's Confronts The Dark Silhouette by Surya

This encounter did not happen to me but my mom. My mom is a very religious woman. So for her to experience what she did was a bit of a shock for her as I got a phone call around 7 in the morning. Putting aside my haunted life, this experience made my mom a believer. Up until what she experienced, sh...

They Were Everywhere by TinaBug1975

I am not sure how much of this story was true and how much of it was "power of suggestion" but I know some strange things happened in a neighborhood I used to live in. The neighborhood was in Akron, Ohio, and was right along the Portage Trail, it seemed like the whole area was active, and I wanted t...

Something Is Following My Mom And Is In My Room by Stonewall

First of all I'm a big fan of this site. I've never really had a real paranormal experience until a couple of days ago. This also includes some of my moms' experience that she is currently going through. The layout of my room is very simple, you go through the door and my bed is set against the w...

What Is This? by rache1020

Let me start by saying I am really not sure what kind of spirit I am dealing with, and that I did not summon it of my own accord. I am a practicing solitary; I won't claim any religion as my own. There is some truth in everything. It started around my birthday, October 20. I moved into a new hous...

There's Someone Outside by cr233

When I was 14 I lived in Pennsylvania. We lived in a ranch house in a small development, where all of the nieghbors knew each other and were friends. We lived on a hill, so our neighbours weren't very close to us. Our front door opened into our living room. We would hear loud stomps walking up our f...

Home Hauntings by Tamsa

I'm not sure if I ever actually got my story submitted to this site, but thought I'd give it a shot. I have already had one ghost team to my home last year who were hobbying it and didn't do much follow up with me though they apparently did find something. I suspect something frightened them away ba...

The Little Grim Reaper by ashleydawn86

When I was 12 years old I experienced something that confuses me to this day. I was staying the night with my grandmother, who was going through a divorce and having a really hard time. She cooked a great dinner, I went to bed, and slept like a rock... That is, until dawn. I awoke with the sun be...

Theres A Girl In Our Hotel by luv2luvu137

I went on a trip to Disneyland, Anaheim (LA) last year with my boyfriend and his family. I'm sorry that I don't remember which hotel I stayed in and what room number it was. I remember it being on the first floor and it was one of those cheap scary looking hotels (the ones you see in the movies wher...

The Screaming Woman by seregirl

I've always been receptive to spirits since as long as I can remember. I also sometimes dream of them and dream of things that have happened or are going to happen, but in no way do I consider myself "psychic". Here is one experience that might creep you out, and I'm curious about other people's con...

Colmar Manor Nightmare by Pooch84

Ever since I was little I was always scared of my house in Colmar Manor near Bladensburg and Cottage City primarily because we lived right next to Fort Lincoln Cemetery. I was seven years old when we moved into that house and it was creepy and old. But as the years went by it was worse. Finally when...

Five Year Old Mystery by ParanormalSpectrum

My mother and step-father and I recently moved into our new home. Around the time I got a new bed and a large box of free stuffed animals and that when ghostly things start up. First off, my home was built on the grounds of where a house from the 1800s was built once. Around six to eight weeks ag...

Lustful Ghost Or Demon by Trudy82

This is my first shared experience on this site. I suppose I'll start with a more recent encounter. This happened a couple years ago... I was on a date with my boyfriend at the time. Let's call him Eric. We only dated for about six months, and he was very into the spiritual world and energy work, a...

Haunted Finds In The Woods by Hanbobs

When I was a child around the age of 12 me and a group of my friends would mess around in the woods near my mums house. We used to play in there often and build dens and tree houses. Naturally there were many spooky stories about the woods that the other local kids would tell us that we all used to ...

Ghosts After Having Nightmares by timmafee

The first ghost I saw was when I was about 4 years old. It was a glowing white man that sat on my wardrobe staring down at me with a blank scare. I would have really bad nightmares if I slept with the lights off. The dreams would be of me dying, or being poked sharply in the ribs while someone was ...

It's In The Genes by Zeno_ama

As previously mentioned in my first entry to this site, the ability to interact/see/hear/etc ghosts runs in my family (on my Mother and Fathers side, but my Father refuses to have anything to do with it). However, we have never simply sat down and talked about it. Yesterday on the 8th of November wa...

The Watching Woman by sameeca

I have had quite a few weird experiences over the years; I don't know why as I don't think I am particularly psychic. What is strange is that it has only happened since I moved to Ireland... And it's in every place that I have lived in since. These are some events that happened in my first house in ...

Believable by carys

My mum had a car accident when she was pregnant with me. She had no idea that she was pregnant and that day she went home to the poltergeist, he was a boy and he died in the chimney (mum researched deaths in the flat). She had just had bath to calm down as she almost died and found out she was pregn...

The Letter H On The Wall by freud1

My husband and I recently bought a new home and have since moved out of our first home and have found renters. We've spent the last two to three weeks fixing up our rental, painting, dry walling, installing new blinds, and ceiling fans. This past Sunday, we had patched up a hole in the wall that was...

Dark Hooded Figure Following Me Through My Life by Julesco2

I was about 6 years old when this all started. My uncle passed away and I was devastated. He was like a father to me so I indeed was very hurt. As I slept in my living room with the other cousins (6 of us) on the floor I heard this noise like someone dragging their feet. I looked down the hallway to...

Little Girl Ghost Or Something Else? by dalva8087

When I was 16, I thought I had seen a ghost in my house. At first I thought it was just my imagination so I never really paid any attention to it, until I recently found out that I'm not the only one that has seen it. I've always been fascinated with stories about ghosts, demons, haunted dolls, etc ...

Demonic Or Wild Imagination? by Bfolley

This is my first posting on this site; everything I'm going to write is entirely true. I am writing because I want to know if I should be scared or if I should just pass it off as having a wild imagination. My father and I bought our first house in Kansas after having lived in various apartments....

Ghost Followed Me Home by Kai-Kai

My first experience occurred when I was around 11. I was in Girl Scouts and my troop took a trip to Gettysburg for the weekend. It was lovely there as we toured the battlefields during the day, our motel was a bit creepy (it was next to a graveyard), but I never saw anything in our room. Our las...

Lady On The Corner by carrycat

This story happened to my step-dad. He is not particularly superstitious but it was scary for me to hear him tell this story. He thinks there might be a rational explanation for it. My step dad has two jobs; his second job is as a waiter at a local watering hole. He works the late shift and prefers ...

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