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Ghost stories from United States: Page 73

Paranormal House by kmarie

So, I have already submitted a story once before and would love to thank everyone who commented on it! You all have helped me understand what is going on a little bit more. But anyway, to get to the point, I have since experienced other paranormal activity in the house I am living in now. My fat...

Long Lost Friend by Ukmandyr67

It all began after contacting a long lost friend of 10 years. We found each other again on Facebook. We chatted about how her life had changed and that she had got married and had a child. We arranged to get together; myself and my husband would go to hers. We arrived at her house; I was so exci...

3rd Place Haunted And Confirmed by lazria

It seems that either I am drawn to places with paranormal activity or perhaps they are drawn to me, either way it's happened again. I reported in my most recent story about a case of sleep paralysis that I have moved into a recently purchased trailer. Although I fully admit I suffered that episode o...

Doppelganger Of My Mother In The Mirror by Fashionista777

When I was 8 years old, I was really into ghost stories, superstitions, basically anything to do with paranormal activity. I devoured ghost stories and horror books like they were going out of style. One of the books I read, I believe it was called, "The Dictionary of Superstitions," said that long ...

With The Family by HuntingsinNY

I just got this account after reading all of you guys stories and thought I would post mine up here, I'm really young but who says that the young don't have Experiences. On may, 26 2009 my Aunt passed away. She was 47 when she died, my family and I happen to think that her presence is still ...

Confirming Ghostly Airplane Sighting by Elise

Sherry Johnson wrote that approximately 30 years ago she saw a ghostly airplane in Nashville. That is so strange to me because around the same time, my aunt saw the exact same thing (I believe). Ms. Johnson described this in eerie detail right down to the lettering on or around the wings. My aunt de...

Didn't Know I Was Looking At A Ghost by noah

In 1971 I was a young Navy Nurse, stationed at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital. At that time, the active duty and retired personnel were cared for by Navy Nurses and corpsmen. There was a separate building for their dependents (wives and children) that was staffed by civilian nurses and aides. I'd j...

The Stain by CelicaAnne

Since my dad was in the air force, we had to move to several different places. One place that spooked me out was Ohio. It was one of the scariest places I lived in. It started when we saw this stain in my closet and we just painted over it. Soon after, it came back again. We kept painting over it, a...

Supernatural Force Leaves Items For Me To Find by Cimex

In the fall of 1999 I had just started growing an interest in anything supernatural or occult. I didn't really believe anything I had heard up to that point but I wanted to be able to prove if it existed or if it didn't. So some friends and I went out and got several books from a local book store an...

The Ghost Of Arlington by justlyz

This story didn't directly happen to me personally, however it did happen to my friend and I trust her to be an honest person so I'll share it. In our town there is a famous house called Arlington. The grounds have been turned into a golf course, public pool, and tennis court. The house however,...

The Dark Upstairs by Elisis

I guess I'll start by saying I'm a skeptic. Even now after these experiences, as are both my brothers. All of this started about a year ago, and it's more prominent now than ever. It usually takes place after 12 a.m. And goes on until (from what I've heard) around 3:30 a.m. It started about two...

Who Is Following Me? by Akemi

For a while now, I have been seeing things. I usually see a blur of black in the corner, always in my house. It started happening about 2 years ago I think, and it has only happened in the house I'm living in right now, but this house was just built when we moved in, so I think it just has something...

Olfactory And Tactile Ghost? by Phobic1981

This experience is something that I personally feel was paranormal, but I wonder sometimes, knowing that the power of suggestion is a very strong and real thing. In 2002, my father passed away. The two of us were never close; in fact, for most of my life we were constantly fighting over his drin...

Childhood Sighting Needs Explanation by pharmgirl

Before I moved to North Carolina, I lived in Georgia for 12 years. We lived in a great house. I have such fond memories, except for a few. There is one experience in particular that has haunted me through the years. Our house was a nice one. It had three bedrooms and two baths, a kitchen, utility...

