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Ghost Stories in Category: Haunted Places: Page 10

Unmarked Graves Found After Lots Of Ghostly Activity by Klh834

The farm house I lived in growing up is quite haunted. It started with small things, like objects disappearing from obvious places only to be found in abnormal areas where no one would ever think to put them. For example, I came home from school, dropped my bag on the kitchen table and went to chang...

The Challenge by Anshu1990

It all started with a silly challenge. This story dated back to summer of 2007 on the year we appeard our board for 10th. My cousin and a couple of friends were sitting on the roof and planning for the next set of mischief when the topic of ghost and supernatural started. There is a place in our loc...

Piano Asking To Be Played by BettinaMarie

I have never claimed any psychic abilities, but I am of an opinion that we as a species just rarely use or rely on these senses in our safe, convenient, mechanical modern environments. Additionally, I have trusted friends who can straight-up see spirits. I never have seen a ghost with my eyes and th...

The Perfect Orange Peel by Jubeele

A few years ago on a sultry afternoon, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my mother at her flat in Queenstown. We were remembering departed family members and friends from times long past over a pot of Chinese "oolong" tea. The fragrance of the black tea rose before us in little wisps of hot, c...

The Haunted Apartment Building by universal_skies

I was born in Kherson, a small town in Ukraine that is often forgotten amongst bigger cities such as Kiev and Odessa. My family and I lived in a huge apartment complex which had a rich history of deaths and accidents. It was originally built on a graveyard during the Soviet times, leaving once burie...

Broadway Metroplex Friendlies by BettinaMarie

Back when I was young and punk, I worked at a movie theatre in downtown, the Broadway Metroplex. The original Broadway Cinemas had been torn down to build a skyscraper where the new theatre was located. The new box office was on a street level corner. Past the doors behind it was an elevator and a w...

Unknown Walker Of The Stairs by terranigma

This account happened on the 23rd of March, I had wanted to update earlier but have been tired from working nights at my new place of work. I have move into a boarding house that shares rooms with four other guys, most are the shady sort and are either on drugs or alcohol. The atmosphere of the h...

New Experiences by spiritwaiting

I will begin with this, my family and I have recently moved into a nice little cozy home two blocks away from the last one. I knew it was ours when the first experience took place. So here goes... Coincidence is the only way I can describe this, but I don't believe in Coincidences only Univ...

The Riddled Hill by Jack_D_Reaper

This goes back to the year 2003 when I was in 8th grade. I live in Mumbai and back then we group of friends used to explore the outskirts of my city by bicycles whenever we had free time during our holidays. It was one of such days and we have started our journey in morning somewhere around 9am. ...

Silhouettes And Shivers by Fergie

Surprise, surprise! We had only been at Nicky's home for a couple of hours when I had my first 'experience'. All members of our little family were still present. But let me start at the beginning. Nicky, our eldest daughter, had once more asked me to baby/house-sit for her. She, and a long-tim...

Trying To Get Attention by Lydia_Deetz

I have had several strange things happen to me before but that was back when I still lived with my parents. Since moving out and living in several houses, I have had nothing to happen until about 6 months ago. I was home alone, it was around 6pm and I was chopping up vegetables for dinner. My do...

Empty Hallway by pjtots

Greetings to everyone! I've been an avid reader on this site for a year, and I have now decided to make an account and publish my story. And note, this was my first experience. More to follow. And by the way, just for details. I am a Filipino, and this happened in our old home in Dubai. I was ...

Encounter At Maple Hill Cemetery by MN_Wanderer

Last year (April 2017) after a particularly brutal semester of Graduate School, I decided to take a week off from work and spend it in Northeast Minnesota along the shores of Lake Superior. I spent the first half of my vacation in Duluth & Two Harbors doing some hiking, mountain biking and other act...

The Ghostly A$$ Kicker Again? by roylynx

I was walking from the old studio to the mall nearby my old home. I took my Cajón along since I had to maintain it. It was late evening around 8ish. The wind was cool and the street was quiet, I had to walk home since the place where I am now is no longer close by the "free" car park (I think it wa...

