I don't know how this happened without my classmates knowing, but I will tell what happened. It started in grade 7 when I first started seeing things like that. I was in my class during our lunch hour around March 14-16. I was in my class eating when it started to rain outside, so we stayed inside our class for lunch recess as well and me and my friend Nicholas (Nick) were sitting face to face on our desks. Then all of a sudden I felt like time stopped because through my eyes no one moved or talked, and the clock didn't move either. Then I looked straight ahead and behind Nicholas, I saw a giant thing in a black cloak. I was shocked and it was like the back of my class broke off and disappeared and it was like he was in front of the top of a tornado. He came closer to Nick and he raised his fist.
Then I blinked and I jumped at Nicholas and pushed him off his desk and he fell onto the floor (still not moving) then I felt a cold fist on my back and my head. Then I blinked and it was gone. It was so creepy and scary and since then, I can see and hear strange things, my friends think it is a guardian angel, I think different. Thanks for listening and believe what you want but only I know the truth.