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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter S: Page 16

Still Waiting To Have Her Blood Pressure Taken by Arwen1957

Another story from the nursing home I work at. In the late summer of 2006 a new resident named Bert came to live there. She was very anxious and became at times very confused. At one time she even got on the phone at the nurse's station and called 911 saying she had been kidnapped. In spite of h...

Still Walking by Starlight

This happened about five years back during the summer time I believe. My cousins, Sukie and Katie, used to sleep over at my house a lot. I would say we were about ten and nine at the time this took place. My cousins and I had a sleep over at my house. We had decided to go to bed rather early that...

Still Walking 2 by Starlight

Here is another story to follow up my previous one. This happened two years after the first encounter, but this time was I very much alone. This time it also took place during the summer. I had been staying up late the other previous nights and I wanted to get back to a normal sleeping routine. I ho...

Still Watching Over Me by lawgrl

I just recently moved back to the old home place where I grew up. The house is no longer standing so I bought a trailer and put it on the six acres. My husband and I hadn't lived in the trailer but a few months when we had our first experience. My dog Pee Wee woke me up one night barking. It was...

Still Whispering My Name by Sora

My name is Sora and this is another one of my stories although I haven't had many, and I also apologize for the promise I made about the video because it never happened but now I have a different story. Although it's not my experience to tell but part of it really is my concern. The other day my mo...

Still With Us by makenna04

My story isn't a scary story, but it does have to do with a spirit. My late cousin died in a car accident in January 2011, both her and her best friend out of the five passengers. The truck was driving at high speeds on an icy road, drinking was involved, and the driver ended up losing control causi...

Stolen Sleeping Bag At Grandmothers House by sbolduc

This story isn't really scary, but it is so strange to me. My grandparents built a house in Maine when I was about 12 years old. It was not built on open land and the woods needed to be clear for the house. The house is set up on the second floor and the unfinished basement and garage below it. I we...

Stomping Around In The Darkness by SomeCallMeTim

In 1990-1991, I was the superintendent of an apartment complex in Rockville, CT. The "complex" was actually three buildings of varying ages crammed onto what had originally been the stately yard of the 1877 mansion at its corner. This mansion was where I had my apartment, 3 large rooms that had orig...

Stomping Feet by LordRhodium

I posted here about the interaction between my son Cameron and the ghost of a little girl that I saw in the hallway of our house. There is one other aspect to the situation in my house that I want to address, I don't think that it is the same spirit simply because there is sort of brutish feeling he...

Stone by toosexysof

The story happened in the nice apartment my mother and I were renting in the 1990's. Three years had passed since my first encounter with an apparition. There were changes in our lives already. I was in high school, two male cousins four years older than I was and a lady house help of about the s...

Stone 2 by toosexysof

This story is a continuation of the previous one entitled "Stone" that occurred some months or a year after. Mommy's eldest sister, mother of a cousin who lived with us, stayed briefly for the summer. She worked in the province but was then taking her doctorate in Manila. Her son and my other co...

Stone Cold Figure by isabella8

Hey everybody, this is deepsha here... I have not really had many paranormal experiences... The one which I have had are really freaking me... So here is the thing... My parents don't usually stay home... They go for business. I have a sister who is 15 months older than me. These few days my e...

Stone From The Tomb by mangadanga

Occult related folklores, associated with the rural areas have always fascinated me. The incident that I am about to narrate, took place near a well known hill station. There are couple temples built in the 18th Century in the same district and tourists who visit the hill station mostly go to the te...

Stones at the Borley Rectory by cattee07

I have been to borley rectory about 6-7 times. Nothing ever happened until me 6th time. We went into the church yard to explore, when I heard something drop near me, about 5 feet away. At first I thought it had stared to rain. I ignored it. It then happened again, only this time I saw it, a stone ap...

Stop It Sammy by 52madison52

I lived by myself for now about 2 years. I have a dog who likes to pull stuff around. I have a big bed with lots of covers. I usually look forward to bed time. One night, I was nearly asleep, when the bed started to shake. "SAMMY!" I shouted, that was my dog's name. The shaking stopped. Then it came...