Unnatural Sound On Mt. St. Helen's by BettinaMarie

What happened in this story scared the bejeezies out of me, and seven years later I am getting creepy goosebumps trying to write it. Probably, it won't seem scary to readers. For us, it was very unnatural and frightening. If anyone could explain this or has experienced it, I would be grateful for yo...

Smorgasbord Of Paranormal Activity by saxichan_2002

We are experiencing a lot of different random paranormal things lately (for the past year) ever since my Mom's boyfriend died of cancer. For example: I woke up one night in our house to hear voices. It was a man and a woman. They said they were going to "wear us" (wear our skins) and skin walker...

I Think My Sister May Be In Danger by Matt45950

In 2013 me and my mum moved into a house where the previous owner, an old lady, died. Recently, since I personally moved in 2014, strange things have happened. First, an awful lot of banging would occur. This would mainly be at night and after the first encounter, my cats wouldn't go downstairs....

Ghost Scared My Niece! by nalchen

This incident happened 5 years back when my sister moved along with her family to Chennai from Philadelphia. My sister has two kids (Lilly and Abraham with Lilly being the youngest). My sister was working in Philadeplhia for one of the biggest corporations and she had to take maternity off. After th...

The Black Mist by CuriousDee

I have already posted a few stories involving the house I grew up in and the resident spirit nicknamed "George". My two brothers and father still live there. The following incident was experienced by my brothers about 3 years ago. A quick description of the house location and layout: The hous...

My Closet Door by NEGuy

My story is pretty simple, although it might be a bit long-winded, so please bare with me. In the summer of 2002 I moved into a little apartment in a small town in Massachusetts. With the exception of the previous few months (thanks to lease complications with my former landlord) I had been out ...

Old Man by Zizzo

For those that know Johannesburg, Florida, there are a lot of town houses and complexes that are rather old. In saying that there are people that lived there for a long time and also died there as well. My brother after just getting married bought a two bedroomed flat in Florida. Beautiful flat but ...

Jealous Ghost? by MeatWallet

A couple weeks ago me and partner went to a ghost tour out near a place called Toowoomba. While there we picked up on a spirit of a child that was communicating through basically every device we had (EMF, dowsing rods,ovilus) we also found out he was following my partner to every building. It all st...

Money Mysteriously Disappears From My Wallet by mitana4east

I was actually searching for a solution for this particular problem of mine, when I came across similar stories and decided to submit mine. As the title of my story suggest, money keeps on disappearing from my wallet even when its locked and no one is there in the house. It has been happening to me ...

Scary House by Kate0001

My husband and I moved into a house in Simons Town, Western Cape in 2011. He worked abroad and I was alone at home most of the time, thinking back on visiting the house the 1st time with the estate agent, I should have trusted my sixth sense and walked out the door then and there. This is a do...

Bulls In The Attic by venvsinfvrs

So many experiences happened later on during all these years; but this probably is how it all had started. At the time of these events I lived with my parents in a rural location of Eastern Hungary. I was a little over 13 years and a rather introverted kid. I had no friends in the neighborhood, b...

Woke Up To A Ghost Of A Soldier Sleeping Next To Me by Saracaveret

I was living in Okinawa, and already aware of it's rich history, and hauntings. I lived off base in the top level of a two story house near the ocean. There are a few little things that occurred, and I still don't know what to make of them, but what I'm about to tell you is still a mystery to me. I ...

Let Me Tell You About A Girl Named Abigail by Dangslow

Abigail was the first Spirit that I had ever seen. You can read a previous story of mine about that, she was the girl who ran through my living room. Before I met Abigail, I was a skeptic. My Wife and Son could both see Spirits easily, but I dismissed their stories of the girl... I thought their i...

Terrorital Ghosts- Lacking Sleep by makenna2004

Things have been going on for awhile, but lately it has definitely increased. It started out this past summer with black shadows appearing before my boyfriend and brother, things moving with no explanation, and hearing walking or a girl's voice talking late at night. My brother on numerous occasio...