Protected By Unknown Entity Or Angel And My Experiences by DreamOfWaking

A few months ago I tried summoning an incubus, then a few days later from that I had this really odd dream, a frog-like man was chasing me, and he ended up pinning me down and trying to well, have his way with me. Since then, I've felt light touches and cold breezes when there shouldn't be any there...

Phantom Footsteps On The Front Steps by Phobic1981

This story happened in my grandparents' old house. I had moved there, along with my boyfriend, because of an eviction. The house was empty because my grandfather had recently died (about a year prior) and my mother was deciding what to do with the house. This isn't a one-time story, or anything ...

Camp Wheelgate by cndlou2

When I was a pre-teen, I was a girl scout. As all Girl Scout troops do, we attended a weekend outing at a place called "Camp Wheelgate," in WV. Camp Wheelgate was not technically a camp, as it did not have tents, or cabins. It consisted of three "Victorian Style" farmhouses. Our group was staying in...

Incubus - Succubus 2 by WTVick

This is a second part to the story I posted the day before yesterday. I was just going to post this as a comment on the last story but thought it deserved its own story. Yesterday at one point in the day, after getting good sleep the night before, I dropped down on my bed just to relax a little. My ...

Particles by Pjod

When I was very young, I was able to see some sort of particles rushing downward through the air, like it was pouring rain indoors. Let me try and explain better. I was very young, say the age of 4. I recall trying to explain to my mother, but not able to talk very well just yet, she repeated it as ...

An Epic Paranormal Experience 3 by justlyz

It had been seven months since the incident with the dishes, and the door slamming. My brother and I had started to think that whatever had been haunting us was gone for good. My Mother was working again and both my brother and I were in our rooms, doing homework or listening to music or whatever...

Quiet Hauntings by Stephanal

My husband and I recently moved into this home a little less than a year ago, and I, primarily, have experienced some activity. We have two children and my daughter, being three, has always seemed to "interact" with something or someone, since before she was able to walk. My grandmother, who raised ...

My Name by GlamGirl

I want to share this story to see what everyone on here thinks. I have gotten some great advice in the past with my other stories. Here it go's I live in a pretty much new home, we built it also, and I have never ever had any weird or questionable experiences in this home when it comes to ghost ...

Voice Terror by sweetsomething16

I don't know where to really start. I guess I'll start with my mother's childhood back in the late 70's when she started with an Ouija board. Back then she didn't know it was dangerous and played with it a lot. Then she started hearing there voices in her sleep. She said she couldn't understand what...

The Church Ghost 2 by honey91

One Monday night we (our troop) were making something in the kitchen and doing crafts in the dining hall. My mom went back to our room to get some stuff for our crafts out of the closet in our room. I was in the kitchen, doing my project and I had noticed that my mom had been gone for a long while, ...

Was I Hallucinating Or Was She Really There Looking At Me? by xSilentKhaosx

I've had quite a few odd things happen either to, or around me that may or may not be related to ghosts. One of my most recent sightings though was the first to actually make me feel like my body temperature dropped. I was in my room one night talking to one of my friends online. I had just gotte...

An Epic Paranormal Experience 2 by justlyz

As I mentioned at the conclusion of my first story, Chuckie and I had decided to keep our encounter to ourselves and not bother our Mother. We didn't think she would believe us, and also she had a lot on her mind with the divorce, two jobs, bills, etc. Also, we thought that maybe it would only happe...

We Clean A Haunted House 2 by Haunted_cleaner

Where do ghost go? Do they take naps, walks, vacations? That's what I was asking myself when I would go to the haunted house week after week, month after month without a visit from my friend. Every once in a while I would hear the occasional door slam somewhere off in the distance or I would pick up...

The Ghost That Followed Me Home by PseudoHuman

My story takes place nearly two years ago in the spring of 2008. For quite some time now, I have gotten into the habit of relaxing at cemeteries, sometimes with or without friends. Cemeteries were a place for me to relax and be alone or to have serious intellectual conversations with friends and not...