Stop Jumping On My Bed by EkoKay

I will start by asking a question. Are animal spirits common? A few years ago our cat, Scrappy, had her umpteenth litter of kittens. Scrappy had moved them under the bed in my father's room. I was seventeen at the time and was in charge of taking care of my brother while my father worked. At 5:30 in...

Stop Sign by desc06

This is my first post, but it is the strongest encounter with the beyond that I've experienced. I was around 11 years old when it happened. I was not tall enough to ride in the front seat yet due to the air bag so I took my seat in the back of my mother's Lumina. We were on our way to my aunt's h...

Stop Talking... Let Me Sleep by justlovely

My entire life I lived in the same house. Family members would always talk about weird occurrences in different parts of the house, but I never had anything happen. I always went along with the stories, but I never really believed it. Until recently. I moved with my boyfriend this past august. I...

Stop Touching Me by chickengirl2468921

We recently went on a road trip on the east coast. We were in the car, me on my phone, playing one of my favorite games, my little sister, who is 9, was playing an intense game on her iPad, and my parents in the front talking. We had to drive for another hour before we got anywhere. Suddenly my ...

Stop With The Scratches by Hopeful23

Recently my parents have decided to get the basement carpeted. You might remember this basement from another story I submitted about hearing footsteps on the concrete and having paint can knocked over by an unknown object. I assume that the ghost might be at it again. With all the workers going down...

Stories - The Tree, The Man And The Mob Cap Woman by ladycastlemaine

Here are a few short stories from people close to me. Last December my boyfriend and his mum were driving on the roads between Chelmsford and Ongar, in Essex. It was a dark winter evening and they were passing by a cluster of trees on the left. In the beam of the headlights, an apparition drifted...

Stories At My Grandmothers House by yzuu444

This story is told from my maternal grandmother's experience. This is a true story. My grandmother was in her house which was close to Vehari. This took place when my mother was a young child. So my nano (grandmother) was in her room and she called her maid, let's call her Fatima, my nano called he...

Stories from my Fiance by MOTHERPANN

This story was told to me by my fiance, I have known him for 15 years and I know he is not teasing me because he is a serious person who is not known to tell tales just to be noticed or to be self-important. When he was in his late 20's early 30's (he is now late 60's) he was working part-time a...

Stories From My Life by EkoKay

Where to start? My family and I have had dozens and dozens of experiences. I can't really talk about them to people I know, so I figured I would to people who really have no idea who I am and won't judge... I'll just put some that actually had an impact... When my brother was younger, he had an...

Stories From My Past by Bearscat

This happened in the town of Binalonan, Pangasinan. It was getting dark when my friend and I walked up the walkway to my uncle's house where I lived. I saw a skirt floating in front of us. It was kind of transparent, striped with colors. I pointed it out to my friend but she could not see it. I told...

Stories From Our Deck by Wish-Not

I have mentioned in my previous stories that we are lucky enough to live in a fairly rural location in Arkansas. The house sits on top of a ridge with the back of the house pointing due North. Our deck is on the back side and offers a beautiful view of the farmlands below. For this reason we spend a...

Stories Of My Life by Sar-osity

I'm not very good at telling stories, but here goes. All of these stories are mine, and have happened to me over the years, not very scary but I hope you like them. I have been able to hear, see, and "sense" things for as long as I can remember. I have a few stories in this but I'll try to keep them...

Stories Of My Life 2 by Sar-osity

This is full of other stories like my last post, they're not in chronological order, just the order in which I remember them. I'll try to keep them short. And I am sorry, I'm terrible at describing things, and writing in general. I don't remember exactly when this happened, but it was in my old a...

Stories that May Have a Deeper Meaning by pinkpantherclue

I'm not saying my house is haunted. Because that would (most likely) be false. But I can put my finger on some weird things that have happened. My Dad has also only had one "ghostly" experience. Weird, too, because he is 53 and has had all the chances in the world to have a paranormal experience. ...