I Was The Only One That Noticed by Lydia_Deetz

I had a number of small things happen in my family home when I was a kid, but it seemed that they were either only happening to me or I was the only one noticing. This is a collection of short stories of these of occurrences. Footsteps The most common 'weird thing' that would happen was when ...

The Entity Of The Tree by Wiggling_sak

A little background about myself. I am a 22 year old Muslim girl living in Mumbai, India. This is my experience with the paranormal back in 2010 when I was 15. My family had moved to our new home a few months prior to this incident. Back then I was a very religious girl (not so much anymore). I us...

The Shining Twins by Lydia_Deetz

I was somewhere between the age of 11-14 and my father had hired Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, from the video store. This was when Video Ezy still existed and we had a joint DVD and VCR player. I walked into the rumpus room one day, and my father had already started watching the film. I am not ...

Meli The House Spirit by milky

I live with my boyfriend in a small, quiet townhome. It had only been built in the 90's, so there hasn't been a lot of activity with other spirits. Only every now and then I will see them if they come into my bubble of comfort. Most times I would have to ignore them for my own safety. But one consta...

I Inherited My Childhood Home by TheDirector

When I was little, me and my family lived in a small house in NSW (New South Wales), the house was pretty normal but by the time I became twelve things got strange. I have a Brother and a Sister and lived with my Mother, me and my sister got along pretty well so I always told her about the things th...

Hold The Door by Primordial-Trimurti

Actually, this is my second story to be published here, the first one was in my other account. Unfortunately, that account was 3 years ago and I did not open that account since then. It's probably lost in the deep web (let's hope this account won't get lost). Short introduction, I live in the Phi...

"the Kids In My Closet Are Back" by Mermz

In the late summer of 2010, I was working from home as an artist in Greensboro, NC. My daughter had just started back to school and my nearly 3 year old son was home with me full time. It was a hot and muggy late morning and I left my son in his room playing with his toy cars while I went to the ...

Empty Back Seats by roylynx

Sorry to bob up again with a simple but "mystic" encounter. I have moved out of my house to give my sister some privacy and live with my once very good friend, now my dearest. I have moved into a quiet apartment with my friend, she said she loved the place and it reminds her of her childhood. ...

Badass Grandmother by Sanguirina

Through the years growing up in Heidal, Norway, a small town loaded with its history of powerplays of old days and encounters after death, I have heard a small share of the stories told from generations to generations. In my first submittion " Some Kind Of A Door Was Opened That Night" I mention...

The Kids Are In School by CuriousDee

I have posted a few stories regarding my childhood house which is still active (my father and 2 brothers still live there). This incident involved my mother and father back in the early 1990's and creeps me out to this day. My parents' house (I still call it that, however my mother passed away i...

Haunted College Dorm? by kellyg1198

Recently, the college I attend has announced it will be demolishing the dorm I live in within the next year. The dorm building was first built in the 1960's. I live in a suite style set up where 6 total girls share a living area but have separate rooms. A couple days after the announcement was m...

Vatican Ghost by milky

I had taken my first trip to Europe in the summer of 2017. It was fun but I always felt on edge. There was so much history to the places I went; I was a little dizzy with it all. The first place we went to was Rome, Italy. It's a trip that still haunts me. We had arrived the night before and my mot...

Christmas In Siberia by Dreyk

Ah the holidays! A time for warmth, a time for joy... A time for sorcery, superstition, darkness and oh yeah, boredom. At least - it is in Russia. It was December at last in the far eastern Russian territory of Primorsky and I was VERY keen to experience a "Christmas" (or whatever they called it)...

Dead Village by Dreyk

After a couple months of searching, we FINALLY found a new place to live within the city of Vladivostok. We wanted to be near to both of our jobs, and be in proximity to at least a few stores. Neither of us owned a car, so when we found an apartment flat near the city's trolly network it seemed like...

Sounds When I'm Alone by NewbyKin

This is the first time I've written anything on this sight. I'm 21 years old, female, and I live in London, UK. This happened to me a few months ago (can't remember exactly when) but I honestly have no explanation for it. Our house is rather small, one bathroom and two bedrooms as well as a ...