The Kitchen Experience by PseudoHuman

This is my first time to this site and found myself quite fascinated by all of the stories and thus, felt inspired to tell a story or two of my own. I suppose I should give a little background of myself and my experiences. I am 24 years old and for about the last 16 or so years, have been in the mid...

The Church Ghost by honey91

My mom was a Girl Scout leader of the troop I was in. When I was about 10 or some age like that, we decided to move our original meeting place to the church we went to. We moved into a room upstairs in the "New" part of the building, the new part of the building was added on some years ago, making i...

An Epic Paranormal Experience by justlyz

When my Father left our family, my Mom moved my brother, Chuckie, and myself to an old farmhouse as far away from town as we could get and afford. Since she had always depended on the joint income between my Dad and herself, she had to begin a second job that required her to travel several miles a d...

Weird Noises From My Son's Bedroom by Katlovr3

This took place about a week and a half ago. It was late, around 11:30pm and I was working on some homework at my computer, which is in my living room. From there, I can look to the left and see all the way down the hall past my son's room and into my room. I had everything turned off- no TV, no rad...

Windy In Las Vegas by zzsgranny

I came across this story that I wrote a few months ago and forgot to submit. The site was full at the time, and, well, I forgot! This is October 19, 2009. The wind has been blowing quite strongly here in the desert for the last 24 hours or so which is not very unusual at this time of the year. Ho...

Communication With A Poltergeist by Desertfox

I was 18 years old at the time of this event and I currently lived With guardians at the time. All of the family members there have had Some dealings with paranormal or unexplainable events happen to them Inside of that house. I can't remember the exact time but I know it was dark outside, if I ...

Demons 2 by DannyBruise

Thank you all that responded to my first part with so much compassion and insight. It was a long childhood journey for me. No two ways about it. I never had another visitation, but my awakening nightmares didn't stop for five years. I became very weak the first year and it made no difference what m...

Seeing Things by kristine

It started when I was six. My grandmother died and I was really depressed. I went into my room and was about to turn on the radio when I heard a strange noise coming from my bathroom. When I went in, I saw my grandmother sitting on the floor spreading out tarot cards. She looked at me and held up a ...

The Shadowy Figure That Follows My Daughter by Stacyloves

As you would know if you read my last story there is a dark figure that follows my oldest daughter Brianna. This has been happening since she was four the following anyway but, it has suddenly started to get more violent with her. Two weeks ago she was in her room trying to go to sleep because it...

Incubus - Succubus by WTVick

I posted a story on here a couple of weeks ago. I'm here because I SERIOUSLY need help. I tend not to over-react when it comes to certain things, but I know what I'm talking about because there's no other explanation for this. I know some will say the mind is playing a trick on me, or that its repre...

Adler Woman by ghostbeingaculture

Since I could remember, I have dealt with the supernatural or paranormal in my life. I have, however, have had a fascination with both. I remember my little sister telling me how she saw a "witch" behind a curtain and she screamed for my mother to come in her room to check. At the time she was four ...

Cowboy In The House by jhawker

My husband and I had been renting a house for a few months. We had a 5 month old son at the time. One night, our baby was ill with a head cold and I was up so much that I decided to lie down on the couch in the living room instead of running up and down the stairs every time the baby woke up. It was...

My Story And My Given Gift by DevinN

Before my time, sensitivity to the paranormal has run down my father's line of the family, no one on my mothers side even displayed a single bit of sensitivity. In fact they acted as a repellent for paranormal activity almost, just being around my Gramps. Yet again this is on my mother's side of the...

Our Early Morning Nuisance by brlvg5

My boyfriend and I moved into a duplex together just over a year ago. I don't ever recall feeling uneasy or having any strange occurrences occur while we had roommates, all of whom moved out in December 2009 after we got engaged. We kind of wanted the place to ourselves after that. At first, I th...

The Attached Spirit by iheartnewyork

I have been dealing with this spirit or something for around 8 years now. My parents never seem to notice but I do. When I was ten I started hearing pots and pans in the kitchen banging around midnight every night. My parents even heard these sounds but put it off as a mouse. Then the noises stop...