Story About A Ghost Cat by phenonw

This is a story about a ghost cat. This happened to my mother and her first husband shortly after they were married. They were married in 1928; my mother was eighteen years old. They rented a farm not too far from both sets of parents around Stigler, OK. There was no electricity; they used cold oil ...

Story Of A Blood Sucking Evil by aadiz_aadi

I'm pretty new to this site, and what I'm about to share is the one and only weird experience I had in my life so far. I apologise in advance if the narration is too long. I also request you all to ignore the grammatical errors. My name is Adithyan, and my native is a place called Angadippuram, ...

Story Of My Life by sararanye

Ever since I was young my mother would say that I would sit down in an empty room (we moved a lot due to various uncontrollable situations) and talk to something that she could not see. I never found it weird or anything, I would talk to this entity who I called "Rebecca". I have done research tryin...

Story Of My Life - Literally by Miss_Nia-Marie

I suppose I should start by supplying a bit about myself. Being only 20 years old, I completely understand why some of you won't even try to take me seriously and there's absolutely nothing I could say that would change your mind. For those of you who are willing to listen and give me a chance, I'd ...

Story of Possession by Anonymouse

I will tell you about the different spirits or demons that have possessed me over the years. My first possession happened when I was 12 years old, it was around 3:00 o'clock and I was taking a nap, suddenly my body starts shaking and I feel paralyzed, I open my eyes and there's this "thing" next to ...

Story Of That Girl by The_Dark_Soul

After that scary experience in the haunted building, I was very intrigued to find out more about these para/supernatural dimensions. As the saying goes, the more Unknown it is, the more Attractive it is. I was attracted to these less explored worlds and therefore wanted to do some digging by myself....

Stoughton, Spiders, And Other Shenanigans by waltrow1274

My sister P had, is having, a rougher life than most people. She is a single mother of two and has been diagnosed with this illness that requires her to be labeled as 100% disabled. She's a workaholic, so this diagnosis was especially upsetting, not only will her body not let her do what she loves, ...

Strange Encounter by theTRU1

I was alone, and it just turned dark, about 7:30pm, my mom was at my aunt's house, and my dad was working on a car at my grandmother's house. I was making some soup and some bbq meat to eat. At about 9 o'clock, my power went out. I ran out of my house and went to the breaker box to trip the power ba...

Strange Activities by DeviousAngel

After a long period of inactivity, the weird experiences I've had the past few days seemed to bunch together in order to make up for the uneventful month I've had overall. The first experience occurred last week Friday at around 7 or 8 p.m. My fiancé and I had just ordered our food at the drive-...

Strange Activity In My Family Home by rescueblonde

I've been reading stories on this website on and off for years. I've now decided to join and share my story in hopes that maybe someone else has had the same experiences or can help shed some light on what's happening. I'll provide some background information first. I'm currently 17 years old. I...

Strange Activity In My House by bsyks

This is my first story that I have posted on this site and I hope you will find it interesting. This post involves some of the strange occurences that have happened in my house. There are two notable events that I would like to talk about in this post. The first occurence happened when I was in m...

Strange And Electrifying by alandhopewell

From late 1989 until July of 1991, my apartment at 1444 Broadway in Lorain was the site of numerous unexplained phenomena. A lot of it dealt with the odd behavior of electrical and electronic devices when on the premises. These were but a few. I was waiting for company one Friday evening-among o...

Strange and Horrific Faces on my Walls by donnalee

I moved into this house 3 years ago with my 14 year old daughter and my husband. Soon after we were settled in, my camera phone on a flook took a picture of the carpet in our bedroom, the face were horrific and scary, I started looking with my camera phone all over the house and sure enough there ar...

Strange And Paranormal by skayee

On the night of Halloween my house burnt down, so my family and I moved in with my step-dads mom. The house we moved in was built in the early 70's. It had this haunting feel to it. There was one room no one ever would go in and it was the attic, it was refinished and everything. Living here some ve...

