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Real Ghost Stories

Miscellaneous Occurrences


To start with, I'm going to put two sightings in here from back in 2001 to 2003. I have had a few more occurrences, but there's not much to write about, so to meet the criteria I'll add them. So here goes...

2001/2003 - I was staying with some friends between moving and what not. There was and still is a lot of strife in their marriage and house. One night I was smoking outside and I happened to glace out into the street. There was what I guess you call a shadow man. He was over six feet tall, wearing a long trench coat and a very pointed hat. Everything was black, his clothing, his person, everything. He had a very ominous, depressing and evil feel to him. I wasn't expecting to see it, so it gave me a start. When I first saw him he was staring at the house, when he became aware of me, he was staring at me. We started at each other for the remainder of my cigarette then I went back in and discussed it with my friends.

The second time wasn't so much a sighting as a dream. Again I was at my friends house but different year. In my dream I was at church with my friend. After the music ended there was a break before the church service started. For some reason I went to the back hallway. In the hallway there was a closet with janitorial things in it. As I walked down the hallway I glanced at the closet. There was a tall slender shadow man in there. Not as tall as the first one but tall. He was more slender, but had the same feelings, clothes etc. As the first one. I told the preacher when I woke up. He said he would pray about it. I associate both of these shadow men to be possible demonic due to the circumstances and timing of them.

Now for the recent occurrences - Since my last submissions I have had the occasional knock on the glass at work, usually when there's no activity. I have a lot of activity going through the lobby at work because of the different odd shifts and lunch breaks. But there's sometimes a few minutes between rushes. There is a lot of glass windows in the lobby looking out, so I know no one knocked for sure.

Just over the weekend I was cleaning the bathroom out. I was bent over the tub scrubbing it. The next part is kind of hard to explain, but I hope I can. Well you know how you can feel someone enter the room; you can feel their presence immediately? Well I had that. I felt a presence enter the bathroom before he spoke, and felt when the presence left, he said hum. Like as if he had answered me knowingly. Sorry guys, the only way to explain it. Well when I turned around, no one there. It sounded like he said it in my left ear, over my shoulder. Someone defiantly said it though, it was very loud. My husband was in our room talking on the phone, not him! It's just me, my husband and our 8 year old son, who was in school by the way. No one else stayed with us. When I asked my husband about it, of course the answer was he didn't say it.

Well this is all I have for now. Nothing too scary huh.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mamachong, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
I can understand that. Thanks. Either way it is much appreciated.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
mamachong - I'll take care of forwarding it to granny and our other mod 😊 Please forgive us if it gets missed and the line you want deleted ends up in your story afterall 😢 We'll do our best to catch it and delete it, though.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
Hi miracles,
I sent you a email with the story number and the line I wanted deleted. I tried to send zzgranny it too, but for some reason it wouldn't let me. Thank you for taking the time to do it, I'm sure you mods are flooded now that the gates are open.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
mamachong - both granny and I have our email addresses on our profiles. Send us an email (copying us both at the same time if you don't care) letting us know what line you want deleted. There is another mod who also edits stories but I don't know whether or not she has her email address available so we'll send her your request.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
I have a question for the mods. I submitted a story tonight, and I want one line erased off of it, would it be possible to do so before it is published?
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
Lol miracles. That's what I thought but I have checked it the last three Mondays in a row. Oh well, I'm just impatient I guess. Nothing to do about it but hurry up and wait.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
mamachong - actually we are as much in the dark as you are LOL. I'm going to guess, and this is just a guess as I have nothing to base it on other than the site typically reopens on Mondays, that we might see it back open this coming Monday.

But I am notorious for being wrong 😆
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
Does any of the mods know when the submissions page will reopen?
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-11)
To Andreaa11:
When I just reread my story, I have to conceed that it did seem a little confusing. I'll have to be more clear in my writing in the future. Sorry about that.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-11)
Hi Brad, thanks for answering. I wasn't sure if you were still around. Me, I don't post that much on other people's stories, but I like to read them all.

As for the animals, I know what you mean. I've run accross animals like that too. Seems like I've run accros a dog or two that was possessed, or seemed like it. The animals didn't act differently physically per say, but they had a look in their eyes, a omnious feeling, and their body language was different. I'm not too entirely sure that they were as I steered very clear of them. I've never heard of possessed animals though, that would be interesting to read.
Brad (1 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-11)
Mamachong, I do still get on here periodically. Months go by before I do usually though. In response to your question about the cats. I don't think the cats themselves were necessarily evil, but brought from evil. They were fisty, aggressive but just cats. I suppose I could have given them to a shelter or tried harder to find a home, but it was a hasty decision. I just wanted them gone and to put it behind me. In response to your story, I don't know what to say. I've never seen any solid figures before. I have heard and felt presences and it's never given me a warm feeling. Absolute fear is what I would call it. Life is strange and filled with constant questions. I wish I had an answer for half of them.
Andreaa11 (54 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-24)
Aw I see. The way you made it sound was the preacher was at your house instead of church. Sorry I overlooked that, no offense taken
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-10)
I'm not trying to be rude, how is it not possible? My friends have phones hooked up, land line. Even if I couldn't get ahold of the preacher, the other friend I have is close to him and can get ahold of him at any time as well. Yes I was at my friends house having the dream. When I woke up I used the phone. He also works graveyard and I am a night owl as well. When he has to preach, he works, gets off and preaches. I hope this answers the questions for you.
Andreaa11 (54 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-10)
Im confused.

"The second time wasn't so much a sighting as a dream. Again I was at my friends house but different year. In my dream I was at church with my friend.
"I told the preacher when I woke up. He said he would pray about it. I associate both of these shadow men to be possible demonic due to the circumstances and timing of them. "

What is confusing to me is that you said you were at your friends house having the dream. But when you woke up you talked to the preacher? Since that's not possible please clarify if you can...
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Oh, I don't know, I think the tall man is pretty scary! I have no explanation, but my sense is that he is a watcher. Others here will know more.

The part about scrubbing the bathtub is a scenario others I know have experienced, because I've heard of it before. Not sure why, but this seems to attract events.

There is something about being near a tub, in a tub or shower that causes things to happen. Or so I surmise...

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