The Abandoned Hospital by mypoisonapple

This is my first of hopefully many submissions, if you have any questions please feel free to inquire. For legal purposes, I cannot disclose the exact location of my experiences as the penalties for trespassing in said location are quite severe. I have taken multiple people here and in my experience...

Bingo Says Goodbye by justin102798

When I was a kid, I used to visit my grandmother's place almost every day. They had two cats. One was Bingo, the other was Salem, and my family loved the two young cats, but soon there would only be Salem left. You see, I was a cub scout and I was on the way to a den meeting. My mom and I were a...

My Ghosties Like Christmas by zzsgranny

This story has its beginning in 2008, shortly after a visit to Ohio in May of that year. There was a lot of activity at my house during the summer and fall, some of which I have posted. The following is an account of happenings after that. I tend to get very home-sick during the Holidays, so my husb...

Attacked By Something by pokeluv98

I had some sort of strange experience the other day. It was about 7:00 in the morning and I was woken up by a man yelling. I turned on my stomach and tried to go back to sleep, but then I felt like someone was like, picking at my blankets. I got sort of freaked out but then it felt like someone was ...

A Life Of Mystery by Alwaysfollowed

I had been born late December, 1992 and upon being shown to my mothers friend who had a psychic ability, I supposedly had a connection with the unknown and that was the start. Since then the first experience ever brought to my attention about 3 years ago was one when I was about 4 years of age in th...

We Clean A Haunted House by Haunted_cleaner

My name is Lori and I own a small cleaning service in the Pittsburgh area. I have 22 customers and 2 employees C.J. And Marie. I am writing this story about one house in particular, yes the haunted one. Before I begin I would like to tell all you non believers of the paranormal to chill out, I a...

My Log by rickfromjersey

I am a mature male, 55. My wife is also 55. In fear of hearing the same old adage, I never believed in what I have written below. Rather than write a long extensive letter from scratch, I would like to copy and paste the log that I started in December, '09. Since the frequency of the events grew in ...

It Came With The Train by frmSTP

This happened a few years back, I can't remember the exact year (2005-2006). My friends and I were fishing freaks; we went fishing every weekend as much as we could. Now we've gone to this particular area in Elk River, MN many times. The fishing area is under a small bridge for a single lane road, t...

Demons Following Me by bldfalcon

Four years ago, I had a friend that died miserably from a car crash. My friend was a Satanist by the way. He always was interested in the black arts and showed it to me. He did something to me that day before he died without me knowing, until I realized today that this curse it's taking form. How I ...

Incubus Attack by BloodzOrchid

All my life everywhere I went I seemed to be followed by both the divine and evil. I seemed to always move into a haunted house every place I lived, I begun to think it was me that was haunted and not my home. I sometimes think about this night and about everything else that has ever happened to me ...

Paranormal Activity And ESP by WTVick

I never really thought about the paranormal as a child. Now that I'm 24 years old and have experienced paranormal events I look back and have to reconsider exactly what happened to me as a child. I was horrified of the dark and had plenty of nightmares consisting of the infamous boogeyman. We've liv...

Demons by DannyBruise

In 1953, my mother moved to Phoenix, Arizona from Colorado with my sister, my brother and I into a duplex in a poor neighborhood and on the fringes of an industrial area in Phoenix. I was seven years old. Our duplex was the third house away from the rest of the neighborhood separated by a dairy, a f...

Shadow Or Demon? by mikhail13

Ever since childhood, I've been able to see, hear things or feel them. I thought I was crazy, until some years ago when I was 13 (I'm 20 now) my cousin saw the same thing I have seen, and have been seeing. I have seen several things different entities that seem to have a particular interest in me. I...

The Young Woman In The Graveyard by mindflower

I firmly believe in the supernatural, but I am not a religious person. I believe in demons, but I believe that they are separate from religion. This is not the most important or first experience that ever happened to me, but it is the one that scared me the most. My family has a history of clairv...