Strange And Unexplainable Occurences In My Home by Adhelia1116

Hi, this is the first time I've ever asked for advice or comments on what I have experienced. Until now, I have just prayed and tried to move on with my life thinking that these incidents have some sort of rational explanation. I never sought other people's comments since I thought that I was the on...

Strange And Unusual Happenings For Me by kariorit

I currently live in rural Kentucky, and we've been at this residence for the past 7 years. It was a home placed on the vacant land; as far as I know there has never been any home on it before. I don't know the history of the land, however. Let me say first off, I am not usually a bit sensitive. I...

Strange Apartment by Hannahalexandra

So I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend about a few months ago; however, some really strange things have been happening lately. In my kitchen we have this old coffee mug full of spare change: nickels, pennies, etc. Around maybe 8:00 pm I heard this noise come from the kitchen, almost sound...

Strange Apparition In My Room by saronamith

It all began when I was a kid; I lived in a small house in an estate with my mother, father and my baby sister. I'm not sure what age I was but it would have been when I was in school in junior infants. My mother used to always say to my father that she thought I was possessed jokingly mainly becaus...

Strange Appearance by bushrakh88

It\'s my first time writing my story on a website and gathered up the courage after discovering this website and reading all stories after weeks. I really like reading ghost stories and watching horror movies and never had a scary experience however I had a very strange happening in my aunty\' s hou...

Strange Attack by Nightgoddess

I have so much to say but everytime I try to write there are too many stories coming in. Anways, lately my dad has been gone during the weekends working down at the beach and leaving me at home. For a while it was the normal hearing of sounds or just a glimpse. Well one night it was different. My fr...

Strange Awakenings by Abercrombie

Lately I have been waking up really early in the morning for no reason. And it's really dark, like 1 a.m. and when I go to see what time it is, it's like someone is following me and watching me. And every time I turn around, nothing is there. Last night actually, after doing my rounds after I wok...

Strange Behavior And Random Noises by SoullessMuffinz

Lately, strange things have been happening. My dog, Lucy, has been growling at places like she did at the corner that one night I mentioned in my last story. One day before school, I was sitting on my living room couch (the same couch where my first story occurred) and she was laying on the floor in...

Strange Being In My Apartment by kattgaines

So to start off, I moved into my friend's spare room in her apartment about 5 months ago. The first week I lived there she claimed to have woken up in the morning and saw a dark figure on the ceiling about her bed. The next day she claims to have seen the being again upon waking up. Only this time i...

Strange Breaths And Movements by ellie7

I am 15 years old and I lived in a house which I believed had ghosts living with me. I was the only person out of my family that experienced the events. I am the youngest in my family and I get scared of things like this quite easily. My mother and I both believe in ghosts. My dad had been living in...

Strange Breeze by cbcorysgirl

I am 23, years old now and living in Las Vegas. When this story took place I was about 13 or 14 and living in Virginia. My Aunt before she built her current home lived on her husband's mothers land. She owned a beautiful old mansion on a farm of at least 100 acres. My aunt and uncle lived in a cotta...

Strange Bright Figure by KC24X

This happened in my old house in Essex. It was a pretty freaky house anyway before this happened, because you never felt like you were on your own in there. So this weird thing took place in my bedroom when I was about 4-5 years old. It was quite late and I remember needing a drink and it was on...

Strange Bright Lights & Black Headless Figures by BARBARABARBARA

Prior to seeing this BRIGHT LIGHT, I witnessed a glass dish which sits on top of a candle holder move by itself and get placed on the counter. I remarked out loud, "I know I am not here by myself". I placed the dish back on top of the candle holder. Later, I was in my bedroom talking on the phone an...

Strange Chanting From The Light House by LoveParanormal

This is my third story on this site. I have experienced this kind of strange phenomenon long back in 2004 when I was out for morning walk with my maternal grandpa at around 4:00am-4:30am. I would firstly like to tell about the area where my grandpa resided. The area was actually industrial and ve...

