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Peculiar Night Visits


Before my parents extended their first home it was a modest two-bedroom bungalow. Both bedrooms were situated at the rear of the the bungalow with my parents in one and my older sister and I sharing the other. As a very young child I can't say sleeping on the ground floor bothered me at all, even though garden access could be gained from the front road and a cul-de-sac at the rear of the property, I never feared sleeping in our home - that is, until one night.

My bed was situated by the window and my sister's bed nestled perfectly in the recess wall. According to my parents I never had trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep but one night - the beginning of many - I found myself drawn to the liveliness brought by two people I had never seen before. There, in front of me, stood a man and a woman not really showing any particular interest in my presence or fascination in their routine.

Now I grew up in the seventies. Fashion was forgotten, though now so identifiable, and even at a young age (I presume I was about three or four-years-old) I thought this man and woman dressed somewhat odd. The woman wore pretty much the same type of dress every night. Her dress was black/dark and hung loosely down to her ankles. Her dark brown hair scooped tidily into a bun. She appeared older and taller than my mum and had a slender build and sharp features. The man was also much older than my parents and he wore a brown/beige suit with a shirt and tie. His hair was fair and receding and he boasted a moustache that stretched out to his cheeks.

The first time they appeared in my room I sat up in bed wondering who they were and curious about what they were doing in my bedroom. I shuffled to the end of the bed and sat watching them in awe. Their gaze towards me acknowledged my presence to them but they didn't seem alarmed by the fact I was there and carried on with their duties.

At the foot of my bed stood a two-door teak wardrobe and to my amazement a huge black stove was situated next to it. Even being such a young age I found it a bit odd any type of cooking appliance should be in my bedroom and I guessed none of my parents were responsible for its presence. Besides, we didn't even own a black stove and the only people I knew who did were my great-grandparents who lived in a cottage two miles away where it remained the same as the day it was built.

Now every night the light was switched off in the bedroom, moments later the man and woman - and the black stove - would appear and every night I would shuffle to the end of the bed and sit watching them. On a couple of occasions my sister would ask me who I was talking to but she didn't seem alarmed when I told her I was indeed talking to the man and woman in our bedroom. She would simply either tell me to get back into bed or fall asleep unnerved by my conversations with our nightly visitors.

The man and woman didn't really involve me in their conversations a great deal, sometimes I couldn't understand what it was they were talking about most of the time. I guess I was too fascinated with their presence than anything they had to say and adult conversations bored me. I do remember exchanging words like hello and goodnight and I also remember how they used to drop the fact they were my parents into the conversations. I never really said anything back and just thought to myself they weren't my parents because my parents were in the next room.

Another point I remember about this couple - I presume they were married - was that they lacked physical affection and in a way I felt relieved in believing they weren't my real parents whose affection for me as a small child was abundant.

I don't know how long their visits lasted for or for how many nights but the one thing I remember the most is feeling uncomfortable one night about being in their company.

Not long after the bedroom light had been switched off I had the feeling something wasn't quiet right with their visits. It wasn't the fact they repeatedly told me I was their daughter, but it was as though my sixth sense warned me that perhaps it wasn't a good idea to be friends with these people anymore. As young as I was, I heeded this warning and approached this particular night's visit with caution. I didn't sit as far as the corner of the bed this time and I planned my escape over the top of the duvet should my sixth sense warning indeed be right.

When they appeared, they stood closer than usual and I remember my little anxious heart pounding. I felt as though I didn't like these people anymore but didn't know how to let them down to prevent trouble, especially for me.

The woman stepped closer towards me, her left arm outstretched as if to touch me. I sat back. She spoke to me and her words gave me the coldest chill I have ever experienced. She told me because they were my mother and father I had to go with them and they were taking me - tonight!