My Ghostie Friends by zzsgranny

When I was a child, I would often hear my name called. It always sounded like my Mom. But when I asked her what she needed, of course her answer would be that she didn't call me. I slept with my bed against the wall and usually with my back against it, as I was sure that there were "things" under my...

My Dark Follower 2 by morgansarmy

As I stated in my last story, I am being followed by a dark figure in the shape of a man. I have seen him in many different locations. (School, home, and even church!) This thing doesn't really scare me anymore. It's just more shocking than anything. He pops up in the most random places. I have seen...

My Dead Friend Farewell by Panda06

This story always brings me to tears, but I would like to share it anyways. It's about my friend who died the day after her high school graduation June 6th of 2005 (RIP). It's something I will never forget and every little detail I still remember because of one thing I regret. Back in 2005, a week ...

The Location: The Beginning by CJ

My boyfriend and I moved into our current apartment July 1, 2009 and I couldn't have been more pleased. The atmosphere was great, the energy rejuvenating, and it was quite the improvement compared to our previous apartment. It was more in town, on a road I was familiar with, and I had to admit that ...

Small Glowing White Figure by blueeyeb

This happened to me during or around the year 2000 in the town of Kingston, IL. I had just gone to bed and had not started to fall asleep yet. I was turned toward the wall with my TV to my back. All of a sudden my TV turned on all by itself - blaring loud with a man talking. It only got 2 or 3 wo...

The Mystery Woman by paranormaltaskforce

My business partner and I own PARANORMAL TASK FORCE a paranormal investigation team we have a large storage building which is 35 feet long by 20 feet wide it is in my back yard. My yard is a known marching ground and small battlefield of the civil war. We know that there were 100 deaths on this loca...

A Few Of My Daughter's Experiences by Stacyloves

My daughter Briana is also a member of this website but is unable to share because of her age. When my daughter was 2 she asked me if she could play with a little girl but I saw no one there but, she insisted someone was there. You see my daughter never had an imagination. She has claimed since s...

My Deceased Friend Visits by Heather777

About 3 months ago my best friend Julia died of an accidental over-dose. She had an 8 year old, a 4 year old and a newborn baby when it happened. Following her death my family, her husband and several friends have had experiences with the paranormal, I particularly have had many odd things happen, I...

Some Very Strange Things by Wardo

A friend of mine, who I believe to be very credible and trustworthy, has told me some of his experiences throughout his lifetime. He has given me his permission to post the stories on his behalf, and I will relay what he has told me thus far. Gus grew up in Chicago, and has experienced some very ...

Strange Happenings At Local Dog Track by Wonderland_Nightwatchman

This is my first time posting. I just thought I would share a couple of strange occurrences that I have experienced while working my job. I'm a night watchman at a local dog track. I'm the only one here at nights. I work the overnight shift from 11 p.m. To 7 a.m. My job is to patrol the dog track, i...

New Apartment In Sherman Oaks by Annalee420

I moved to Los Angeles in 2000. I had a boyfriend here who lived in a small 1 bedroom apt in Studio City that was way over priced and we decided to look for a cheaper, bigger place for the both of us. We went to a cute place over in Sherman Oaks, a 1 bed 1 bath, built in the 20's with cute built in ...

Deal With The Devil by C-lancy

As a child I didn't really ever have experiences with anything paranormal... That is until I was 12 years old. I totally brought this upon myself and I have been living with the consequences ever since. I grew up in a relatively devout catholic family and always believed in God. I never had trie...

Shadow Man Finally Showed Himself by LW

It started with the hallway. The hallway in my 1920's apartment in Los Angeles was more than just a little unsettling. I would always find myself looking over at it while watching TV in the living room, expecting something to be there. I and everyone else would pass through this long hallway as ...

Duplex Lady 3 by honey91

My dog, Sarge never liked the kitchen. He would leave his back feet planted in the living room and stretch in there, and then he would get scared and run under my mom's bed. He went under there a lot. He would also follow things with his eyes slowly across the room. Sometimes I would hold him while ...

