I recently moved into my trailer about a year in a half ago, a little longer maybe. We were there for a few months before we noticed anything.
One night I was up rather late. Sometime in the three am time frame. I heard two quick taps on the wall. The taps were not loud, nor were they quiet. I looked out the door. No one there. I told my husband but he was skeptical, until it happened to him when he was alone. This happens occassionaly, not so often. When it does my dog barks and growls. We thought maybe it was a neighbor kid at first, playing a trick, but they're eight years old or younger. They usually are asleep by then.
There is a story of a boy who haunts the trailer park but I don't know about that one.
I decided to video tape it one night. My computer wigged out so no proof of it. I walked into my son's room, back out. A moment later you see a shadow in my body shape come out of his room. This only happened once, but creepy non the less.
Sometimes I hear my husband's voice talking to me bit when I ask him what he said, he says he didn't say anything. Sometimes I can hear it clearly and answer back.
We occassionaly hear footsteps, words, or talking. Not too often though. My son says he saw a woman one time standing over his bed. My cat will stare into empty space and tilt his head back and forth. My sister stayed with us for a little while. She says she would hear the floor creak and mumbling.
This covers everything that as happened or been noticed by us so far. I know its not scary or anything spectacular but its true and happened.