I leaped up, brushing past the arms of their clothes and jumped into bed with my sister, making sure I slept between her and the wall. Trembling, I peered over the bedsheets. I expected to see their menacing faces leering down at me or their arms reaching out to drag me out of bed, but I saw nothing. The room was silent and only had the furniture that belonged to my parents. The couple and their ugly black stove had vanished and would never return.

The only thing that didn't make sense the next morning was the

Unexplainable markings on my bed. As I've already mentioned I grew up in the 70s and it won't come as a surprise my bedding was bright purplish in colour. Where my head supposed to have rested that night was a huge white stain, like some kind of detergent had been poured onto my pillowcase and discoloured the purple dye. Now it certainly hadn't been there before I went to bed and there is no way my parents would have left dangerous household substances around for their young daughters to play with.

My mother never dressed my bed in these bedsheets again, but kept the pillowcase to tear up for cleaning rags. She never chastised me for the damage caused to the bedding but I did ask her many years later how the pillowcase came to be discoloured. She shrugged. It was a mystery to her just as it was to me, but the one thing that was more mysterious was who were these people who came to visit me and why were they there?

I do have further experiences that may be linked to this, which I will add soon.

Just to add: My parents bought the house from new in 1969/70. They were the first to live there and nobody has died in the property. Only fields were there before.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lakota73, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-28)

Thank you for your comment. It is strange to think their creepy black stove appeared along with them. Yes, they prepared meals on the stove. I was always aware of a 'bubbling sound', similar to water boiling, and sizzling sounds. They pottered about the stove area, back and forth, like their conversations and my presence somehow relieved them of the boredom of waiting for their food to cook.

I never know why they never ventured further in the bedroom. Thank goodness really, as I would have been horrified to open my eyes and see one of them standing over my bed.

They never moved from the area where the apparitions took place. Their stove stood in between my wardrobe and the bedroom door. My sister's bed was placed in the recess by the door and my bed was further away, by the window. (the wardrobe was opposite the foot of my bed).

Thank you for your comments,

Aishling (1 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-09)
That was a brilliant story its going into my favorites! How weird that a stove appeared with them! Were they cooking with it or just standing there talking to you? Thank god you knew something was different about them that night and that they didn't follow you to your sisters bed! Shame you didn't find out their names, though if they were from a past life and not that area that may not have really helped... Also the film Javelina is talking about is called Coraline. Very good film and does kind of remind me of your story 😁
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-01)

Yes, I'll take a look.

I have one additional story on here at present, but will add more soon.

Thanks for the writing compliment. Sometimes it's difficult to refrain from writing it in a readable style when trying to remember how events unfolded.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-01)
I can't wait to read about the experiences you have now. I like your style of writing, it brings the reader into the moment with you.
And definitely get a look at that movie, it's a kids movie but it is very fun for adults as well.

Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-01)

I've never seen the movie, but will make a point in watching it.

Apart from the odd thing few and far between, I can't say I ever experienced much else that scary in my parents' former home.

It's the house I live in now that has a lot of strange things happening. It's been the same for 17 years.

I'll post some stories relating to it on here to get posters' opinions.

Lakota73 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-01)
Very creepy goings on at that house. It puts me in mind of the movie "Coralyne" (I think that's how it was spelled?).
Very creepy indeed!

Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-29)

Of course I don't mind you sharing your experience. What you have describe does sound similar in experience to mine.

It is such a strange feeling knowing you have been somewhere before you were born.

Thanks for posting your comment,

Lakota73 😊
Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-29)
Lakota73...great story I just added it to my favourites... I have had a very similar experience... I hope you don't mind if I share it in this thread... When I was 6 or 7 I went on a school trip to a stately home and as we were walking around (in a class group) the strangest feeling came over me and I knew without a shadow of a doubt I'd been there before. Then around 10 years later I had a dream where I was in an Edwardian Stately Home I was in a large room with some other girls we were all dressed exactly the same white dresses with a large blue sash around the waist tied into a bow at the back. I was sat on a bay window sill with several of my school friends and in front of us was our music teacher she was wearing a black dress with skirts and her hair was tied in a bun at the nape of her neck she was sitting at a piano and we were about to practise singing as I turned and looked out of the window there were other girls dressed the same as me in the garden skipping and playing games. I'm sure this is a vision of a past life and it's not the only one I have had... I think your experiences are the same thing... ❤
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-27)
Hi Ivory,
I know what you're saying. I also toyed with the idea of posting. Remembering these people really creeps me out and the last thing I want is to invite them back.