Shattered Glass And A Creepy Little Girl by triden07

It has been a while since I have posted anything, just goes to show how quiet things were. Until now... My story takes place on the night of Wednesday 21 February 2018 (though it could have been in the wee early hours of Thursday 22 February 2018). Just a side note, since the house swop last year...

The Skeptic And The Playful Ghost by Bee_Beans

As I have mentioned in my previous stories we have had many paranormal experiences in our current house but they have mostly been positive/neutral. One of my favourite encounters happened to a friend of ours in our house. We are VERY close with J. He lives a few streets away from us and is at our...

Ghost Or Anxiety? by MiDL00

I have experience many ghostly encounters, some not so great and others that weren't so bad. One that sticks out to me this day that now makes me question if it was even paranormal or just an anxiety attack. This particular experience happened when I was around 6 but didn't last too long. We moved...

Big Foot And The Gang! by Pinka

The story I share today is what my brother experienced at his annex in Kaduwela, Sri Lanka. My brother is studying software Engineering at SLIIT, Malabe. Him and four of his friends rented a house in Kaduwela like most of the other students. It's a two storied huge house. The top floor is half way d...

It Wasn't Me, It Was George by CuriousDee

I've given a little background on my childhood home and the ongoing activity in my first story. This is an experience that scared and baffled me for years. It still does. The house I grew up in was active since day one of my family moving in (and still is). Immediately after moving in, my father ...

My Dad Won't Talk About It by jellybeaniekid

This is my first time uploading my experiences but this is mostly an account of what my parents and their old friends have went through in one of our old homes. We used to live in a flat above a pub that my dad owned, it was huge and had two floors; with my parents bedroom, the living room, my da...

10 Years Old And New House by robmkivseries70

My small contribution, which has led to some continued interest in the paranormal. We moved house when I was 10. Bigger house, two story, built in the late 40's IIRC. Early on I,at least, would hear my name called and it wasn't my mom. (Went and asked.) My younger brother complained of seeing faces...

Most Haunted Wisconsin? by gabriellesnotes

Alright, so I am not sure where to start so I will start with a little background on my story. This was in 2012, in Rothschild Wisconsin, I had found out that the original "idea" for the movie poltergeist was based on a house a block over from mine. It explained a lot of phenomenon that happened...

Periodic Experiences, What Is Going On? by LewNicol95

So, a bit of background. The house I currently live in, we moved into about 7 years ago now. I live with my parents and two brothers (I'm in my early 20s and my brothers are 18.) We live in a place called the Wirral, it's a little peninsula over the water from Liverpool. Ever since we moved in t...

Active Childhood House, Still Going Strong by CuriousDee

I grew up in an active house (I'm not a fan of the term haunted, probably because of the negative feedback after sharing with others). Many times the experiences happened to my mother and father. I've heard plenty from my parents, but also conversations where they didn't know I was eavesdropping. I ...

Don't Stay In The House Alone At Night by El

I have seen and heard things in this house before but I've never been bothered by it because in my village I'm known as " brave" so I'm embarrassed to admit I am terrified of what's happening. I know everyone that has lived in this house has stories about what they've seen. My uncle said he would ...

Hand Grabbing My Ankle In Shower by kk3boo

So my family moved here to Utah about four years ago and ever since there have always been these presences. Some of them were kind and helpful. A couple of them I was able to talk to as well and they never did anything other than protecting the younger children in my household. However the other n...

Is She Mad With Me? by Sarsem

For those who have read my previous story of my brother John, you might be aware of the young "girl" attached to him. This happened a few months ago and I would like to share with you. John has still been going through a tough time but had said that he hadn't seen the girl for a while. So I sugg...

Okay, That's Weird by saboy

Over the last 7 years, I (and some others around me) have experienced some strange goings-on. Each time I have thought, "Okay, that's weird", tried to find some rational explanation of what I've seen and/or heard and then I've forgotten about it in due course. Here is one such strange occurrence. ...

