This happened when I was about seven or eight. My older brother, sister and, I would go down to this creek near our backyard to play. We would sit and catch tadpoles. Now, one day we went down there and there was this doll in the creek. I think there called Raggedy Ann Dolls, though I'm not sure. It was face down in the muck. It looked old and worn like it had been made in the late 1800's. Its clothing was torn and the back of the head looked like it had been burned. We really didn't pay any attention to it. We kept going about our usually routine of looking at frogs and catching tadpoles.
We then headed back to the area of the creek where the doll had been. I noticed, as did my brother and sister, that the doll had been moved. At first we thought that someone was tricking us. So, we passed by not thinking anything of it. Now I know this part is going to sound like I made it up but I swear it's the truth! The doll had turned and faced us as we walked passed. When we saw this happen we ran out of the creek. We tried to tell our parents what had happened but of course they didn't believe us. We decided then to never go back to the creek.
As a joke though, I was about to say I guess the stories about Raggedy Ann and Andy and all of Marcella's other toys were true! Lol But then I read the part about it being burned looking and then the joke was no longer funny because it wouldn't make sense to me. Lol