Strange Childhood Experiences by SammyToucan-

I've been a bit nervous with telling my own weird experiences but I thought it was about time I should. I only have had a couple of strange things happen in my life but they have stuck with me cause of how freaky they were. My first experience occurred when I was around three years old. As with b...

Strange Christian Crosses On My House's Doors by watercross

I had never seen or experienced something that was really paranormal until I saw 3 Christian crosses on my house's doors two years ago. They were not real crosses as they were not made of wood but painted with water. I am still wondering why they were there and more importantly, who made them. I fou...

Strange Clown Toy by cmdusty

Now, him a person that has to see to believe in something. I've been very doubtful about the paranormal until recently. I stay at my best friend's house all the time and he's even seen as a relative. The house they live in is on a main road but when they bought it they found out that a person h...

Strange Coincidence Or Not? by Ally1290

Lately some weird things have been going on in my apartment. Just some relevant information, I live in an apartment with my mom and brother when I'm not away at College. I normally hang out in the living room and hadn't noticed anything strange until these past few months. I've been trying to dismis...

Strange Coincidence Or Something Else? by VeronicaMarie

In 2007 I was going through a very rough time, due to a severe anxiety disorder that I have. One day I was trying to distract myself from the obsessive worry and went online to look at wallets, as mine was falling apart. I've always loved those little inexpensive brocade wallets and billfolds with t...

Strange Conversation in Jennisons Cemetary by whitebuffalo

When I was about eight years old, my family went in search of the "lost graves" of our ancestors. We all have lost graves. They are the ones that have been documented as being in one town and they are actually in the one across the bay. This usually happens to those that have gone long before us whe...

Strange Creature Spotted by scarypizza

This is a real incident experienced by me and my younger sister. We stay with our parents on the topmost floor of our building. I and my sister were home and along with us, were her friends, on one evening. It was raining heavily that time. When the clock struck 8.30 pm, the lights went off. An...

Strange Directionless Music by ai1265

First off, I'd like to say that while I have had a certain fascination with ghosts, ghost stories and spirits ever since I was little, I have never put much stock in them; or rather, I have not wanted to. I am by nature a very jumpy person. Reading accounts of ghost sightings, even if it interests m...

Strange Dog-human Hybrid by StarkDublinSigma

This all happened to me a long time ago I was about six when it started, and I'm now 23, and I haven't told many people this because I don't want them to think I'm crazy. So on to what happened, when I was six my parents found this dresser in the attic of our house. Me not having enough for clothes ...

Strange Dream by BlueFyre11

My name is Madyson. Here is my story. I was asleep and having the strangest dream... I was in a room. The door was locked with chains, the window was boarded shut, and the light bulb was smashed. I sat up and looked around. There was 10 people sitting around me with there heads down and there eyes...

Strange Dream Or Did My Grandfather Visit Me? by Featherkat

This is my first story on here. About a year ago my grandfather died and about a week later I had a weird dream. In the dream I was in our kitchen getting something to eat. We have a window above our sink and suddenly I had the urge to look at it. As soon as I did a young man, about 25-30, popped up...

Strange Dream Or Something Else by lexi-loo

I don't have many experiences to share but I remember this one very well. It was a few years ago now. I was on my early twenties, still living with my parents. I'm pretty sure I was asleep. I was in bed, I was lying on my back but it felt like someone was lying underneath me with their arms wrapp...

Strange Dreams And Hidden Meanings? by MrsCollett

I don't know what to make of this but when I tell people about it they find it fascinating. When I was pregnant with my daughter I would have these reoccurring dreams that would involve my late Great-Grandmother standing before me but some distance away holding the number 23, behind her stood my ...

Strange Encounter by Sionysus

This story takes place a few years ago in my suburban home. This house probably hasn't been around more than 20 years, and nothing sinister that I know of has taken place here before us moving in. As a young boy, I was very much interested in the supernatural, and I played with Ouija boards and ...