Phantom Vehicle by junemoonchild69

In August of 2006, I saw a "phantom vehicle" on Big Tujunga Canyon Road (Angeles Crest National Forest) in Sunland, California. It was late evening around 10:00 pm. My friend (who lives there) and I stopped by his home so he could pick up some of his belongings. We parked my Jeep in a small space on...

Satanists In Savannah by Zander

The year was 1986. I was dating a young man from a little town outside of Savannah, Georgia. Ours had been an immediate attraction but no one comes without a past. In his case his last relationship still haunted him, I could tell. It was never completely clear why they were not still together becaus...

The Queen Mary Kids? by SucculentMania

I am curious skeptic, it has always been a source of entertainment to watch paranormal shows like "Ghost Hunters" and the Saginaw, Michigan films made by "Prozak" (although I find Prozak's films to be a bit more difficult to debunk in certain cases). A California native, I have heard many times that...

The Crying Tree by nfw1993

This is a story my great Grandmother often told. When Grandma was young her family moved to a little town in Lincoln County, Missouri. The house they moved in to, unbeknownst to them was rumored to be haunted by the cries of an infant. They moved in and the first night as they lay down to go...

The Dark Place by Shadowwulf113

When I was very young, my grandmother told me a story of when she was young. She said that she had played with a ouija board and that strange things began to happen to her. I have often wondered if in some manner she had submitted me to a lifetime worth of encounters. This is the time that I had bee...

He's A Believer Now by WontTellYouMyName

This is something that cemented my belief in the supernatural. Bare with me because this might be a bit long but I guess it's worth it. It was around the second week of August 2017, only a couple weeks before my birthday and since my partner wasn't going to be in the country on my actual birthda...

The Odd Room In A Rather Sunny House by Amor

This is my first attempt to share a story here. I have been reading accounts here since 2013. I have Googled "ghost stories" and this site came up first. But it was only very recently that I decided to make an account and be a real part of the community. I have always looked for the most logical ...

The Shadows Near The Tree by Socracy5

This is actually my first story which I am going to tell and is actually based on the encounter of my best friend who lives in the neighborhood. This experience is neither terrifying nor horrific but I am scared though, and a little worried about this incident. So here we go, This first started o...

Door Closing And Noises by Friedrich94

First, let me introduce myself. I was born in Phoenix, AZ, in 1994. I lost both my parents and my brother before I was 18 years old, after which I moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and I've been living alone ever since. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Tech...

The Fish Dish by LuciaJacinta

Around the late 1970s, one of my grade school friends was named Moonchild. (Name slightly changed but extremely close to this name.) The family lived in an old Victorian home. It wasn't a dark or scary home but one filled with love and family and little kids. But, you could tell it was a home th...

The House In The Swamp by stargeezer

Long time ago I used to live in a small town called Negombo. It's on the western coast of Sri Lanka. It was a simple cozy little town where almost everyone knew everyone or everyone knew someone who knew everyone. It's a fishing town where most people are are Roman Catholic and you could find many h...

Ghost? Shadow Man? Both? by lolly200011

I'm new to this site and have signed up in hopes of seeing other peoples thoughts and interpretations of my experiences with a ghost and/or shadow man in my childhood home. I would love to hear you thoughts and read your own similar experiences. These things are fascinating to me and I hope you enjo...

The Blue Church by Mavvey

I have many paranormal experiences to share, so I decided I would do so in chronological order starting with my first ever notable experience. My Biological mother, who I no longer speak to on a regular or even yearly basis, was a self proclaimed 'Ghost Hunter.' While she was off across Ontario hunt...

Dollar Shop Ghost by DarkSoul94

I work at a dollar store just down the street from me. It's been there for over 10 years and it has been an ok first job. I get stuck with night shifts a lot, but in these instances it's been alright since most of the weird things that do happen are at that time. My coworker who was with me on thes...