Duplex Lady 2 by honey91

As you read before, there is a woman whom resides in the house I used to live in. After her opening doors and things, aggravating me, things started to get a bit more extreme. On weekends, my mom would go stay the nights at her boyfriend's house, so I was alone. I was sitting on the couch Satu...

New Apartments by bigC

I'll start with my old apartment which wasn't too bad only a couple things happened. One night I was hanging out with my friend in the living room we were watching TV and he kind of hits me and when I looked at him he shifted his eyes for me to look outside. I saw nothing until I looked up and sa...

Pretty Lady by michellelovesghosts

I remember the first night I switched to the 'overnight/graveyard' shift. I was so happy: less calls, no supervisors around to watch you every minute, no traffic before/after work, great parking and the silence! I parked up front and came upstairs through the back of the building and as I reached th...

Demon, Ghost Or? by joel_2008

I am 19 years old. I live in Lufkin, TX. After getting tired of partying and getting in trouble all of the time, some friends and I have become interested in ghost hunting around our area. After hearing that there was a creepy old sawmill outside our surrounding area, six of my friends and I loaded ...

Jokes Or Something Else? by redheadeddork

So we just moved into our house about 3 months ago it was built in the 20s and we have had a lot of weird experiences in this short time. The first night I knew something was off, I was unpacking dishes in the kitchen when I heard footsteps coming from the stairs that lead down to the basement (...

Is A Spirit Trying To Make My Mother A Believer? by shellybelly

First off I'd like to say "Hello" to all the readers on this site. I really enjoy reading all the comments with helpful advice that is given. I'm hoping to get helpful comments on my experiences. I'm not a stranger to the paranormal, as a child I've had plenty of scary experiences to make me a t...

Ghost Calling Three Year Old by MandyCandy

So on camera a black vapor thingy or black shadow shows up in different places, every time, even with a photographer. It doesn't matter when or where. My three year old cousin wakes up crying and we ask her why she says a man is calling her to him. This has happened every night... It is like a mist ...

Growing Up With Ghosts 2 by Ibelieveinghosts

Hopefully you have read part 1 of this story because it explains about the house I grew up in. Many weird things happened in that house while we lived there, such as footsteps up in our attic late at night, whispering, disembodied voices, doors closing on their own. We never found out why all of the...

Incubus Story by CutescryDoll

This is very uncomfortable, but I want some answers. It all started about Thanksgiving break 2009. I already knew there was something in the house and when I tried to tell my mother she just said it was my imagination. I would feel it around me watching me and sometimes hear it at night when alo...

The Barn Ghost by mulder81

This is a real story told by a trusted friend at work. I do not have proof, but the story is just spooky. He knows this guy, and very much believes him. We will call him Jim and he has never been a believer in the paranormal, or anything of the unknown nature. He is a skeptic. My co-worker and I are...

The Unexplained Hauntings by desandnatesmom

It was the year 2005 and was expecting our second child when my fiancé, son and I decided to move closer to my mom in Gustine California. It was an older home out in the middle of the country. We had been living there about a month or so when I started seeing things weird shadows out the corner of ...

Red Swirlies And More by IloveJesus365

I have had many sightings in various places during my 37 years. When I was 15 years old, I lived in a duplex in Lake Worth, FL with my family. I don't know the exact time, but I know that I woke up because I felt something or someone staring at me. I know this feeling; I always see something or s...

Spirit Animals by Hopeful23

I really never expected something like this, another paranormal experience. I thought that since I had done the Ouija Board more than a year ago everything would go away and I would be left alone. There are slight signs that spirits are around me, but not enough to really freak out. There have been ...

The Past Year by Sparkie

I haven't posted in about a year and in that time a lot of stuff has happened. Like just the other day my mom had friends over and they were upstairs. I guess it was about 9pm when something really strange happened. Blood started dripping from the ceiling and onto the bed. What makes this really odd...