Strange Encounter With An Entity by M00nchxld_

I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on an event. Recently (past 6 months) I have been experiencing a strange interaction with a spiritual entity. Experiences have ranged from hearing a monotone bird-like whistle at early times in the morning while I'm outside (5:30). If I choose to ign...

Strange Energy by Umi_Tamashii

A friend of mine decided to stay over at my house for the night due to the fact that I live way out of town. The night went well; playing video games, eating unnecessary amounts of junk food and bothering each other were the usual activities. We decided to go to bed at about 1:30am. My room was ...

Strange Entity That Has Bothered Me And My Cousin by briii123

This whole entire story tends to make me doubt my sanity in it's entirety. It started of with my cousin saying that someone contacted her through her mind. I felt that was strange wholeheartedly in the first place, but it wasn't until later that things started to become real for me. There was...

Strange Episodes by Rekked

I had these strange experiences when I was a child. I would Wake up at night only to find out I couldn't scream, and then someone (dressed up as a person with a white table cloth around him) came into my room and put me in a bag, I did not only have these episodes while in my bed but also when I ...

Strange Events At A Funeral by sanjubhat

The events that I am about to narrate happened in Pune, India during my Engineering days. I shall give a brief background of the characters associated with this incident for the benefit of our readers. Paru, Anand and Lalat were my best friends during my junior college days. We were inseparable...

Strange Events At My Aunts by jba

When my Uncle and Aunt lived local to my family I would often house sit when they went away on their adventures around the world on the Catamaran they used to work on. This was always something I loved doing for them. I would look after their cat Floyd and their Golden Retriever Pup Benji. The la...

Strange Events At Sloss Furnaces by blindfire24

Sloss Furnaces is located in Birmingham, AL. It produced iron for nearly 90 years and is now a national historic landmark. It is a very awesome place to visit and I encourage anyone interested in history to take a tour. My boyfriend and I recently visited there for the 2008 'stokin' the fire' fes...

Strange Events Beyond My Grasp by Argette

All my life I have experienced or witnessed the unexplainable. I always brushed them off, until I began researching them on the internet about 18 months ago. It started with a sleep paralysis experience and a host of experiences I pretty much ignored for many years. These experiences led me to be...

Strange Events In Thailand by LondonLady

In September 2005, I was studying at Derby University for a BA Degree in Tourism, as part of my dissertation I was looking into the effects of the tsunami and the socio-economic impact on the area of Krabi in Thailand (a popular tourist destination.) I had a close relationship with a Thai family, ...

Strange Events... Is There Something Evil? by TimDefacto

First of all I will apologize for the possible grammar mistakes. Unfortunately English is not my native language. I had experience that I could neither explain to myself nor disprove. It all happened in 2009. At that time I lived with my mother in our apartment. There was only one living room an...

Strange Experience by XxTwistedAngelxX

This is my first voilent ghost experience. The other night I was trying to get to sleep. It was about 12:00AM and I suddenly felt really cold. This was a little surprising as, even though I have a cold, I had a thick dressing gown on and a water bottle with me. Then I leaned so I could itch my back....

Strange Experience In Classroom by Laurax

I'd like to thank everyone for helping me with all your comments on my last story. Thankfully, I have had no other strange experiences, until a couple weeks ago. It was my last lesson, English, and it was the end of the day and the lesson. So everyone was getting up and packing up there things. No...

Strange Experience In Our New Home by galleygal

Let me preface this story by saying that although I'm a great lover of ghost stories, including true ones such as those found on this site, I am normally reluctant to immediately leap to the conclusion that ghosts or demons are responsible for unexplained phenomena... But in this case, I'm simply st...

Strange Experience In The Parking Lot by unforgiven1

I've been thinking about posting this story for awhile now but I am worried about not being able to explain it well enough. I used to be very frightened about this but now that I am older I'm curious if anyone else has had an experience like mine. This took place around 16 years ago, before I move...

Strange Experience My Mum Had by bob_the_awesome

This is my second time writing on this site, but this isn't something that happened to me. After the feedback I got from my first story, and all the help I received, I think I should post this and see what the reactions are, to help my Mum work out what happened that night. I think this will be a pr...