Our Apartment Above The Hospital by Fariya

After a long time I am here, back again with my experiences. So this story is about the apartment we bought and moved into, after moving out of the apartment mentioned in my previous story "My Scary Apartment". This apartment was in the same city as my previous apartment, but was very far away f...

Ghost Made Bacon Sandwich by sophiethunder

I was home alone one day. I was not feeling well so I took the day off work. My boyfriend had already gone so that left me alone. I was watching TV when a loud humming started. Originally I thought this was the TV so I turned it off, but the humming continued. It was really starting to annoy me beca...

The Historic Courthouse by Lilwolf

A few months ago my husband Cuyler and I decided to go check out a building on my historic trip list, Yes as dorky as it may sound I have one of those. We decided to revisit a very beautiful small town called Blairsville. It is very simple with limited attractions but full of history. Completely...

Childhood House: Fear Of The Dark by Cosmica

This story happened directly to me, but as I was a toddler I don't remember it, just the consequences. With that said, this is what my mother and grandmother told me. When I was 3 years old, I started to cry a lot at night. The only way I would sleep was in my mom's arms and she had to be walking...

Followed To My Room by terranigma

I have so many stories and experiences to publish here that it almost becomes overwhelming when I think about it and mostly I just give up the thought of publishing more but this happened just this morning at 5am. My partner and I moved to Ashfield in Sydney's inner west NSW about 3 months ago. W...

I Grew Up In A Haunted Cottage by GhostGirlClara

When I was seven, nearly eight my Father got a job as a Handyman on a private estate on the outskirts of Stirling City, Scotland. The estate was very large and housed many buildings, an orchard and stables. The main house was home to retired men and my Father was in charge of it's maintenance and al...

Barbie Legs (help) by Sempiternal

This is but one of countless experiences of which I've bore witness. Being a Wiccan Initiate, it is vital that I keep the psychic door propped wide open (not that I could close it anyway). Being in the Four Corners area (New Mexico), paranormal occurrences are not so paranormal. But this is a strang...

The Creeper From Next Door by MsTeek

My partner and I live in a house his family have owned for generations. I have been told stories of paranormal events that have taken place in this house and have heard footsteps, knocking and voices but it had never bothered me because my partner believes that the spirits in this house are his f...

Strange Knocking On My Wall by JudyW

I live in a small home in the suburbs of Chicago with my husband and 3 cats. As far as I know, nothing bad has ever happened here but the home was built in 1954, so the possibility is there I guess, for a tragedy to have happened at some point. We always get the feeling of being watched, and excep...

Moving From One Strange House To Another by Mandee

The experiences in this particular house weren't nearly as obvious as something in my previous home moving dolls around but a few small things did happen. Myself, my partner, and my daughter moved into a house shortly before I gave birth to my son. The house seemed ordinary until we had been there...

My Three Different Types Of Ghostly Experiences by oddie

The first experience that I had was in 1983 I was eight. In our house the living room and dining room was just one big room with an old time heating stove with pilot light and when it kicks on all the burners come on to heat the house. We had a fan next to stove to help circulate the heat. I was on ...

My Brand New Haunted House by overrated_07

My father was in the Navy until I was 18 years old. Spooky things have happened in many of the places my family has lived, but our home in O'Fallon, Illinois was the worst. My parents planned on retiring from the military so they bought a brand new house. We lived here 2006-2010, my 8th grade to jun...

Violent Spirits And Possible Demons #2 by Toby

Mysterious Bruises- I nearly forgot about this experience, but a few weeks ago my sister, the same one that took the photo (that she deleted before I could get it), came into our room and showed me some bruises that she had on her upper leg. She found them strange because they looked like they were ...

Many Experiences In Different Locations by deefrao

I have had many experiences, after reading the guidelines I feel it best to put them all together in one story. My first experience was at my parent's home when I was 21. I had gone out on a date with someone my parents truly did not approve of, we had actually argued about me going out with the p...

My First Incident by Surya_Krishna_Kumar

I'm a kind of guy who doesn't believe in ghosts and all until I experienced it myself when I was doing my graduation. This happened on the month of December in 2014, In Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. Being a local guy, I've a big friends circle who all meets up in the evening at a cafe nearby my home ev...