Joey And Jake by xxSoniaxx

I want to start off by saying that although there are other stories on this site like this one, I don't want you to think I am copying because this is a true story. I haven't been much of a spiritual person in my life and I've had only one experience before this one. My mother, however, is very s...

The Lady At My Window by RJK9X

I was driving home from my grandmother's old house when I saw something in the distance, in the middle of the road. As I got closer, I realized it was a women dressed in all white. I never saw her face because my conscience was tugging at my soul telling me not to look at her. It was so surreal I fe...

Child With Red Eyes by hayley

Ever since I moved into my step dad's house I have been experiencing something paranormal. One night I was awoken by a noise in my room. I opened my eyes and realized I couldn't move. It is frightening to know you are scared and can not move. I was basically paralyzed. So, I looked over to my vanity...

Something In My House? by las_girl725

The house my family lives in now was built in the 1930's, and as far as we know, there was only one man that lived in it. I am 18 now, and for quite some time I have been convinced that our house has some sort of spirit in it. First off, when I was younger, about 10-11, my sister, who was about...

Attacked By Wolf by pan1x

After twenty years of remembering this event as if it happened yesterday, I decided to share my story in hopes of gaining some insight as to what it may mean, or if it was just a malevolent attack by some sort of spirit or energy. I was three years old at the time. At the time, my family lived in...

Growing Up With Ghosts by Ibelieveinghosts

For the first 10 years of my life, my family and I lived in a huge old house where many weird and unexplainable events took place. I can't fit them all into one story so I will be posting this in several parts so please bear with me! First I'll describe the house. It was in Illinois where I grew...

Party In The Shower by luckysmc

Now I was never a believer of spirits/demons before until the first incident happened in my life. Back in 1992, when my dad returned from Desert Storm we were transferred to Las Vegas, NV. When I was 10 years old, my family and I lived in this apartment complex. One afternoon, when I got home...

Duplex Lady by honey91

About two years ago my mom and I moved into cute little split level duplex. When we first looked at the house, I didn't feel a presence, but I didn't venture into the room that my mom was going to have, either. The day mom signed the papers; I was like "Yaaaaaaaaay! Finally a house without any annoy...

The Refrigerator Ghost by shadow_image

I used to live in an old 1970's house that was built on an old air force base. I have had encounters before but not like the one I'm about to tell you. It was around 1am and I was still up watching TV when I heard a faint noise. Thinking it was the fridge; I shrugged it off and went back to watc...

Ghost Wakes Us Up And Lie Next To Us by mnic6453

I am submitting this story just to gather as many opinions and suggestions as possible, especially from people who had the same experience or professionals in this field who have solutions. This happened to me once about 2 years ago and to my wife twice (once last year and once just the other day)...

The New Years Ghost by CA_NJGirl

The period before the holidays was extremely stressful for my family. My husband had a major surgery during this time and the usual demands of the holidays and our busy lives seemed to stretch us to the limit. Around this time, I began to see glimpses in the corner of my eye of an individual outside...

Amethyst Can Help Sleep Paralysis by xxjessica182

I always fall asleep with my door shut every night. I've had sleep paralysis a lot of times, but the only thing I have ever been able to see was my room. It's always dream-like and it feels half real, half fantasy, maybe a few things here or there are different, but it's recognizably my room. Th...

The End? by t3h_h0bbitz

My last post to this site was what I thought would be my last experience that I would record here. Even though I was sure that I would have more experiences in the future, I felt that I should live with them and just move on with life. In all honesty, I felt a bit strange and silly to be posting my ...

Footsteps All The Time by kevinsolis777

When I was little (like 12) I used to hear footsteps on the ceiling above me at night. It only happened in my room. Some nights I would wake up to this very heavy pressure on top of me and I couldn't move. One night I woke up to see what looked like a white face staring at me from the side of my bed...

It Got Physical by dollface

Before I begin there are a few things I would like to point out. The following experience I had encountered is one I believe that had something to do with my father, whom passed away June 3rd, 2008. His birthday was none other then today, January 13th. I find it peculiar that out of nowhere I got in...

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