Lakota73 😊
ivory (9 stories) (77 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-26)
hi again Lakota... Good thing your instinct is strong enough to warn you that 'they' are not that friendly. And no, I didn't post that story, they might come back if i'll try to remember everything about them. A house with resident unseens is far too much to add more.
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-26)

The house I grew up in is in Staffordshire.

I've had a couple of experiences there, but none related to this incident. 😊
caitlinmooneyx (2 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-26)
Where abouts in the UK is this if you don't mind me asking? Like roughly...
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-25)

I guess I'll never know for sure who they are and I'm not in a hurry to find out. They really did creep me out that last night.

Of course, every night for a long time after I did look out for them, but if I can remember correctly, I slept with my sister for a few nights afterwards.

Whether it was a warning or not, I have definitely experienced a voice telling me of imminent danger that if I hadn't have received I'm not sure whether I'd be alive today. 😊
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-25)
I don't think these people were your parents. It's interesting how your feelings for these spirits changed, and as soon as it did, they approach you like never before, telling you to leave with them. I think your last emotion for these people were accurate. It's kind of like a man going to rob a store, but right before he does it, his senses tell him that something terrible will happen if you continue towards the store. I actually think this 'sense' or 'inner voice' is God warning us, but that's my opinion. I think you did right by running away, and thank you for sharing this great story.

JS aka Brandon 😊
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-25)
I don't recall experiencing OBE or astral projection as a child, but in my teens/early 20s I certainly had quite a number of occasions where I suffered from sleep paralysis. I'm intrigued by your own experience. Do you have it posted on this site?

I think you have hit the nail on the head. Maybe I did shut them out completely.

Thanks for your replies,

Lakota73 😊
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-25)
I have to agree with others on these visits being connected to a past life. As to why they never visited again after you refused to go with them, I think that when you refused you also shut them out and closedthe connection between you. Whatever allowed them access to your room was destroyed by your will, unconsciously, by your flat out determination to stay put.
Just my two cents 😊
ivory (9 stories) (77 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-25)
hi lakota I'm a bit curious, as a child did you ever feel an OBE or have you astral projected yourself?

Did you ever see them again after the night you refused to follow them?

Your experience remind me so much of what I experience during childhood where I see people that try to persuade me to follow them and when I refuse I ended up with a fever that only last for a couple of hours. It always happened between 5-6 pm everyday until my parents decided to hire a nanny so I won't be alone in our home (I'm used to be left myself on our home when my parents are working with just a neighbor that checks on me once I a while).
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Hi shellzy,

It seems the majority of readers think I did have a past life and this couple were connected to me.

I am totally clueless why they never returned after I refused to go with them.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading my paranormal experience.


Lakota73 😊
shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)

I agree with everyone, a genuinely creepy story! Past life did cross my mind when I read this too. Or perhaps you just reminded the couple of someone they knew when they were alive. Very interesting that they didn't come back after you refused to go with them.
I really enjoyed this and am sending to my favourites so I can read again when I feel like reading a spooky tale! 😊
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Weirdghost 93,

At the time I believed they weren't my parents as I didn't understand or even know about past lives.

Looking back it is possible I knew them from a previous life.

I'm definitely not adopted and have plenty of photographs as a baby with my parents and the man and woman in my room dressed very differently.

However it is an intelligent point you make. Thank you.