Holiday Visitor by Oceana

Last year at Christmas, I went to Colorado for a holiday. I own a house over there so I stayed in that for the duration of the holiday. I got there on the 20th of December, at midnight so immediately I went to bed. In the morning I was woken up by this rapid banging on the front door. I opened it a...

Anastasia by LuciaJacinta

The first story I'd like to share (I have many) is about what I believe to be a residual haunting I experienced. This story is about a public library in the town I grew up in Pennsylvania. I wasn't sure if I should change the ghost name, but for this story, we'll call her, Anastasia. The libr...

Cebu City Ghost Revisted by wwooghostsub

Cebu City has for some reason or another an open gate for paranormal experiences for myself; this is the second experience I encountered since the fall of 2016. See "Dragging on the ceiling" for previous experience on this site. It was on November 15, 2017, that I checked into the Alicia Apartell...

Evil Or Not by Charlicejlacey

I am new to this site to seek some advice. Thanks for reading and (hopefully) giving some help to me. My story has started since I moved into my house, around 8 years ago. The house I lived in previously belonged to an old woman, whose family lived in the street as well. Sadly she passed away, a...

Soldiers Or Nurses? by LostGirl

This is my first post to this site, I hope you enjoy it! I've always been open minded regarding ghosts, having not had many experiences myself, but family members have had some truly terrifying things happen to them and I believe their accounts! I'd lived in the same house all of my life unti...

Old Home That Was Not The Home Of My Dreams by susanbrockerman

We lived in Missouri for about 20 years when we decided to move to a small town right by the river. It was a very old town and a lot of the buildings and homes were either falling down or being restored. We have a large family, 8 children so when I found this beautiful old home for a very reasonab...

My First Experience With A Ghost by Skattebol

After my parents were married, they bought themselves a nice house in a small town outside of Johannesburg, where they soon had my brother and me. Growing up, my grandparents on my father's side and my mother were all very open to the possibility of the paranormal being real, so I often heard all so...

Dolls Moving And Midnight Whistles by Mandee

These experiences happened when my daughter and I lived alone in an old house owned by a friend of my mother. Sarah wasn't much more than a toddler and I was heavily pregnant with my son. His father and I were technically together but we were still living separately until we could find a place to su...

Combative Hazed Aggression by Gh0stHunter

This was back when I used to "ghost bust" with friends. I was at home doing what I usually do in my free time, animate, when my best friend, Kaitlyn, gave me a call out of the blue. I noticed that I actually had TWO missed calls from her. Which was odd. I will admit I do get into my animating. I t...

Loveless Fanged Terror by Gh0stHunter

This was back when I used to "ghost bust" with friends. There is an old historical war marker that's just outside my town that I used to visit during childhood field trips that's 30 minutes out of town. It always fascinated me. For this trip, I had taken three close friends of mine, Nathan, Kait...

My Grandparents Farmhouse by kpshort73

Growing up being taught there were no such thing as ghosts, pop-pop's house proved us all wrong. I was 17 when we moved in to pop-pop's house. He had died about 3 years prior. I loved him and missed him dearly. I cried for years over him. It made it harder to deal with his death looking at all his...

Horror Sleep Over by susanbrockerman

When I was a little girl, first or second grade I believe, we moved to a small farming town in Colorado. I attended Elementary school there and did not have a lot of friends until one little girl with reddish brownish hair asked me to play. We soon became good friends and she asked me to spend the n...

My Experience While Staying In Iran by Kerry110

I went to Iran September 2016, I went to see my husband's family well his moms side. Me and my 3 children stayed there for a few weeks or so. The first few nights was ok sleeping, but then I felt spirits trying to contact me. It seems it's always when I go in to a relaxed state just before going int...

Wet Cross by Victorhdz

About 3 years ago I had went to work with my father. We worked that day until about 12pm. On our way home from work we get a call from my brother's wife, she was frightened! She had said that she dropped her twin daughters off in school and she came home went to bed, but something woke her up in the...

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