Strange Experience? by munchie

So after having a deep conversation about Christianity with my boyfriend I found myself alone downstairs doing work because I had a deadline today and had a lot of work to do. But I was quite upset because he was asking me these questions and I feel like I've missed out on something everyone should ...

Strange Experiences by dinoz0r

This morning I awoke at around 7:30 to find my bed trembling slightly. I could feel the vibration as I sat up and leaned on my arm. I checked my bed to make sure there was nothing on it that was vibrating, i.e. My phone. I also checked on the other side of the wall, which is the bathroom but nothing...

Strange Experiences At My In-laws' by Utopiandream2009

I found this site a few days ago and have debated sending my story in, but have decided it can't hurt. Just a little back information. I have always been a little sensitive and have seen things and experienced things I couldn't explain since childhood. I had thought I had lost my sensitivity when I ...

Strange Experiences at Night by eternix

Hi everyone, I'm writing about some weird things I've experienced. They have all happened in my apartment, and usually around midnight. I've woken up around 12 o'clock a couple of times, and I once woke up at around 12:21 three times in a row. One of these times, I woke up and since I was sleepin...

Strange Experiences At Uncles by jbrown

I was visiting my uncle in Sacramento with my brother and dad. My uncle lives in my (deceased) grandparent's house. Upon entering the house, I didn't feel heaviness or anything strange in particular, it's a nice house with a 50's kind of flair, except for the more modern renovations he has made. ...

Strange Experiences In The 90 Year Old House by xdreamerx

Back at the age 17 I never really believed in ghosts until I lived in this 90 year old house. I had many strange experiences in this house. I have been physically punched and felt like the air was taken right out of me. And I would have really strange dreams. One dream I remembered having at lea...

Strange Experiences In The House by Mhannerism

I've been a reader here in this website for a year or two because I love ghost stories but it doesn't mean that I believe in ghosts of any kind. I just find it entertaining to read. This is my first time to post here because I badly need an answer. I don't know if this is paranormal I'm experiencing...

Strange Experiences Of Mine by Daniellerw

To start off, I'm 17 years old now and have a brother and a sister who are both older than me. I never lived with my dad. So when I was quite young we lived in a different house with a long hallway and me and my sister shared a room right at the end. I was always the first to be put to bed (I sle...

Strange Experiences That I've Had by MzD

1. When I was a little girl, no older than 8, my parents shared an old house with my aunt and uncle. What really stuck in my mind was the bedroom I slept in, which I shared with my parents. It was a very big room and my bed was pushed right up against the wall. Even as a little girl I remember feeli...

Strange Feeling by doc

As I am writing this story, I am currently house sitting for my brother. Yesterday, before I went to work, I was in the living room and had just turned off the television. When I turned the television off, I noticed a shadow going through a corner of the room. I saw the shadow as it was disappearing...

Strange Feelings And Sounds by toriT22

Its me again! My last story was about a little girl standing in my doorway. Well this time it's different. I have a sister and three brothers. My sister is 9 and my brothers are 11, 6, 1. I am 13. In my first story I forgot to mention them and their ages. I don't want to say their names because my f...

Strange Feelings Ans Doppleganger? by aysen100

I remembered back in my old house in the rural Phillipines that I was always being watched by someone or something. I was told that as a kid I used to see paranormal things. I was waving at someone at the open field with apparently with nobody. Back home it didn't bother me about this strange fe...

Strange Figure by Sense

There were many times when I have came face to face with a ghost. In my old house I used to always see this ghost looking figure in my hallway. My family used to always bring up ghost stories about the house, but I didn't pay it any attention because I thought that was the past. But one day I was in...

Strange Figure In The Picture by nicktheman

My girlfriend recently moved in with me into my house. I bought this house back in 2009. I never really noticed anything out of the ordinary, but then again I'm not the most observant guy in the world. Well recently some strange things have been happening. We were hearing big bangs, we'd go to inves...

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