Lakota73 😊
weirdghost93 (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Hey. Maybe they were the parents of your past lives. My first impression was that you might have been adopted because your parents had died. Now I am thinking about your past life, I know it seems silly but this might be true. The stain might of been something to take your life away and go head with them. Maybe they were just crazy and when they were alive longed for a child and well you saw them and found something close to what they wanted in there lifes
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)

I'm not sure if I do/want to believe in past lives, but at the moment it is the only explanation for what happened to me, especially as this couple said they were my parents.

I can't understand why they chose to stay away after I got scared, but I'm glad they did and won't question their reasons!

I'm not sure what "job" they may have had for me, though.

Lakota73 😊
Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Lol...I know, it's a strange way to put it. It's my word for it.
The majority of us who believe in reincarnation believe that we chose to forget past lives because the memories would interfere with how we live this life. That's why I said karmic workout. Perhaps there is something you agreed to remember for a purpose to help in this life.
I hope you will keep us updated. Your story really has me curious as to the outcome/more experiences, etc...

Have a great day!
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)

A past life is the only explanation I can think of, too.

I've never heard of Karmic Workout, but maybe you're right.

Whatever the reasons for their visits, I'm glad they have stayed away.

Lakota73 😊
Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Hi Lakota,

I'm with Rabbit girl on this one.
I read your story last night and got the impression that you were viewing scenes from a past life.
Now re-reading your comments and seeing you have experienced other scenes I'm convinced. But, that is strictly my opinion based on the impressions I received.
I wonder if all these memories aren't having to do with a karmic "workout". By that I mean there is something you are suppose to "see" in order to progress/grow in this life. Just a thought. Take it as you will or toss it out.

Blessed Be. 😊
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Wow, I didn't expect to read so many comments. Thank you everyone for sharing your opinions as to who these people may be and the reasons for my experience.

Darkness: I don't recall any object in the bedroom they were attracted to, but an interesting theory.

Sds: not sure why they never appeared after the night they scared me, but relieved I never saw them again.

Unexplained: I believe there has ever only been fields where my old house now stands. Not sure why only I could see them. Maybe others have since. I dread to think what would have happened had I have gone with them. Their clothing appeared turn-of-the-century. I'd say Edwardian if I were to take a guess. Not quite as glamorous as Victorian.

RabbitHeartedGirl: great to chat here again. Your opinion counts. Maybe they were trying to tell me something, but I was so young I couldn't really understand much of what they were saying. I don't think the current people in the house have ever experienced anything. My parents sold the house in 1994 and from my experience in the mid 70s until the day we moved out, I never saw them again.

Lakota 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)

You have to enjoy the beat of a good 'Thumper' don't you? I've made a couple of comments and directed Liana to the Comment Guidelines... So we will just have to wait and see if the 'beat' changes.


Gargoyle (51 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
This is a great account. My hair was standing on end there.
Very mysterious. The previous life theory is interesting.
I look forward to more.
Liana, very medieval, maybe you should get out more?

RabbitHeartedGirl (2 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
Hey Lakota,

Maybe the man and woman were from your past life or even you were living someone else's past life at night time.

For example: If the man and woman thought you were their daughter and wanted to take you away then maybe that did happen at one time. Maybe they were showing you what happened and maybe wanted you to help them or solve some kind of mystery.

It would be interesting if you could find out who is living in that house now and if they have experienced anything? But I know that would be quite random to ask the new tenants that question.

I really like this story thank you for sharing. 😊 xxx
Unexplained (2 stories) (122 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-24)
An excellent story. Perhaps these people once lived on the site where your parents' property now stands. You mention a stovetop appearing whenever they appeared - perhaps your bedroom was in what used to be their kitchen.

Did their clothing seem older than the 1960s? Could they have come from a different century or just a couple of decades past?

What do you think may have happened to you if you had 'gone' with them?

Why do you think you saw these people and not your sister? I know that some people can pickup sound frequencies that others won't detect. Is it because some people can see such things and others cannot?

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